Sentences with phrase «point of discomfort»

Comfort is essential in the asana; the slightest point of discomfort can be endlessly distracting.
My baby is incredibly gassy, to the point of discomfort for him.
I was engorged to the point of discomfort, but it was a welcomed relief knowing that there was no concern with my milk production.
Lots of parents are so worried about the baby getting a chill that we bundle them up to the point of discomfort.
She said to only pump for four days (until my follow up appointment), at which point she said to allow my daughter to latch and nurse until the point of discomfort, and then pump.
I wear them, but really only around the house because they are either falling down, folding over, or constricting my growing belly to the point of discomfort.
It is characterized by episodes of eating large quantities of food, often very quickly and to the point of discomfort.
It is characterized by recurrent episodes of eating large quantities of food (usually junk food) to the point of discomfort.
Hoebel recommends pushing the body to a point of discomfort, but not pain.
That point of discomfort is where the change happens.
Never force a stretch or go past the point of discomfort or pain.Do not force yourself or bounce — this can cause tendon or ligament injury.
Binge eating is when you consume a large amount of food in a small amount of time, often to the point of discomfort.
Like all bandha practices, start slowly with Jalandhara and never retain breath to the point of discomfort.
Thus, to assess knee joint ROM, each participant was asked to conform a kneeling lunge position so that the right hip was stretched to the point of discomfort followed by the participant's right knee being passively flexed to the point of discomfort.
The subject's right knee was then passively flexed by investigators until the participant reached a point of discomfort.
They were instructed to position themselves so that the right hip was stretched to the point of discomfort.
The left was way more snug than the right - to the point of discomfort.
(For reference, I'm wearing a 0P — it's a little snug, but not to the point of discomfort... so size up if you want more room.)
Understand that not all points of discomfort are an indication that something needs fixing - particularly when the «fix» would be to sell at an undervalued, oversold, overbearish low, or to buy at an overvalued, overbought, overbullish high.
Barry Le Va's current show at Mary Boone is restrained to the point of discomfort.
By doing so he has intensified our understanding of figurative painting's familiar landmarks to the point of discomfort.
The pads do get a tad warm after a few hours, but never to the point of discomfort.
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