Sentences with phrase «poetic sense»

Yet it also has a profoundly poetic sense of wholeness, of evoked meaning.
Jesus» «poetic sense of time» was lost on the disciples, however: «Jesus» followers did not grasp the subtleties of his position and reverted, once Jesus was not there to remind them, to the view they had learned from John the Baptist.»
But highly improbable and / or unexplainable - with - the - information - at - hand events do occur, and I think that colloquially the word «miracle» can be used to describe them in the poetic sense.
He had a poetic sense of time in which the future and the present merged, simply melted together, in the intensity of his vision.
We can therefore come to understand the universe as the result of the «Mind of God» not merely in a poetic sense but as immediately founded upon the creative power of God's own perfect relationality and unity of being.
Kaufman does marvelous things with small supporting players, too, like the excellent Molly Parker as Hemingway's put - upon second wife, Pauline, who manages in a few short scenes to convey a poetic sense of a woman trying to tame a lion with a riding crop.
In two decades of moviemaking, China's Jia Zhangke has examined the damage of his country's explosive growth with a poetic sense of outrage.
There's a poetic sense of irony there, being murdered by weapon he used to murder others.
Director Cocteau was as much a poet as a filmmaker, and that poetic sense is in full force in this lovely film.
So it makes some kind of poetic sense that, 37 years and over 80 movies after his film debut in Heaven's Gate, the revered actor returned to his artistic origin by teaming with experimental filmmaker Sean Baker (Tangerine) on The Florida Project — the indie set at a rundown motel that is within spitting distance of Disney World yet, in a stroke of bitter irony, is called the Magic Castle.
Brings a poetic sense of tragedy to the last act of van Gogh's life, and fresh insight into the kind of man he was.
Einstein was using «God» in a purely metaphorical, poetic sense.
Kentridge's multi channel video installation O Sentimental Machine, references Trotsky's time in Istanbul but fails to deliver the poetic sense of erasure that you expect from the theme and from Kentridge.
Her poetic sense of color is self - evident, as well as being tied to other earlier painters — the art of Helen Frankenthaler comes to mind.
After all, it is the light and Mr. Katz's poetic sense of it — helped by scale — that make these pictures.
He was deeply attached to nature, and his solidly painted forms evoke a primordial geologic power and poetic sense of isolation that transcends observed reality.
Twombly shares with Rauschenberg a propensity for coded autobiography and a taste for the impure, the complicated - and they both have a poetic sense of history.
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