Sentences with phrase «pockets of taxpayers»

With a straight face, lawmakers — who make their living picking the pockets of taxpayers — tell us that only the state can ensure that people spending $ 2 a ticket on something with odds of winning of one in 292,000,000 will somehow be protected from fraud.
Transparency is the key to driving taxes down by exposing stealth taxes and leaving more money in the pockets of taxpayers, where it belongs.
Ostensibly to help commercial tenants, the mayor and the Council have decided to transfer $ 25 million a year from the pockets of taxpayers to the pockets of landlords.
«The answer is not «put your hand in the pocket of the taxpayer» anymore.»
We don't even have ride - sharing here yet, and unelected bureaucrats are already raiding the pockets of taxpayers and visitors.
I will not tolerate people trying to take money out of the pockets of our taxpayers in Rockland County.
It would be way better for everyone to spay or neuter their dog; I think that $ 2 billion a year should be back in the pockets of taxpayers.
Government spending related to climate disasters amounted to $ 100 billion in costs - about $ 1,100 coming out of the pockets of every taxpayer.
Bush is also a strong proponent of putting more money back into the pockets of taxpayers through cuts in federal income, capital gains, and estate taxes, all positions backed by NAR.
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