Sentences with phrase «point about merit»

I must admit that I do fully agree with his point about merit pay.
These cases are interesting to compare to Pintea, where the costs award of $ 83,000 seems highly punitive, especially in light of Justice Martin's point about the merits of the action.

Not exact matches

What it's about: «Sargeant York» may have been about World War I — a sharpshooter becomes an unexpected hero after attacking and capturing a German position using the same strategy as turkey hunting — but the American - proud movie became a point of major discussion in the United States over the merits of entering World War II.
For an e-commerce business there are a number of costs that merit closer analysis as they can point to greater insights about the business.
Interestingly, the Times story does not mention the North American Man - Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), an organization that has the merit of being utterly straightforward on a subject about which the Times, at least at this point in its political evolution, feels compelled to be somewhat coy.
If you have a sane, coherent and logical point to make about the merits of your belief systems over any other than please, present it here.
When debate about an artist's merit no longer seems to have any point, one is left either with an icon of culture, too sacred to enjoy, or with a target of satire, brought down to our more humdrum level by a vaudeville lampooning of the unapproachable totem, as when graffiti artists paint a moustache on reproductions of the Mona Lisa.
even that debate about the angels on the head of a pin had some merit (though actually I think it was the point of a needle).
The point here is not one about the relative merits of altruism towards others vis a vis self - concern.
That is an excellent, excellent point about the emphasis on merit, ours or Jesus».
You have the right to your opinion, and your points about the «PR» aspect of this has merit, but the legal analysis is dead wrong.
Good point about the width, although I'm not sure Burke merits a place this season.
It isn't saying anything about the merits of any issue to point to the difficulty is that both blogs and think - tanks lack capacity to respond to all breaking stories, and don't add much value if we try to.
But the presiding Judge, Justice Fatun Riman, in a ruling that lasted for about two hours yesterday, struck out the case for want of merit, pointing out that the petitioners failed to prove their case beyond every reasonable doubt.
The percentages favoring merit pay, an end to teacher tenure, and increases in teacher salaries are all down about 5 percentage points.
They end up having a heated debate about the merits of the new ideas, which leads Angela to drop facilitator Steve an email to clarify some points.
@Michael: If we are talking about investments within a taxable account, your point has the additional merit of avoiding an unnecessary taxable event in the future.
Your point about frequent assignments & frequent transaction costs has merit, but these defects belong mostly to this strategy.
And discuss points of merit about the games and system.
Yeah, in this case, you had to earn them, but no one was at arms about the game showing you a method to play it that would merit many points and few deaths, did they?
Beyond that, it's hard to go into detail about reviews, because the critics are making their own choices, and at this point I am a blank slate about the relative merits of the four artists.
With the application of a variety of methods, many claims that would point to some danger about the climate have been shown to be without scientific merit.
Each use of models must be judged on its merits rather than via pejorative generalizations, but I hesitate to trigger another landslide of commentary about the deficiencies of models, so I won't pursue that point further.
So, better to point out that the missing hotspot means nothing IPCC claims about the basic, fundamental factors affecting the ever changing climate, has scientific merit.
I've heard a lot of concerns about a kitchen and bathroom co-existing in one end of a tiny house from an odor stand point and even though I would say those concerns have merit, if one has a toilet that doesn't emit smells (i.e., flush toilet, Separett composting toilet, etc.), one won't have any issues.
I think it is time for a general update due to subsequent developments (especially the current 2 year global cooling trend and a quieter sun with cooling oceans after an 8 year temperature plateau which tends to show that my point about solar and oceanic influences on global temperatures has some merit) and the fact that I can make the essential points more simply by condensing them into a series of bullet points as follows:
Your point about «selection bias» by choosing IPCC as a filter has more merit.
But the argument above has no merit - all the points in this post, even in the previous paragraph, which is well - established knowledge about climate change, demonstrate the paucity of the «hypothesis».
2) It may be possible to have a live debate about science when the participants are actually arguing the merits of several points of view.
«A general update due to subsequent developments (especially the current 2 year global cooling trend and a quieter sun with cooling oceans after an 8 year temperature plateau which tends to show that my point about solar and oceanic influences on global temperatures has some merit)» - Stephen Wild...
But the point is that if we're going to be having this discussion and want to assess the merits (or lack thereof) of the LPP process, it needs to be done on the basis of hard data, not based on our subjective feelings about what we think the data will be.
In reversing San Francisco Giants» slugger Barry Bonds» obstruction of justice conviction, Hueston Hennigan LLP founding partner Marshall Camp tells Law360 that the Ninth Circuit made key points about prosecutorial discretion that merit close attention.
Ken, your point about marketing has merit.
You can mention that you'll be discrete about your raise, and also make the point that your raise should be evaluated on its own merits.
not to debase anyone's merits but your point about not believing everything people post.
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