Sentences with phrase «plenty of fan service»

«Resurrection F» follows the typical «Dragon Ball Z» formula to a tee, so there aren't any major surprises, but it boasts great animation, some killer action beats and plenty of fan service for longtime viewers of the anime.
Over a snappy string of set - pieces, the game introduces new players to the core cast of Cayde - 6, Zavala and Ikora Rey, teaches them the basics of combat and of their special abilities, and drops plenty of fan service in the background for returning players.
The episode still had its moments, Bruce is still great, there is plenty of fan service jammed in there, but somehow the whole things seems to hit left of center... it will be interesting to see what the next ep will bring to the table
We know you're a huge Disney fan — have you managed to pack plenty of fan service into the sequel?
It's certainly the case with LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens — TT Games have gone above and beyond in order to provide plenty of fan service with their latest release.
Sega added plenty of fan service too: the horizon and sideline details morph when you change levels, and the voice that yells out «Checkpoint!
Popular faces like Cloud and Yuffie from Final Fantasy VII would give plenty of fan service, as well as help or hinder you in different ways.
It's not necessary to play Zestiria beforehand at all, but there's plenty of fan service for those that did.
This game was by and large a success, celebrating the Zelda franchise with plenty of fan service.
However, with plenty of memorable character moments, a truly innovative battle / RPG hybrid combat system, and plenty of fan service, if you are a Final Fantasy aficionado, this is a must - buy!
Plenty of fan service and unlockable goodies offer reasons to keep coming back to the game.
Once again, it's the story and character development that really drive the experience, serving up plenty of fan service.
There will, however, be knowing references to the older games and plenty of fan service.
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