Sentences with phrase «pledged delegates»

If I understand it correctly, people vote for candidate and the winner of that state primaries will have all votes of pledged delegates?
A candidate was eligible to receive a share of the state's pledged delegates if he or she won at least 15 percent of the votes cast in the primary or caucus.
By winning the California Primary, Clinton secured an insurmountable lead in pledged delegates, dashing the hopes of a 4th quarter comeback for Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.
Cuomo announced and signed the executive order shortly before marching in the parade today, and against the backdrop of a Democratic presidential primary in which Clinton has a nearly insurmountable lead among pledged delegates, but has lost a string of recent primaries to Sanders heading into an unexpectedly close contest in California on June 7.
According to New York GOP spokeswoman Jessica Proud, the state's Republican Party only includes pledged delegates.
The list of Trump - pledged delegates also includes U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa, a Republican whose district includes portions of San Diego county.
First, the Convention floor erupted in chaos when «Never Trump» supporters attempted (unsuccessfully) to force a roll call vote which would allow pledged delegates to abandon Trump as the nominee.
According to popular vote or pledged delegate count (not counting superdelegates); see below for detail.
After a sweeping win in the U.S. Virgin Islands on Saturday, in which she picked up all seven pledged delegates at stake, Hillary Clinton is now just 60 delegates short of the 2,383 needed to clinch the Democratic presidential nomination.
Having 1237 or more pledged delegates is mainly useful in that it allows Trump to pivot to the general election secure that he will be nominated.
State Republican Chair Ed Cox placed Pataki on a list of pledged delegates ahead of a meeting of the party's state committee in Albany on Wednesday, sources said.
In terms of pledged delegates, Clinton holds a lead of 1,310 to 1,094 over Bernie Sanders (2,382 delegates are needed to win the Democratic nomination).
Even though Clinton had a 1,758 to 1,076 lead over Sanders in pledged delegates and superdelegates going into the primary, Sanders had won seven of the past eight primaries and Clinton was looking to stop his momentum in her home state.
She leads him 1,279 to 1,027 among pledged delegates, those elected in the primaries and caucuses to represent their state at the summer conclave — but has the backing 0f 469 superdelegates, party insiders who support the candidate of their choosing, to his 31.
California offers 475 pledged delegates, the biggest haul of any state.
A libertarian, Mr. Thiel is a pledged delegate for Donald J. Trump for the 2016 Republican National Convention.
Sanders currently trails Clinton by about 300 pledged delegates.
Clinton still leads Sanders by about 280 pledged delegates; however, the two candidates are trending in the opposite directions.
Heading into Tuesday's voting, Clinton had 1,812 pledged delegates and the support of 571 of the 714 superdelegates, according to the AP count.
Clinton, who is also a former first lady, is leading the Democratic race in polling numbers and pledged delegates.
Note that the requirement is not 1237 pledged delegates.
Wall will appear on the April 19 presidential primary ballot as a pledged delegate for Clinton, according to the state Board of Elections website.
Obama won a majority of pledged delegates, but needed the support of superdelegates to clinch the nomination.
Pledged delegates have promised to support a particular candidate, filed paperwork to become a delegate, and have been accepted by the candidate they've chosen to support.
The names of all pledged delegates will appear on the Democratic ballot on Tuesday, beneath the names of the presidential candidate they support.
Of this total, 55 were pledged delegates.
Pledged delegates were allocated to a candidate in proportion to the votes he or she received in a state's primary or caucus.
Hillary Clinton has a big lead over Sanders in pledged delegates, 1,307 to 1,087.
The DNC website explains that delegates for the Democratic National Convention consist of Pledged Delegates and Unpledged Delegates (commonly referred to as Super Delegates).
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