Sentences with phrase «plenty of wind»

I love when the ruffles blow in the wind and the windy city comes with plenty of wind!
It turns out there's plenty of wind energy, five times [1] greater than current global consumption at wind farms current generation of development.
So the cabin is free from unwanted panel noises, but there's still plenty of wind noise getting in.
So there's indeed plenty of wind available too, though of course not nearly as much as solar.
It has plenty of winding paths lined by lush greenery for kiddos to explore.
While there's plenty of wind noise at highway speeds, the four - door versions present few challenges to ownership.
The answer is that there is plenty of wind available to power all human needs on earth many times over.
Valor heads into a busy 2018 drilling and study schedule with plenty of wind in its sails after boosting the total resource tonnage by 80 % at the Berenguela copper, silver and zinc project, and expanding estimated copper and silver resources to more than 770 million pounds and 127 million ounces, respectively, both up 37 % on previous estimates.
Just like its Sonic the Hedgehog 2 incarnation, the Chemical Plant will feature pipes, plenty of winding blue platforms and those bizarre worm - like creatures that have cost many a ring over the years.
We've written at length about how much we enjoy driving great - handling cars like the CX - 5 and Mazda3, but those attributes always come at the expense of a stiffer ride as well as plenty of wind and road noise.
The Camry is quieter overall but still presents plenty of wind and powertrain noise, and is worse than the Mazda when it comes to steering shock, rack rattle and even axle tramp at low speeds.
Middle Reef had the best waves on the lower end of the tide and Airport Left had a few on the top end but with plenty of wind chop to spare.
There are also some shots of color, plenty of winding cobblestone walkways, some pretty flowers, and lots of historic architecture.
Proposals by Copenhagen City Council member Claus Bondam are supposed to up renewable energy use (although plenty of wind turbines can already be seen spinning in the city harbor), reduce cars in the city center (pretty bike - amenable now) and green up district heating systems by tapping into a warm water reservoir 2.5 kilometers beneath the city.
I just spray painted a chair this weekend and had plenty of wind gusts too!!!
The UK gets plenty of wind, but the challenge lies in storing this energy (Image: Robbie Shone / Aurora)
It sure would have been nice to see Juventus go into Wednesday night's game against Spurs with plenty of wind in their sails that have us feeling good about things.
Just like its Sonic the Hedgehog 2 incarnation, the Chemical Plant will feature pipes, plenty of winding blue platforms and those bizarre worm - like creatures that have cost many a ring over the years.
And there's plenty of wind noise around the mirrors — and I'm not just talking at 250km / h!
Plenty of us wind up with babies who are bald and beautiful, but plenty others deliver little ones with heads full of luxurious hair.
There's plenty of wind energy.
For most us, the weather has been quite crazy these past few days — tons of snow, sub-zero temperatures, and plenty of wind.
Michigan has plenty of wind energy, you just have to use it.
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