Sentences with phrase «point explanation in»

As a translator of history Starling offers context and to - the - point explanation in his personally written wall texts accompanying the title of each piece.

Not exact matches

But the Washington Post's Glenn Kessler offers an alternative — and in our view, more credible — explanation for why the administration edited down the talking points, suggesting that the emails reveal a «bureaucratic knife fight» that pitted the State Department against the CIA.
«Irrational pricing,» he explains, «is one in which a given price point has no rational explanation other than «Because we can.»»
«Although the Government points to the fact that Congress and the Executive identified the seven countries named in the Executive Order as countries of concern in 2015 and 2016, the Government has not offered any evidence or even an explanation of how the national security concerns that justified those designations, which triggered visa requirements, can be extrapolated to justify an urgent need for the Executive Order to be immediately reinstated,» the judges wrote.
His response confused Brown to the point where she made up an explanation about it, in order to make sense of it.
But the explanations why the rate fell by nearly half a percentage point in Statistics Canada's latest jobs report hint at another trend — the first wave of baby boomers leaving the workplace.
This explanation makes sense to the bloggers behind The Drachma Startup, a blog chronicling the author's efforts to start a company in crisis - stricken Greece that deserves a hat tip for pointing the way to Sorenson's study.
To calculate your value of a Facebook Like, you can easily answer these questions using your Facebook Insights and your closed - loop marketing analytics (in the calculator, click the question mark next to each question for an explanation about how to acquire each data point).
«The demand for money and its relations to the stock of money form the starting point for an explanation of fluctuations in the objective exchange value [purchasing power] of money.
In spite of the fact that the purposes behind the late rally are misty, investigators point to an upsurge in bitcoin exchanging in China as one explanation behind the developing force, saying the surge may reflect endeavors to move cash out of the nation as the economy moderates and monetary markets vacillatIn spite of the fact that the purposes behind the late rally are misty, investigators point to an upsurge in bitcoin exchanging in China as one explanation behind the developing force, saying the surge may reflect endeavors to move cash out of the nation as the economy moderates and monetary markets vacillatin bitcoin exchanging in China as one explanation behind the developing force, saying the surge may reflect endeavors to move cash out of the nation as the economy moderates and monetary markets vacillatin China as one explanation behind the developing force, saying the surge may reflect endeavors to move cash out of the nation as the economy moderates and monetary markets vacillate.
For example, if you're catering to an advanced horseback rider in your ebook compared to a beginner, that content might lend itself to more in - depth explanation of certain topics than content suitable for a beginner, who may prefer bullet point summaries of the topic.
Second - quarter 2016 results, announced in early August, point to a simple explanation: Investors think the company's dividend will be cut before the next distribution later this year.
The best starting point for any explanation is to recognise that there is a wide disparity between saving rates in different countries.
I'm not asking for any explanation o this, just pointing out an outright contradiction: Athiest (per se) that believe in Satan.
In fact, you don't even have to have studied psychology to give the explanation I did, which makes the proposal that it was a god who was nagging at Darwin all the more embarrassing, from my point of view.
It did not warm the cockles of my heart when my friend Rachel Lu popped up in my feed to point out that, to her, the best explanation of the profound and repeated confessional experience of transformation is in fact «the efficacy of the sacraments.»
My point here is that your ability to offer explanations as you have done here only proves one thing, that you are well versed on what's in your web.
(As a historical explanation it may be pointed out that the consciousness industry in Russia at the time of the October Revolution was extraordinarily backward; their productive capacity has grown enormously since then, but the productive relationships have been artificially preserved, often by force.
My point, in case it wasn't clear to you, is that in times past people have attributed phenomena in the physical world to supernatural causes, only to have science later debunk those explanations.
As I've pointed out, there have been instances in the past where people explained phenomena with spiritual answers, only to have those explanation later debunked by science.
So, as Cbarriel points out, for the religious, belief (repent / faith) in the religion comes first, and explanations (or «inspirations») on the validity of that belief will inevitably follow.
The notion of brahman necessarily overflowing in attributes solved the problem of relating the one and the many for Ramanuja, but later Advaitic philosophers lost little time in pointing out that Ramanuja's system lacked any explanation for why or how brahman should do this.
Much might be said in explanation from the point of view of hermeneutics, philosophy and national and personal psychology.
This point overlaps with the explanation of original and social sin in chapter two.
When we add the obvious point that the term itself is very frequently to be found in the synoptic tradition and comparatively infrequently outside it, then it becomes clear that we are fully entitled to claim that the real and significant differences between the use within the synoptic tradition and outside it call for an explanation.
