Sentences with phrase «plentiful energy»

Either way, and barring a major technical breakthrough in safe and sustainable energy generation AND storage, the (brief) era of cheap and plentiful energy is nearly over, and the sooner we accept that and start preparing for the transition to low energy consumption lifestyles, the better off we will all be.
There is the «business as usual» case that assumes 4 degrees of global warming is inevitable, so we should use the cheapest and most plentiful energy sources available regardless of the fact that burning these fuels will raise atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations 40 percent higher than current levels.
Almost overnight, Americans found they could no longer rely on cheap, plentiful energy supplies.
In a world of low - cost, plentiful energy, ISIS could never have emerged as a major threat.
I would suggest that this in not a fault of the turbines or those who build the turbines, but an indictment of our greed for cheap and plentiful energy.
Jerry Pournelle has said, often and accurately, that cheap, plentiful energy is the key to freedom and prosperity.
«Today's technology base is insufficient to provide clean and plentiful energy for 9 billion people,» the authors write.
It also means we can't simply plan to swap one source of plentiful energy for another, without reducing consumption.
lifestyle «depend on inexpensive and plentiful energy,» the Congressional Research Service noted in a 2005 report, but people tend to forget this until world events cause gasoline prices to spike.
Affordable, reliable, and plentiful energy enables us to protect the environment while also creating jobs and the goods and services we need.
It also helps assure a clear mind, steady emotions, and plentiful energy throughout the day.
If we're going to get serious about boldly going where no man has gone before, and send humans beyond the solar system, we're gonna need a cheap and plentiful energy source to help us get there.
As a result, one leading national laboratory began to impose mandatory 2 - day - per - month «unpaid holidays» on its science staff, several laboratories began laying off researchers, the U.S. portion of the international program to develop plentiful energy through nuclear fusion was reduced to «survival mode,» America's firms continued to spend three times more on litigation than research, and many young would - be scientists presumably began reconsidering their careers.
The U.S. needs a high - voltage transmission system to deliver plentiful energy from wind and sunshine to power - hungry cities.

Not exact matches

Having plentiful costly energy is not the same as having plentiful cheap energy, and oil remains the ultimate transportable energy and chemical feedstock.
The company, which is pre-revenue but has several million dollars in investment, is developing a form of clean energy made from the waste wood that is plentiful in Oregon, where HM3 is based.
As the Danish statistician Bjørn Lomborg has shown in study after study, life expectancy is increasing on a global basis, including in the Third World; water and air in the developed world are cleaner than five hundred years ago; fears of chemicals poisoning the earth are wildly exaggerated; both energy and food are cheaper and more plentiful throughout the world than ever before; «overpopulation» is a myth; and the global picture is, in truth, one of unprecedented human prosperity.
The new president doesn't care if such policy forecloses use of the most plentiful native energy source in the United States» coal.
Now that energy is becoming the factor that is scarce and labor is plentiful, it would make more sense to replace fossil fuels by labor, especially at those points where that could also restore interest and dignity to work.
Innovations in energy drinks, an evergreen staple of the convenience store beverage set, were plentiful at this year's NACS show.
While oxygen is believed to have first accumulated in Earth's atmosphere around 2.45 billion years ago, new research shows that oceans contained plentiful oxygen long before that time, providing energy - rich habitat for early life.
Now, researchers report that by creating a fuel cell that can run at a midrange temperature, they've made an inexpensive, powerful version that could boost the prospects for plentiful green energy.
Appliances that turn on when energy is most plentiful featured in...
But in the coming decade, nukelets like NuScale's may well eclipse solar and wind as the green energy of choice, bringing plentiful electricity to billions of people who lack it and possibly powering individual neighborhoods within cities.
The challenge is to deploy energy sources that are safe, reliable, plentiful, and environmentally sound.
Customers could track their consumption and opt to buy more energy during off - peak hours, when it is cheaper and more plentiful.
Enabling a world powered by safe, clean and plentiful fusion energy while leading discoveries in plasma science and technology.
When Chris Hamilton or Don Blankenship or any of the other kings of coal say that coal keeps our energy affordable, they're doing what the coal industry has always done — lying in order to keep us complacent, to keep us believing that new sources of energy will make energy unaffordable and that coal is plentiful, abundant and cheap.
But coal is no sooty remnant of the Industrial Revolution — it generates half of the electricity in the United States and will likely continue to do so as long as it's cheap and plentiful [source: Energy Information Administration].
While these low - energy cosmic rays are plentiful, cosmic rays at higher energies are far rarer.
If food is plentiful, you store food energy.
As the name suggests, Sun Salutations help the body receive sun's energy in plentiful.
VESPA works by optimizing your body's ability to derive its energy from a readily available and plentiful source to enhance athletic performance, recovery & overall health.
These benefits are reflected in emotional health, open - mindedness and heightened energy levels, allowing true Aloha Spirit to be plentiful in our lives.
Why the heck would you fight against nature and not consume carbohydrate energy that's plentiful around you?
If you are keto adapted your energy stores are much more plentiful than carbs.
We Are Your Friends is predictable, sometimes tacky, but the energy is unflagging, the eye candy plentiful and writer - director Max Joseph (making his feature debut after hosting MTV's Catfish) brings sincerity and a skillfully modulated sweetness to the material.
Her goal is to get more Native American students to choose careers in the science field a particularly relevant topic given that many reservations in Montana are home to plentiful resources and are contentious grounds for issues concerning water management, oil drilling, and wind energy.
The energy efficient signs with an embedded eink screen display up - to - date information to motorists, are updated remotely and run on Australia's plentiful sunshine.
The GX also comes with the new Velocity Micro 500 watt power supply, a reliable and plentiful source of energy for intense computing.
When, for whatever reason, these cats experience a reduced appetite or become anorexic, the body tries to use their plentiful supply of stored fats as an energy source.
Fully catered meals are plentiful and tasty, just the thing to get back some precious energy you burnt throughout the day whilst diving and snorkeling the depths of this world famous coral reef.
Both deal with humanity expanding into space not onto different planets, but rather in O'Neill cylinders floating freely in space that use rotation to generate an approximate feeling of gravity, and both have these colonies eventually being used as weapons, by taking advantage of the plentiful solar energy resources of outer space.
Why not a national commitment to the research and development needed to make solar energy so plentiful that fossil fuels go the way of the dinosaurs?
As you probably know, a prime focus of mine for years now has been this question — how to propel a global energy transformation even as fossil fuels remain relatively plentiful and cheap and populations (and appetites) crest.
Coal, on the other hand, seems to be plentiful, it causes more emissions per energy unit generated, and it has some side issues such as soot and other particulates, including aerosols which may actually be cooling the planet.
The highest shares of renewable energy are in states with plentiful hydro - power resources, such as Sweden, Finland and Austria.
Free markets will provide the United States with affordable, plentiful, and reliable energy.
But affordable, plentiful, reliable, taxpayer - neutral mineral energies still manage to win the day.
These findings align with PJM's broader assessment of its future grid reliability as more and more coal and nuclear plants find themselves economically uncompetitive in the face of flat demand, cheap and plentiful natural gas, and a rising share of zero marginal - cost clean energy.
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