Sentences with phrase «plexus palsy causing»

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Erg - Duchenne Palsy is a type of birth injury to the brachial plexus that can be caused by medical malpractice.
Birth injuries can include cerebral palsy from lack of oxygen, failure of doctors to perform a Caesarian section to avoid a traumatic delivery, Erb's palsy or shoulder dystocia (brachial plexus injury) caused by a traumatic delivery, or developmental delays caused by lack of oxygen.
Brachial plexus palsy lawyers are familiar with efforts to conceal the causes and responsibility for birth injuries and they can help you seek a just settlement.
The more common types of injuries include cuts and bruises caused by pressure on the head during birth, facial paralysis, bone fractures, brachial plexus injury (nerve damage which results in paralysis of the arm) and cerebral palsy.
If, on the other hand, the fetus's macrosomia is found to have been caused by medical negligence during the mother's pregnancy, such negligence may be found to combine with the negligence of medical personnel assisting in her child's birth to cause a child's brachial plexus palsy or other birth injury.
If your child sustained any type of brachial plexus palsy injury during childbirth and you suspect that your child's injury may have been caused by medical negligence, brachial plexus palsy attorney Jeff Killino will fight for the compensation to which you and your child are entitled.
Brachial plexus palsy is a birth injury that causes a weakness or loss of movement in a child's arm, hand, fingers, and / or shoulder.
If your child has sustained a brachial plexus palsy birth injury and you believe that your child's injury may have been caused by medical malpractice or negligence during your pregnancy or the delivery of your child, you may be entitled to compensation for the damages your child has suffered as a result.
Erb's palsy is also caused by mistakes during a baby's delivery that damage a crucial web of nerves known as the brachial plexus.
Our brachial plexus palsy attorneys are well versed in the myriad causes of these injuries and will do everything in their power to see that those who have caused your child's brachial plexus palsy injuries are held liable in a court of law.
Erb's palsy may be caused by the same sorts of medical negligence that can lead to other brachial plexus palsies.
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