Sentences with phrase «point along the line»

The cylindrically curved crystal provided only a single line of sight through the donut - shaped plasma and could record only the temperature of ions found at points along that line of sight.
I just read reJesus by Frost and Hirsch, and they made some similar points along the lines of this post, and so wanted to include them here (for my own sake).
RP2 requires lengthening all Pendolino trains to 11 cars from the current mix of 9 and 11, replacing some commuter trains with 125mph stock so as not to delay faster trains, dealing with bottlenecks at seven specific points along the line, adding platforms at Euston and Manchester, and laying more track into Birmingham.
It is more accurate to say that a mirror reverses the relative positions of points along a line perpendicular to, not parallel to, the mirror.
The iterative approach involves looking along a line running north - south through the current best choice, and moving to the lowest point along that line.
Judgment at any point along the line should always be in terms of that direction or routing — this is true for a group as for a person.
As for the comments, may I suggest «points along the line» or «points in the journey»?
I'm so glad my parents saved these old issues of the Ballard News - Tribune; at some point along the line, a photographer had captured photos of me and they were published for a couple of years (on the chair in the lower left of the May 15, 1985 cover, and holding a flag in the May 14, 1986 issue).
So we must take an advantage in case they dropped some points along the line.
At some point along the lines of performing this feat, I strained something in both shoulders, either a triceps muscle, a lat muscle, or worst yet, a rotator cuff muscle.
I usually get questions at this point along the lines of «but I thought you were the World Record holder on Missile Command?».
At some point along this line, abstract imagery becomes sufficiently recognizable for us to characterize it as representational, but defining such a point in advance, is impossible.
Something authentic, genuine and to the point along the lines of «Thank you for your time today, I was really interested in the role before the interview and having learnt more I'd love to work here»
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