Sentences with phrase «pleasant side effect»

Like many others on a ketogenic diet, I find appetite suppression to be one of the more pleasant side effects.
Moving on, let's cover one not - so - pleasant side effect of pregnancy: an increase in vaginal discharge.
And making pharmacy less of a talking - point for comedians would be very pleasant side effect indeed.
The drug also has some reportedly pleasant side effects, such as euphoria.
I've found that controlling my weight and staying fit are pleasant side effects of the way I eat.
, but a very pleasant side effect to my intake has been a significant easing of pain in my knees and other joints.
Doing so had a pleasant side effect: It created connections with people outside of the industry.
It was a welcome relief and came with a pleasant side effect...
I've also noticed that a pleasant side effect of all of this is the fact that I've actually made more mom friends this way.
In some ways, sugar acts like a drug in the body, says Alpert, which is why eliminating it from your diet can bring on less - than - pleasant side effects.
It's known to have pleasant side effects that, until recently, we've all but forgotten about likely due to it's benefit to multiple biological systems.
However, it will result in some less - than - pleasant side effects, including gynecomastia, decrease in strength, sexual dysfunction, and infertility.
The fact that ketones increase when insulin is low is a pleasant side effect; it's not, however, the aim.
This has the pleasant side effect of making the wonderfully - animated enemy sprites look better, since their pixels aren't being blown up any more than they have to be.
The suspension smoothes the ride of your vehicle, making it more comfortable, but that is more of a pleasant side effect, however convenient, of its real purpose of absorbing the shock from the potholes and speed bumps you travel over in everyday driving, thus protecting the structure of your vehicle, ensuring that it doesn't fall apart due to the stresses of the road and its varying terrain, and keeping it securely on the road.
This dog was originally bred to work in the water and their calm personalities have come about as a pleasant side effect.
it is only a pleasant side effect.
In fact, this update is absolutely ripe with little tweaks and fixes — a pleasant side effect of Apple's new iOS beta program, no doubt.
HDR Video attempts to improve the poor dynamic range found on smartphone videos, which it does, and it has a pleasant side effect of lightening low - light capture as well.
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