Sentences with phrase «point attempt from»

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Trudeau also mentioned the 40,000 Syrian refugees that Canada has welcomed, a pointed contrast to Trump's attempts to ban immigration from seven mostly muslim countries.
This, Klosterman argues, is how it has always been (for a while we were certain the Earth was flat until that was proven incorrect), and from that starting point, he attempts to explore which ideas or truths we believe today may be seen as woefully incorrect 100 years in the future.
Additionally, Love's percentage of shots from two - point range fell from 64.5 % to 58.8 % last year, while his three - point attempts rose 35.5 % to 41 %.
I won't attempt to predict where the market will go from here, which even economists have a hard time doing, but I can point to three reasons for optimism.
Love went from one of the ten best offensive players in the NBA to seeing his scoring average fall eight points per game, shot attempts fall by six, rebounds fall by three, and assists fall by two per game compared to the previous year.
Despite liking the doll, the panel noted concerns with the doll's $ 84.99 price point, and failed attempts from larger companies who have tried to take the multicultural approach with their own dolls.
While he took great pains to point out that it's still months away from his July start date and by that time «the UK economy might be in an entirely different place,» he did attempt to clarify his position on specific points such as inflation (he supports a continued course of «flexible regulation») and further stimulus (he's for it, should the British economy need it).
«Mr. Speaker, as I said, on the subject of credibility which was raised by the NDP, my point is this,» Mr. Moore offered, attempting to segue from a question about the shuttering of the Health Council of Canada.
Maggie, distraught over all that she's lost, asks Dunn to end her life, and everything that happens from that point on — from the festering ulcers on her body, to her attempted suicide — is intended to justify Dunn's decision to help her.
And the problem with praise music is that, in its attempt to be «approachable» to all, it becomes monotonous, tepid and uninspiring by comparison (at least from the point of view of someone who can sing and sight - read).
From my point of view, ID is just an attempt to detect traces of God in the non-miraculous.
Jesus came to save us from our sins, not to make us better people, so attempting to discredit Christianity by pointing out short comings of Christians is by definition, pointless.
But though I will argue for this teleological view of nature and human nature from empirical premises and from reason, my purpose here is not to debate or attempt to prove this point, but rather to illustrate how some teleological understanding of nature and human nature is a necessary premise for the idea of environmental stewardship.
The point that emerges from Anna Foa's researches, however, is that the question of access to this huge archive has quite wrongly dominated the whole controversy of what the pope did or didn't do for the Jews for many years, with frequent insinuations that the archive's inaccessibility was motivated by attempts to suppress the shameful secrets it supposedly contains.
Your discomfort stems from the fact you don't feel this forum is controllable enough, and as has been pointed out, silence or threatened silence is another way to attempt to control the narrative.
The method used in the writing of this book is the same as that used in the preparation of the two previous volumes — The Religion of the Hindus and The Path of the Buddha — which I have edited in an attempt to present to Western readers the major religions of the world from the point of view of the followers of those faiths.
no, I didn't say that's all there was — but much of what is left is not verifiable — some of it may very very well be true and some may be fiction; some may be a best attempt to retain truth where erroneous transmission kept the true story from being relayed forward; but how can it be verified at this point?
Firstly, I will critique a few major approaches and perspectives to show that any exclusivistic attempt from one point of view is problematic, and that a healthy development of the discipline requires a holistic understanding of mission.
In a moment I shall defend my account from this charge, but let me first point out that Cobb's theory of regional inclusion leads to a position that is equally as absurd as the conclusions with which he attempts to saddle my presentation.
Solzhenitsyn attempts to rewrite the Russian people's history from the point of view of those banished from it — the political prisoners and victims of the totalitarian state.
The same is true of many media reform efforts: by attempting to get people excited about liberal bias in the news, or nudity or profanity in a particular program, or the ideological bent of a certain series, or whether a network is «Christian,» concerned leaders have diverted the attention of viewers from the most important problem, the basic point, namely, that the whole process - of - television is providing us with a worldview which not only determines what we think, but also how we think and who we are.
The following pages represent one attempt to do this, and, as indicated earlier, they are written from the point of view of a supporter of process thought as the most adequate conceptuality available for us today.
Collingwood interprets this characterization as follows: «In Whitehead the resemblance is more with Hegel; and the author, though he does not seem to be acquainted with Hegel, is not wholly unaware of this, for he describes the book as an attempt to do over again the work of «idealism,» «but from a realist point of view.»
This clear blasphemy (from the Jews» point of view) leads again to an attempt to take his life.
