Sentences with phrase «poetic functions»

To which the answer is that he exists in imagination and serves such and such poetic functions.
Hence I will speak of the poetic function of discourse and not of a poetic genre or a mode of poetic discourse.
The sense in which all these forms of discourse may be said to be revelatory turns on what Ricoeur calls their «poetic function
As a first approximation, we may say that the poetic function points to the obliterating of the ordinary referential function, at least if we identify it with the capacity to describe familiar objects of perception or the objects which science alone determines by means of its standards of measurement.
This new analogy invites us to place the originary expressions of biblical faith under the sign of the poetic function of language; not to deprive them of any referent, but to put them under the law of split reference that characterizes the poetic function.
It is in this sense of manifestation that language in its poetic function is a vehicle of revelation.
But to these three traits the poetic function adds a split reference by means of which emerges the Atlantis submerged in the network of objects submitted to the domination of our preoccupations.
I am first defining the poetic function in a negative manner, following Roman Jakobson, as the inverse of the referential function understood in a narrow descriptive sense, then in a positive way as what in my volume on metaphor I call the metaphorical reference.7 And in this regard, the most extreme paradox is that when language most enters into fiction — e.g., when a poet forges the plot of a tragedy — it most speaks truth because it redescribes reality so well known that it is taken for granted in terms of the new features of this plot.
There is a homology between them, but nothing allows us to derive the specific feature of religious language — i.e., that its referent moves among prophecy, narration, prescription, wisdom, and psalms, coordinating these diverse and partial forms of discourse by giving them a vanishing point and an index of incompleteness — nothing, I say, allows us to derive this from the general characteristics of the poetic function.
This idea of a consciousness which posits itself in positing its contents undoubtedly constitutes the strongest resistance to any idea of revelation, not only in the specific sense of the religions of the book, but also in the larger, more global sense that we have just connected to the poetic function of discourse,
The exhibition draws on Jakobson's distinctive ideas on the poetic function of language as a departure point for considering forms of expression situated beyond semantic clarity.
The group exhibition «More Than Just Words [On the Poetic]» is taking the idea of the poetic function of communication as a point of departure for ways of expressing thoughts and ideas beyond semantic unambiguity.
[159] This reference to the blog's own position about its message seemed to be a linguistic event of the type contemplated in Johnson's Microstyle, possibly the idea of language's poetic function in which the language highlights its own form.

Not exact matches

According to this subtle blend of political doctrine and poetic vision, the function of the French state is to maintain in unity, independence, and prosperity a pre-existing nation with definite features.
29:10 the characteristic Hebrew poetic parallelism of members puts prophet and seer again in the same essential function:
This is precisely the function of a poetic apocalypse.
When the reality of God is eschatologically identified with his dawning Kingdom, then God can be known only as an active and apocalyptic process that even now is becoming all in all... This is precisely the function of a poetic apocalypse.
This conjunction of fiction and redescription, of mythos and mimesis, constitutes the referential function by means of which I would define the poetic dimension of language.
So it is therefore appropriate, I believe, to inquire into the particular revelatory function attached to certain modalities of scripture which I will place under the title Poetics, in a sense I will explain in a moment.
On this triple basis — autonomy through writing, externalization by means of the work, and the reference to a world — I will construct the analysis central to our discussion of the revelatory function of poetic discourse.
Hence the function of poetic discourse is to bring about this emergence of a depth - structure of belonging - to amid the ruins of descriptive discourse.
Poetic discourse suspends this descriptive function.
To introduce this idea of a revelatory function of poetic discourse, I will draw upon three preparatory concepts that I have examined at greater length in my other writings on hermeneutics.6
long have i admired laura's poetic combination of flavor and function.
The idea of «defamiliarisation» originally emerged with the Russian Formalists (1914 — 1930) who contended that the basic function of poetic art was to challenge and renew perception.
Victor Shklovsky writes, «The essential function of poetic art... was to shock us into awareness by subverting routinized perception, by making forms difficult and by exploding the encrustations of customary perception» (quoted in Stam, Burgoyne, Flitterman - Lewis, p. 10).
Voiced by Pierfrancesco Favino, the 19th century general functions as a kind of poetic, philosophizing narrator, commenting on what he observes from his high vantage point atop Janiculum Hill.
Poised between the organic and the manmade, the practical and the poetic, Pardo's art playfully insists that form needn't necessarily follow function (or vice versa) instead suggesting multiple and mutating definitions and applications that toy with our expectations.
The resulting, highly poetic constructions function as acute reflections of contemporary society.
In the context of Midtown Manhattan, however, Elmgreen & Dragset render the pool devoid of function via its displacement, and in turn, prompt a simultaneously more cerebral, poetic, and aesthetic approach to the actual object as well as its setting.
The ordinariness of the objects imbues the work with a poetic tension - things are familiar but, isolated from their original function, somehow wrong.
It is made up of «very concentrated sentences that function like medicine,» fatmi says, «and started with the poetic and provocative statement: «My father has lost all his teeth, I can bite him now».»
In equal measure tactile and fragile, the works by contemporary Latin American artists in this gallery function like poetic ballads...
As Nauman says: «When language begins to break down a little bit, it becomes exciting and communicates in nearly the simplest way that it can function: you are forced to be aware of the sounds and the poetic parts of words.»
Based on formal analogies, Halmer creates a subtle coherence between painting and objects and transforms their specific function into a poetic state of being.
Based on a set of concepts falling under the ocular physiology (Fovea, macula, lens, etc.), the exhibition also proposes the various functions of the camera eye in its ability to perceive the world on a symbolic and poetic way.
Drawing from the sighting of a similarly shaped sign atop a downtown Los Angeles building, the Three Points billboard functions both as an outdoor exhibition space and as a display of personal poetics.
The traces to traditional art mediums and the representation of mundane material make the works unfamiliar yet aesthetic; by stripping objects off its original function, replacing them within an art context, and combining them to form a new sculptural entity, Stramrud unavoidably points at Surrealist juxtaposition techniques with its aim to create an image of poetic reality.
Her photographic works questions how we subscribe to the traditional modes of production and places of functioning through the poetic ambiguities and fractures harmonies, created by the disparate arrangement of images on a single plane.
Schulze returns to New York with a poetic, yet tense, amalgam of installation, painting, and sculpture, in which every object is sabotaged furniture, a decorated and mythic object for living, suffused with extreme magnitude while rinsed of all function.
The titles in the Janus series: No Known Way, Been and Gone, Dancing in the Night, Beginnings and Endings, Touching Distance, The Approaching Night, Night Embrace, read like lines from a Samuel Beckett text and function as poetic and philosophical underpinnings to his imagery, whilst all the while refusing literal translation.
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