Sentences with phrase «plucking at»

However, the men who were picking and plucking at themselves during the test reported that they found the experience less stressful overall — meaning it reduced their stress levels in the moment.
The man in the suit sat down opposite her and relieved the tension on the legs of his pants by plucking at his calves.
As it spins, it shoots off arrays of notes that are a touch discordant but still sensical, as if a trained musician is strumming or plucking at an instrument, trying to invent or conjure a new scale — a ghost in the machine.
Birds exhibit stress in a number of ways, including screaming, biting and obsessively plucking at feathers.
If the boy had been home, I probably could have shaken off the Skill's persistent plucking at me.
So Mom sewed dozens of dresses that Wavy unraveled, plucking at the seams until a thread came loose.
But, as the titular DANNY COLLINS, Pacino channels a playful line of bravado that translates into a sweet brand of comedy that's both effective and committed to plucking at your heart strings.
And while your little one is busy enjoying a relaxing bounce or plucking at a toy bar, you can hopefully get a few things done around the house.
it was amazing to see these men and women plucking at the leaves and cleaning them!
And slowly we eased out line, waiting for the tap that would tell us the sinkers had hit rock so that we would start to reel up again, slowly, almost imperceptibly, until there would be a pluck at the line, and the temptation to stop the bait would be hard to fight down, but it had to be fought so that the pollack would keep coming, would smash fiercely on the bait this time, and the end of the salmon rod would come hard over and into the water as the fish made its first crash dive for the kelp.
New Orleans has a total of five likely wins remaining, and likely needs to pluck at least five more out of their hats.
Even if you've never before pressed pen to paper or plucked at the strings of a guitar, there should be no doubt that you CAN do it.
Pumpkins plucked at the peak of the season and cold - pressed to perfection make this blend yummy for young ones year - round!
From the looks of the trailer, you might want to stock up on the tissues for this one, which is engineered to strike the tear ducts and pluck at the heart strings.
«We should have done this years ago,» says Drew to his dad's earthly remains, wiping away a brave tear, but for as machine - calibrated as the scene is to pluck at the heartstrings, there isn't — as there isn't at any moment in this film — a hint of authenticity to the sentiment.
The ticking clock, the inexorableness of it, the irony of plans - conversations about the Super Bowl when we know he'll be gone before it happens, the sight of an Obama poster when we know he won't be alive for the inaugural - all these pluck at something primal within us.
Sure, Johnny Depp as J.M. Barrie got the Academy Award nomination, but only because he was acting across someone who could pluck at all our heartstrings effortlessly.
Like Velar, the name Road Rover is not plucked at random.
Over a decade she cast off her memories with the same fidgety ease with which she plucked at the short white locks of hair at the nape of her neck or swept invisible crumbs from the table.
Often developers will borrow elements from past titles that were hugely successful and apply them to modern games in an effort to pluck at the heart strings of gamers.
Although you won't be sobbing your eyes out or have your heart strings plucked at like they were while playing a game such as The Last of Us, there's an element found in Cartoon Network - style cartoons that can be found here.
Metal Gear's given tragic deaths to many adversaries, but Vamp's plucked at our heartstrings more than most.
The cuts in the paper reveal complex patterns and tense lines that pluck at the viewer's perception of what is and is not being seen.

Not exact matches

The man now plucked to run the Bank of Japan and revive the long stagnant economy was a career Ministry of Finance bureaucrat at the time exasperated that the central bank had - as he saw it - shirked its duty to end what was then already six years of deflation.
It's become a dictum that every year at least 50 hourly workers get plucked from the factory floor to go along with Foster on visits to customers, so they can see the results of their labors.
It happens to other people whenever they look at a bright light or toward the sun, or even when they pluck their eyebrows or have sex.
My plan is to simply pluck the fruit and live off of that at 40.
There will be many opportunities to pluck great companies at fair price.
From the haunting vocal distortions on «Hide and Seek» to the mbira (akin to a thumb piano with metal keys attached to a wooden board) plucking on «Goodnight and Go» to the CDs thrown at a carpet tube on «Closing In,» Heap pulls you directly into her studio, inviting you into her colorful imagination.
Nevertheless we still leave it to grow as best it can, hardly tending it at all, like those wild plants whose fruits are plucked by primitive peoples in their forests.
But that's not at all what it means, and it seems Evangelicals are plucking out stand - alone phrases from scientific reports and removing them from their context.
Yes, Jesus was sarcastic, perhaps even cynical at times — such as when he instruct us to pluck out the wandering eyeball or cut off the offending hand — making light of the belief that sin might be removed surgically.
He plucked them and hurling them at the oncoming host drove them back.
Thus, says Suzuki, when Western - Christian - oriented Tennyson looked at the tiny flower in the crannied wall, first of all he plucked it.
If they do not simply go away crestfallen, the moment of grace fading in their hearts, they might pluck up the courage to enquire of the sacristan or at the presbytery door.
Jesus plucks him out of a fishing boat to become a disciple, and time and again he represents us all in learning at the feet of Christ.
Understanding that Cohen was religiously rooted in Judaism — that Judaism wasn't merely another reference to be plucked and inserted at the right moment into a lyric — transformed the way I heard his songs.
Sold as a popular street food at train stations, markets and popular gathering places, choclo offers a childlike delight as you pluck the kernels from the cob and pop them into your mouth.
At the Rainforest Alliance farmer field school, we learned to decrease our plucking intervals, and consequently my yield has increased substantially.
A: At the Rainforest Alliance farmer field school, we learned to decrease our plucking intervals, and consequently my yield has increased substantially — from 5,000 kg to 10,334 kgs!
For extra fresh flavors, pluck the rosemary, thyme and mint from plants purchased at a garden center; they'll flourish in a sunny window, so you can use them over and over.
Love at first pluck.
I feel more freedom to create and experiment when I've plucked something out of my backyard and not paid $ 5.00 a pound for it at the grocery store.
I'd find myself at lunchtime picking through the noodles to pluck out the spinach, tomatoes and almonds.
I travel extensively to the far reaches of the world in search of the finest private tea estates and then work directly with the growers to help cultivate and develop the finest, hand - plucked teas and flavors at the source.
Jim Pluck U BBQ A: Hi Jim, I try to cook my chicken at a higher smoker temp, like around 300 °F.
Within fifteen minutes she had ripped a bundle of ferns, the root and flower of wild ginger, and plucked some wild mushrooms.Back at the longhouse we found her husband gutting a fish the size of a large red snapper, near the fire he had started.
In England, they are pickled as follows: The pods are plucked while green, slit down on one side, and, after the seeds are taken out, immersed in salt and water for twenty - four hours; changing the water at the end of the first twelve.
Now present are the hours of me plucking the items catching my eye at the markets (while adhering to a newer, tighter budget), and staring each day at my given inventory for inspiration.
new potatoes are popping up at all the markets around me, as well as leafy herbs and freshly plucked onions, so i chose to make a few changes to the original recipe based on what was available to me.
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