Sentences with phrase «plucking people»

Emergency crews plucked people from rooftops using aircraft, dump trucks, and boats as the floodwaters rose.
McCarthy plucks people from life and wheels them out in her novels, with a full autopsy report.
For her paintings, Selski plucks people mid-story from tales of her own making.

Not exact matches

It happens to other people whenever they look at a bright light or toward the sun, or even when they pluck their eyebrows or have sex.
So true audaciousness comes about with just those people who have the pluck and the courage to say, «Screw it; let's do it.»
Translation of Leo the Limpdick's post: «I can't wait to see all of you people who I hate roasting on a spit while I pluck my little lyre in heaven.»
Nevertheless we still leave it to grow as best it can, hardly tending it at all, like those wild plants whose fruits are plucked by primitive peoples in their forests.
If you were suddenly plucked from your life and sent back in time to live with people in Indonesia about 15,000 years ago (or even Ethiopia 150,000 years ago), you would be able to figure out what is going on.
These people were given a small piece of land to make a hut and a coconut tree and the right to pluck coconuts from that tree only.
When you have a company, and the founder is responsible for kick - starting the sexual revolution, and then you pluck out that aspect of the company's DNA by removing the nudity, it makes a lot of people, including me, sit and say, «What the hell is the company doing?»
Is the Bible commanding people to cut off their hand or pluck out their eye or is He teaching that hell is so horrible of a place that it would be better to lose a limb than go their?
I'd love to know where you plucked your figures from, because most scientific studies seem to suggest that the majority (between 60 % and 80 % depending on the study) of the population are actually bise.xual in that they are attracted to members of both se.xes (although a large majority of these people never cross into acting on any same - s.
People flock to the u-pick farms for the pleasure of plucking these little nutrition powerhouses from the bushes themselves.
They plucked national championships as easily as other people picked grapes.
Do people actually think that Arsene Wenger is going to go to Justarsenal and pluck tactics from there?
wish people would not assume we can just pluck players from teams, its never that simple - unless u do a city an offer crazy money
«In rescuing these vulnerable turtles, which literally are on the verge of death when plucked from the surf, we reinforce our commitment to protecting all the wildlife of the Commonwealth, including its coastal waters, for the benefit of people today as well as future generations.
«Arresting people — particularly people of color — for cannabis is the crown jewel in the racist war on drugs and we must pluck it down,» Nixon told the parade crowd.
Organlike tissue bits can be generated from pluripotent stem cells that are either plucked from embryos or created by taking a person's adult skin or blood cells and chemically inducing them to revert to an embryonic - like state.
As many as one in 20 people suffer from body - focused repetitive disorders, engaging in behaviors such as biting their nails or plucking out hair until they damage their appearance or cause themselves pain.
Just another herd of fanged predators to be outwitted by the pluck and cunning of good people.
with style that resonates with you, follow that person and pluck a few key photos to work with.
The age - old notion — plucked... People Meet and our very own Telegraph Dating are perfect for over 50s.
As early as 1942, William Wyler's Oscar - winner Mrs Miniver was painting a morale - boosting portrait of ordinary people volunteering to make the cross-channel crusade, while in 1958's Dunkirk Leslie Norman (father of Barry) gave us John Mills and Richard Attenborough exhibiting British pluck.
That's not an accident; those are canny choices designed to make the most out of children who, plucked from obscurity before puberty, transformed over the years of filming into entirely different people.
And, indeed, most years the festival world's supreme accolade is bestowed upon a worthy recipient — this in spite of the haphazard nature of the decision - making process, with the competition's fate held in the hands of a nine - person jury whose members are plucked from various branches of the cinema tree.
However, what was picked up by the news was not the killing of two people but the image of two young women plucking tulips.
It should give people pause when two white suburban legislators propose having a white county executive appoint a «commissioner» to be able to pluck schools away from the democratically elected school board of an overwhelmingly nonwhite district.
People who want to make money online typically want to pluck the lowest hanging fruit with the least effort.
Note that this is real research, carried out by qualified people with the results available to all; Amazon, by contrast, just plucks numbers out of nowhere and expects us to believe them.
Some people would rather pluck their eyes out with a fork than learn how to budget.
TICKS and Ivermectin - While I still maintain that the best way to control ticks is to go over your dog every day and pluck them off with a tweezers (some people drown them in soapy water or other detergent), you can also get an additional measure of control by using ivermectin.
Some people use their fingers to pluck small amounts of hair out, working a little bit at a time.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a potentially disabling psychiatric condition where obsessive thoughts and compulsive actions such as hand washing, cleaning, hair - plucking or hoarding take over a person's life.
People are going to look at Samurai Warriors: Spirit of Sanada and know exactly what their getting when they pluck it off the shelves or add it to their cart.
Other gameplay will involve shooting arrows in the first - person perspective and musical segments, such as plucking the strings of a lute through memorization to find a golden acorn.
They're plucked from your friends list if they're online or random people if not.
His epic canvases, with their disjunct components, resemble collages as much as painting, populated with characters seemingly plucked from momentous historical occasions — protestors, eminent - looking statesmen, soldiers, workers — as well as ordinary people engaged in bizarre, enigmatic actions of no apparent political / historical consequence whatsoever.
He added: «I suspect the lesser - known people they've plucked from obscurity will benefit.
It is not reasonable for those constructing the BEST dataset to expect people such as me to have to plunge ou hands into the can of worms in the hope of plucking out the live ones used in the study.
If, for example, Blog B only manages 63 comments (to pluck a number at random) on a topic and Blog A gets 134 (to pluck another number), then we might conclude that Blog A influences more people — at least to the point where they are moved to write a comment — than Blog B.
To pluck just one of Adam's stories from the pile, on the Thursday he was claiming that «severe global warming could make half the world's inhabited areas literally too hot to live in» and that «people will not be able to adapt to a much warmer climate as well as previously thought».
Contrary to what some people imagine, those numbers aren't plucked out of the air.
«Most people mistakenly believe medical evacuation insurance will pluck injured hikers off of mountainsides or heart attack victims off cruise ships at sea,» says Harvey.
Distribute your resume to the people that count, not individuals who are plucking your resume out from an Applicant Tracking System.
Even the most exciting people need to be plucked out of their routines sometimes.
«Not many people use sugar tongs anymore, but she told them it was for plucking strawberry tops.
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