This allows for an explanation of the appearance of various things in the world which can be analyzed and treated in themselves up to a point.
If these points are kept in mind, it need hardly be argued that the two descriptions referred to in the eighth Category of Explanation are those of the satisfaction and subject, respectively.
Instead of illustrating something in a fresh way that makes the point clearer, the images themselves need explanation.
Let me rephrase this essential point in the language of the fourteenth category of explanation: A set of mutually contemporaneous actual entities does not have a «unity of the relatedness constituted by their prehensions [i.e., simple physical feelings] of each other» (Process 24).
As I hate to assume malice when ignorance is enough of an explanation, I give you a chance: just point me to any logical error in any of the major religions.
As opposed to a natural occurance that has up to this point been the explanation of every occurance in nature.
assume that there is only one — to the point, as I have discovered of late, that some people are immensely relieved when they learn that there are other explanations of the cross, and that Anselm's classic expression of the atonement in Cur Deus Homo?
A simple explanation to our laymen at this point alone can help greatly in the meeting of this problem.
And he is desperately in need of such explanations, given how utterly bewildered he is on every significant point.
Even more to the point, no two modern - day scholars seem able to draw up the same common list of errors, each finding on the other's worksheet difficulties which have, in their opinion, plausible modern - day alternate explanations often involving a reassessment of the author's intention and / or cultural context.
The Relevance of Cosmic Unity In the lead letter of the same issue of Philosophy Now the prominent anti-reductionist philosopher of ethics and of science Mary Midgely makes a point often made by Edward Holloway (though he might not have used the word «choice»), namely that «simple logic surely shows that natural selection can not be the universal explanation because «selection» only makes sense a clearly specified range of choices — an idea to which far too little attention has been given.»
In pointing out that there are aspects of living organisms for which design is the only rational explanation, ID theory in no sense excludes or precludes the possibility that design was required elsewhere in the organisIn pointing out that there are aspects of living organisms for which design is the only rational explanation, ID theory in no sense excludes or precludes the possibility that design was required elsewhere in the organisin no sense excludes or precludes the possibility that design was required elsewhere in the organisin the organism.
In pointing out the self - refuting qualities of alternate explanations, he hoped to pave the way for the relevance of the Christian explanation.
The reintegration of science, metaphysics and theology lies in the direction of showing that observation gives rise to questions that science answers, but that these themselves raise questions that call for metaphysical responses, and that these in turn point to a different kind of explanation which, though ultimate, is also personal.
Two points are worth noting in this explanation.
My point is that in order for it to be accepted as proof by those who prefer the far - fetched explanations, you'd have to point out the fallacies in those explanations, one by one.
Indeed, one of the failures in much contemporary explanation of human life — as, for example, by some of our modern secular sociologists — is precisely at this point.
After all, I have admitted that a free - will theodicy will be inherently more «defensive» than the process theodicy — that a free - will theodicy will be at points less able than the process theodicy to offer explanations for evil that flow in a natural, intuitive sense from the theistic tenets on which it is built — and isn't it reasonable to assume that the theodicy which is least defensive in this sense should be considered most plausible?
Without this affirmation, as he pointed out, all of our ordinary, commonsense explanations of human action, in terms of beliefs, desires, and decisions, are undermined.
But in the same context Whitehead points out that, despite this multiplicity, it is a matter not only of unified behavior but also of consciousness of a unified experience, so that the explanation [260] called for by the «miracle of life» consists precisely in this unification.
Davies (1982 p. 121) points out the «strong» anthropic principle is akin to the deistic explanation of the universe — that God designed it in all its details for humans to inhabit.
I noted in my book God as Author how it follows the contours of the Gospel, as I pointed out that the basic formula of balance - imbalance - restoration of balance is the framework of most stories (click on the link to page 181 for a more lengthy explanation).
Such qualities need further explanation, but the point here is simply that the world does present itself in a vast variety of forms, and we are not justified in arbitrarily restricting the scope of that variety.
Many Protestants have tended to understand the elements of communion as mere reminders of Jesus, Cairns points out, and many people think of poetry in a similar way: as a mere reminiscence of something that has happened or an explanation of some previously known idea.
Whitehead in his turn, as Lewis Ford has pointed out, claimed that anything complex needs an explanation in a decision somewhere, and even the metaphysical structures of the world are the result of the divine primordial act giving order to the otherwise chaotic eternal objects (cf. 2).
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