Sentences with phrase «point of contention about»

The post provides useful detail highlighting the prime point of contention about Howarth's work — the choices he makes in defining the greenhouse impact of methane (from gas wells and pipes) and carbon dioxide (from coal burning).
One point of contention about the history of the APBT is whether these pit fighting dogs were essentially a new breed of dog specially created for this popular pastime.
A key point of contention about an evaluation system is how much it will identify teachers who are not good and don't improve.
«A key point of contention about an evaluation system is how much it will identify teachers who are not good and don't improve,» Mr. Gates writes.
If you take away the more significant point of contention about whether there is a God creator who cares about his creation, where do you see this great controversy about God among believers?
Today's post is designed to air out some of the points of contention about Paleo, to best assure your Paleo plans result in you enjoying the success you are hoping for.

Not exact matches

hey chut — we don't care how many comedians may know the cardinal direction of mecca while on stage as they shuffle for a laugh - something about your holy book espousing slavery or death to non-believers is really more the point of contention.
So it's not about visa applications, but about foreigners who are already in Germany and are violating German law (how to deal with those is a point of contention between the left and the right; the right to far - right wants to «deport criminal foreigners», while the left wants to use the German justice system).
State Senator David Carlucci talks to us about the state of the East Ramapo School District - a major point of contention in the legislature this year.
The rice milk may be a point of contention for Paleo sticklers, but you'll have to decide how you feel about using rice products.
I don't know how popular these actually were among bloggers because I didn't really see anyone talking about them; I know bar glitters are a point of contention among us, and I thought maybe that's the reason.
Since New Jersey first started talking about revamping teacher evaluations, the biggest point of contention has always been the use of student performance in the equation.
Chetty might even agree with this assertion, although he would disagree with the EVAAS's (typical) lack of use of controls for student background variables / demographics — a point of contention that has been debated, now, for years, with research evidence supporting both approaches; hence, the intense debates about VAM — based bias, now also going on for years.
While it's become a very public point of contention, think about how often you actually remove or replace your MicroSD card and think rationally about the important of this factor in your decision making process.
Rail: You said Miriam Schapiro was weird about lesbians and I wonder if it was a point of contention within your feminist art world — I don't know how you identify, but I think most of your romantic partners are men.
I also stand ready to be disabused of any misconceptions I have about your argument, and to be challenged on any / all of the points of contention listed above.
Offending passages included proposals to eliminate the minimum wage and social welfare programs — matters generally unrelated to the environment, but obvious points of contention for a free market enthusiast — that appeared alongside more mainstream ideas about reducing waste and promoting energy conservation.
So, erm, for future, in your opening remark don't tell people to forget about your main point of contention.
That point of contention would be worrying about the net result of responses (I'm certainly not limiting responses to just mitigation).
Saying that we want lawyers to act ethically is about as useful as saying that we want governments to act constitutionally; both are self - evidently true, but they reveal nothing about where the points of difficulty, challenge and contention arise in accomplishing those goals.
From long - considered questions about attorney - client privilege and multijurisdictional practices, to newer points of contention such as e-discovery and social media, every aspect of legal practice brings its own ethical requirements.
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