Sentences with phrase «point explanation of»

This book is specifically designed to be a concise, and to the point explanation of everything you need to know about high cash value life insurance.
When you deliver legal documents to a client, give them a plain English «cheat sheet» or bullet point explanation of what is contained within the document.
He took the time to make a point - by - point explanation of his position; perhaps readers would benefit from you doing the same?
One gets to see to the point explanation of the functions and important information as they read or move along the device.

Not exact matches

Meneghello tells Glassdoor that before jumping to the explanation of how you would get rid of an employee, you should «first [share] the steps [you'd] take to not get to the point of firing someone.»
The subpoints are the pieces of explanation and support for the point you are making.
Before candidates jump into a logistical explanation of how they would fire someone, Aurora Meneghello of Repurpose Your Purpose recommends «first sharing the steps [you'd] take to not get to the point of firing someone.»
«Although the Government points to the fact that Congress and the Executive identified the seven countries named in the Executive Order as countries of concern in 2015 and 2016, the Government has not offered any evidence or even an explanation of how the national security concerns that justified those designations, which triggered visa requirements, can be extrapolated to justify an urgent need for the Executive Order to be immediately reinstated,» the judges wrote.
His response confused Brown to the point where she made up an explanation about it, in order to make sense of it.
But the explanations why the rate fell by nearly half a percentage point in Statistics Canada's latest jobs report hint at another trend — the first wave of baby boomers leaving the workplace.
To calculate your value of a Facebook Like, you can easily answer these questions using your Facebook Insights and your closed - loop marketing analytics (in the calculator, click the question mark next to each question for an explanation about how to acquire each data point).
There have been a number of lengthy explanations of the technical limitations regarding a project of this scale, which have also pointed out how easy it would be to detect this practice, if it were true.
However, an alternate explanation may point to a Chinese exploit supplier or the language competency of the developer.
The explanation did little, however, to stem the tide of anger as independent researchers pointed out that many others could have similarly misused Facebook data.
«The demand for money and its relations to the stock of money form the starting point for an explanation of fluctuations in the objective exchange value [purchasing power] of money.
In spite of the fact that the purposes behind the late rally are misty, investigators point to an upsurge in bitcoin exchanging in China as one explanation behind the developing force, saying the surge may reflect endeavors to move cash out of the nation as the economy moderates and monetary markets vacillate.
While one could easily point to a raft of geopolitical factors driving the stock and ETF trading price action, which may indeed have a substantial bearing on the overall market environment, we once again find technical analysis provides us with a suitable explanation.
These long - term holders (or hodlers) effectively provide a floor for the bitcoin price (see a full explanation of this point here).
For example, if you're catering to an advanced horseback rider in your ebook compared to a beginner, that content might lend itself to more in - depth explanation of certain topics than content suitable for a beginner, who may prefer bullet point summaries of the topic.
I liked his point of view, his voice, and his explanations and I asked him for an interview.
This points out that everything that you explained as being only aplicable to god, which is an explanation given because no other explanation is seen, saying this is amazing so god did it, is nowhere near close to looking at these phenomena, observing and collecting the data on it and saying this is our best understanding of it to date.
Our inability to break through this bogus narrative has reached a point where it is worth asking whether the incompetence of conservative spokesmen is an adequate explanation.
Next you'll be pointing to Science as an explanation for the creation of the Universe; which all intelligent educated people realize is a logical fallacy.
There's plenty to discuss, but I'd like to focus on one point that Yglesias makes: The obvious place to look for an explanation of the declining....
Point is that the only «proof» we ever hear about gods are the lack of easily understandable proofs or other natural explanations for our existance.
In fact, you don't even have to have studied psychology to give the explanation I did, which makes the proposal that it was a god who was nagging at Darwin all the more embarrassing, from my point of view.
It did not warm the cockles of my heart when my friend Rachel Lu popped up in my feed to point out that, to her, the best explanation of the profound and repeated confessional experience of transformation is in fact «the efficacy of the sacraments.»
Cudos to Justin another plausible explanation, and point about the origins of catholicism.
(As a historical explanation it may be pointed out that the consciousness industry in Russia at the time of the October Revolution was extraordinarily backward; their productive capacity has grown enormously since then, but the productive relationships have been artificially preserved, often by force.
So, as Cbarriel points out, for the religious, belief (repent / faith) in the religion comes first, and explanations (or «inspirations») on the validity of that belief will inevitably follow.
Indeed, he turns the tables by arguing that scientific principles of reasoning point to theism as the best explanation of all the relevant data.
The notion of brahman necessarily overflowing in attributes solved the problem of relating the one and the many for Ramanuja, but later Advaitic philosophers lost little time in pointing out that Ramanuja's system lacked any explanation for why or how brahman should do this.
For each of the five points, they provide a theological explanation for the point, and then «prove» it by citing numerous pages of Scriptural proof - texts, without ever attempting an explanation of any of those texts.
It is not a perfect explanation of James 2, and my thinking has developed some since then, but it still gets the point across.
ALL evidence points to the theory of evolution being the proper explanation of how life changes on this planet.
My concern here is that WTS and other Reformed institutions are elevating Calvin's theological interpretation of God to the point that it is understood to be a comprehensive explanation of God, the only «right» way of thinking about Him and worshipping Him.
Many historians rightfully point out that by Jewish reckoning, any portion of a day was considered the whole day, this explanation still does not get us to three days and three nights.
Much might be said in explanation from the point of view of hermeneutics, philosophy and national and personal psychology.
This point overlaps with the explanation of original and social sin in chapter two.
Oden proceeds here at a very deliberate pace, as no doubt a scholar must, and this often obliges him to illustrate a point by quoting some amusing passage from Kierkegaard's work only then to offer an inevitably ponderous explanation of the joke.
This allows for an explanation of the appearance of various things in the world which can be analyzed and treated in themselves up to a point.
If these points are kept in mind, it need hardly be argued that the two descriptions referred to in the eighth Category of Explanation are those of the satisfaction and subject, respectively.
Instead of illustrating something in a fresh way that makes the point clearer, the images themselves need explanation.
So while the we are not told here (or anywhere) much about these spiritual beings — we don't have an explanation of their powers or of what kind of effects they can have on the believers — Paul's point is that we don't need to worry, because Christ is far above them.
The fact that a particular proffered r is implausible, or not congenial to «modern man,» or a poor explanation of q, or whatever, is utterly beside the point.
Of course there are many other problems with the triple - O god explanation that I won't get into, but I hope I've made my point clearer.
Let me rephrase this essential point in the language of the fourteenth category of explanation: A set of mutually contemporaneous actual entities does not have a «unity of the relatedness constituted by their prehensions [i.e., simple physical feelings] of each other» (Process 24).
As I hate to assume malice when ignorance is enough of an explanation, I give you a chance: just point me to any logical error in any of the major religions.
And now suppose the best the atheologian can do by way of an antitheistic argument from evil is to point out that theists do not have an explanation for evil: then theism has nothing to fear from him.
Beyond this, there is actually another passage which, by implication, makes precisely the same point: Mt. 13:36 - 43, the explanation of the parable of the tares.
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