To a point, however, accommodation to culture is appropriate to the liberal church, particularly in attempting to understand the Christian faith from the perspective and insights of the arts and sciences of the time.
By attempting to pin the resurrection down to something which it, in fact, was not, we are prevented from appreciating the full scope of what the Easter faith is pointing to when it affirms that Jesus is risen.
Niebuhr summed up the sin of sensuality by pointing out three of its invariable characteristics: a self - defeating self - love, an attempt to escape the self by finding a god outside the self (in a person or process), and an attempt to escape from the confusion caused by sin into some form of subconscious existence.
Good point and I agree (Especially with the ass part... lol) But my qualifier of «rabid» is my attempt to point out where they differ from basic fundamentalists.
From the Christian point of view, the attempt to show that man does create himself is not an easy one.
In what follows I will not attempt to answer his arguments in detail, still less to score points against him; the matters we are concerned with are too difficult and too crucial to admit of such treatment; I shall therefore merely try to indicate where and why I still venture to differ from him.
Working along with science, theology is obliged at least to attempt some response to them from the point of view of whatever intelligibility is discerned by faith in revelation.
From my own peculiar point of vantage I sense that many Christians may be missing something — a message hidden in Scripture, in the words of the church fathers, and in the deliberations at Vatican II — without which our attempts at interfaith dialogue will be of little or no avail.
We begin at this point because we are seeking to move inward from the periphery to the centre — that is, we begin with the attempt to understand the ethical teaching of Jesus as it appears within the framework of the thought of his contemporaries.
On the contrary, he finds it useful to ponder an array of reductionist attempts to explain the existence of religion, from that which seeks to pinpoint the area of the human brain or the specific genes connected to religiosity to that which sees religion as a malfunction of the human mind or a vestigial remnant from a primitive stage of human development suitable only for whimpering, immature dullards (a point of view championed by the new atheists).
Mind you that wasn't the only thing you said in that particular thread that led me to the conclusion that attempting to have any real dialogue with you was pointless and I was already well on the way to that point from the countless encounters of you avoiding questions and offering nothing more to support your stance than «I'm right and you're wrong» or «read it again, it's clear».
The Church Fathers resisted the attempt at parting from the Old Testament and chose the more difficult way: keeping it and interpreting it as more or less clearly pointing to its fulfillment in Jesus.
We have brought our story to the date when, because the scroll has unrolled to a point where to attempt to peer into what it next contains would be to pass from history to prophecy, we must pause.
In the face of such a powerful attack from the point of view of modern egalitarian ideology it is a thankless task to defend the hierarchical aspect of Japanese civil religion, and I will not attempt to do so.
I believe my original point, that your approach, fishon, was less than loving (and, as Cindy put it, you are «neither listening to [others], nor attempt [ing] to understand where they are coming from nor attempt [ing] to explain to them why you believe the way you do) stands.
Leclerc seems too hard on Leibniz at this point, for Leibniz attempted to demonstrate that the only activity of monads is mental from his view that transient action is impossible (M 7).
There is an example of a successful attempt, on a small scale — in fact, on simply one particular point, though an important one: W. Montgomery Watt, in the Introduction to his Muhammad at Mecca (Oxford, 1953), p. x writes, «I have refrained from using the expressions «God says» and «Muhammad says» when referring to the Qur» an, and have simply said «the Qur» an says.»»
I was attempting to make the point that good deeds in and of themselves provide no real lasting value — if all you do is help their current condition, then all you are doing is making it a better place to go to hell from.
While endeavouring to respect this reserve, we can perhaps draw an instructive element from Janet Smith's attempt to defend West on the point.
The most serious and consistent attempt to deal with the Christian story from the point of view of verification of assertions about God and Jesus is that of Paul M. van Buren.
First, it distinguishes theology from the attempt to study religion objectively — from the point of view of some philosophy, some branch of science such as psychology or sociology, or simply as a historical phenomenon.
I will attempt («impossibile aut potius infinitum est «2) to provide a clear nontechnical summary of the scientific concepts from which the suggestion arises, but the point can be understood without that background.
And from that point forward, it only took me half a dozen attempts to develop the version you're looking at today.
Instead I was cleaning out cigarette butts from ashtrays, attempting to make hand - pulled noodles at Mr. Chow, and shucking hundreds of Blue Point oysters for hoards lined up at the Bacchanal buffet.
I, at one point, saw Monreal reprimand him for attempting a complicated crossfield ball which ended up far away from its target (Monreal), so in my view, Coquelin should quell his desire for always attempting the difficult pass and keep it simple so the senior players can gain trust in him.
Gordon added a three - point shot this season, hitting just under 35 percent from deep on just under six attempts per game.
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