Sentences with phrase «point attempts heading»

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While concordism leaves the reader scratching her head as she attempts to figure out how there could have been waters above the sky (Genesis 1:7), Walton's approach «maintains that this terminology is simply describing cosmic geography in Israelite terms to make a totally different point
Those words flashed through my head as I watched the Tennessee Titans» failed two - point conversion attempt at the end of the game against the Indianapolis Colts last Sunday.
He had a good Cup Final and showed how good he is in the air anticipating crosses and in doing so took a lot of pressure off our central defenders.I believe that our young keeper had previously tired of Mertesackers frailties i.e. lack of pace, poor defensive heading and constantly ducking away from the ball at last moments.Hence his rather rash and angry attempt to tackle outfield against Southampton to make a pretty futile point Must be a nightmare to play behind that guy.
why was Sanchez truly playing... no one believes he was too injured to play to start the season, and some like myself would go as far to suggest he wasn't injured at all... so why play him... they can't say it was to appease the fans because when was that ever a factor at this club except when «panic buys» were in the offing... I believe that this was to give Arsenal a little leverage when it comes to negotiating his transfer... just imagine their horrible bargaining position if Sanchez never saw the field before the deadline then heading back to South America and played for Chile... regardless of the facts, this was sadly again another example of a team putting business ahead of fielding a team with the greatest chance to secure 3 points... of course, some will say that Sanchez is, or was, our best player, so obviously he's a no - brainer to start, but those who really watch the game know that his heart hasn't been truly in it for quite some time... even at the end of last season you could see a definitive difference between the Sanchez who played for Chile and the one that played for Arsenal... that being said, 70 % of Sanchez is still better than a 100 % of the vast majority of our remaining roster... shame on you Arsene and shame on you too Sanchez for that telling smirk... I've supported your attempt to push this squad to the next level but don't pretend for a second that you didn't know you were being watched... don't lower your standards or you'll end up like this club, on the outside looking in
there is some suggestion that wenger is backtracking on his fervent stance regarding what players would be staying at the club for the remainder of the season... some might deduce that this is all part of a much bigger, more elaborate plan... by shifting the blame wenger is attempting to, not so slyly, flip the narrative... by doing so he hopes to evoke empathy from his most ardent supporters, while attempting to rally any fence - sitters, whose faith was waning unless a more legitimate agent of blame emerges... unfortunately, and incredibly insulting to the fans, when wenger attempts to spin a tale and / or tries to eat his own words, he doesn't seem to play it all the way through in his head, so invariably gaping holes emerge... say we believed his version of the truth, would that not make him either an incredibly well - paid custodian of destruction or a spineless jellyfish because what manager worth his weight in salt would stay at a club that didn't give him final say after 20 years of supposed «success»... no matter the answer, neither bodes well for us... how ironic, in a way, since many pundits claim this team has lacked a «spine» for some years now... so whether we win, lose or draw on Sunday is frankly immaterial, as the problems will remain, and although it will be easier to digest if we left the Pool with 3 points, it might just be the worst result for the betterment of this club... a fact that both breaks my heart and baffles the mind
There hang portraits of former Dodgers Jackie Robinson and Jim Gilliam as well as a photo from 1965 of the rivalry's most notorious flash point, Giants pitcher Juan Marichal's swinging a bat at the head of Los Angeles catcher Johnny Roseboro, with Dodgers pitcher Sandy Koufax futilely attempting to keep the peace.
The bear made two attempts to scrunch Abe's head into his thorax, irritating him to the point where he lashed out with a stout right to the bear's snout.
if your child is attempting to communicate in other ways, such as pointing, head shaking, gesturing, etc..
This is to be welcomed because at this point, attempting to duplicate human intelligence or the human form robotically is a wrong - headed approach.
Sorry to disillusion you again in your ongoing moment of confusion and lack of ESL skills but the fact is you hit all seven points on the head with each and every comment and reply you post proving you are nothing more than a vapid little troll with a less than meaningless life attempting to gain credibility by lying.
For instance, defence tactics sees the player attempting to block head and body shots from a sparring partner in which you must reduce your opponent's landed shots to less than 5 within 30 seconds, while range striking tasks you to hit your sparring partner inside the designated range to accumulate 300 points within 1 minute.
New shots are met head - on with more difficult levels that require expert use of the complicated projectiles to complete, in the attempt to earn the most points possible.
One smokes, one holds a liquour bottle, one points and one holds a tool over his head, attempting to do some work - just another day in the studio.
Yes, you do have a problem, to the point where, in February 2010, after he'd been suspended as head of the CRU following the Climategate scandal, and in an attempt to restore his reputation as an honest scientist, Jones came a bit clean in an interview with the BBC.
We know very well at this point that Google is attempting to take on the iPhone head - on with the Pixel line, and I think it would be a really good if Google presented some vision for wireless charging similar to the utopia Apple is creating with its AirPower mat — one bedside solution for charging your AirPods, Apple Watch, and iPhone.
It is difficult to think of one's problems when you are attempting to remember the multiple points it takes just to stand straight (let alone on your head — but you won't be asked to do that in the first class).
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