Sentences with phrase «point in a misleading way»

Not exact matches

As early as June 2014, we pointed out Valeant was presenting itself in a misleading way.
-- Some entrepreneurs lack the financial training to set up the systems to gather financial information in an easy and painless way — Most important, as Steve point out, some of these figures are just misleading at this state of a company
In my last post, I pointed out the way that some Christians have exploited the ambiguous meaning of the word «gay» to make misleading promises (like «You don't have to be gay») to others.
Brown says that while combination end points have a legitimate purpose when researchers are testing drugs for a rare or infrequent outcome, far too often researchers use the information in ways that «mislead both doctors and the general public.»
And the fact that once you have maxed out your stats, there simply is not much to do for you anymore during week - days, even though the game does go on for a long time after that... I mean, my memory might be misleading there, but I am pretty certain that studying does not work in the way of you reading a few books at the beginning of the semester, until you are officially smart enough, at which point you just go walk the dog until finally holiday season arrives.)
Good points Elrond and whilst the car comparison is relevant, comparing the magnitudes in this way is misleading!
Romm has pulled phrases from media materials — which by constraint have to condense down a 100 page data - filled, technical report into a few pages and bullet points — to assert that the media materials are in some way intentionally misleading.
Here's another recent example — Pielke and his fellow conservative contrarian colleague Dan Sarewitz had an article in the Financial Times recently («Climate policy robs the world's poor of their hopes») that I think misses the mark so badly, in a let's - be-provocative-and-act-like-we're - the - real - progressives way, that it would be tempting to ignore it, except that it's in a high - profile publication and feeds misleading talking points to a right - wing corporate political and economic culture.
My point being that there is a lot of science in IPCC AR4 that is accurate, but presented in such a way that it is completely misleading.
Vancouver Criminal Defense Lawyer Emmet J. Duncan persuades prosecutor that due to the way in which the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles ORIGINALLY sent the notice (by mail), Client was misled as to the true starting point of the prohibition and thought that when he was driving, he was in fact NOT prohibited.
But it's also seriously misleadingin a way that misses a more important and subtle point about net neutrality.
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