Sentences with phrase «point of a gun»

But I find the repeated talking points of the gun advocates, who have their fingers in their ears and just shout their talking points without even listening at all, or being willing to engage in a dialog that takes our penchant for violence and distortion serious, sad and sinful.
The main difference between a credit collapse under a gold standard and the same under a fiat currency is that under the gold standard repayment is demanded usually at the point of a gun, whereas under a fiat regime the money is printed and hey presto there is nothing to go to war about.
But most of that looting did not take place at the point of a gun.
To those of you who reject Christianity because you resent imposition upon you, I agree that when it is / was done at the point of a gun it is wrong.
From my experience, I do nt see any Christians that are doing those acts out of fear, «at the point of a gun» so to speak.
The idea of the people being compelled, essentially the point of a gun by the government, to surrender their property so it can be redistributed to people the government has deemed more deserving is socialist / communist not Christian.
Rand argues against statism - the right of the government, through force and ultimately threat of death, to compel you to be charitable at the point of a gun, regardless of whether or not you agree with the charity, its recipients, or the manner and efficiency of the forced wealth redistribution that purports to advance it.
How should we make sense of these cases, and what if the Servant, the nurse or the clerk were «going through the motions» at the point of a gun, rather than merely (as in the condemned Servant view) in fear of their jobs or an «angry look»?
It no longer is when a woman is violated at the point of a gun or a knife, we're now talking about — or identifying as rape — what really is a clumsy hook - up melodrama or a fumbled attempt at a kiss or a caress.»
This fight is based on what is said to be a betrayal of friendship, which had escalated to the point of gun violence, until the two men decided to put the guns away and take it to the yard.
«More money has been lost reaching for yield than at the point of a gun
We agree with investment writer Ray DeVoe's observation, «More money has been lost reaching for yield than at the point of a gun
ESPECIALLY youl You embody the «progressive» idea that the public is stupid and must be guided (even at the point of a gun) by the Enlightened.
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