Sentences with phrase «point in one's childhood»

That last, in particular, would reassert paternal authority, and thus require paternal responsibility, at key points in childhood and adolescence.
The passion for people comes naturally and from an early point in my childhood where my grandmother always shoed me the good side of people.
These excerpts from Maya Angelou's autobiography describe important points in her childhood.
«Targeted supports at key points in childhood and adolescence help prevent the onset of those behavioural problems that lead to underachievement and marginalisation.
, at some point in our childhood been eager to grow up.
Oh, and I am pretty sure the style you are sporting in the picture dates you more than the Anne Murray reference Also, I completely rocked that coat too at some point in my childhood
Because they all decided at some point in childhood that they were ready to brave the world without it.
One in two American children will receive food assistance benefits at some point in their childhoods.
It is very normal for all children to have specific fears at some point in their childhood.
The hereditary inflammatory disease of FMF usually strikes individuals at some point in childhood and continues throughout adulthood.
The teen had cavities, dental crowding, and hypoplasia, a line indicating that enamel growth was halted at some point in childhood, probably because of malnutrition or disease.
At no point in his childhood did any of this seem possible.
But surely most people at some point in their childhood watched fascinated, how an earthworm cut in two parts apparently lived on unimpressed by the severe wound.
But, at some point in our childhood, we begin getting conditioned out of that state.
At some point in childhood, parents and teachers start to approve or disapprove of us, as a function of our performance.
This image has me swooning, and missing the dance classes that I was just awful at most of my childhood -LCB- note: that's not to say that I got any better at some point in my childhood; I was basically terrible always. -RCB-
I'd be lying if I said that I haven't fantasized about living in a movie like this at some point in my childhood (or 2 days ago).
I was just beginning to reach the point in my childhood that I'd begin making choices and taking on responsibilities and The Great Sea of The Wind Waker fit my life perfectly.
At some point in their childhood, most people want to play a team sport — baseball, basketball, or football, for example.
It would be surprising to meet anyone growing up in Britain who had not used or at least heard this phrase in their school playgrounds, at some point in their childhood.
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