Sentences with phrase «point of fullness»

I was used to depriving myself when I was hungry, and then eating past the point of fullness at night.
It's not healthy to eat beyond your point of fullness just to ensure you can successfully complete the upcoming fasting period.
You know those meals that seduce you to have just one more bite, even though you're past the point of fullness?
The primary message in the feminist theories and therapies is to attune oneself and surrender: if we let go of striving and get in - touch with our hungers, eating what we want when we want to until we reach the point of fullness (but not beyond), then our eating and our weight will ultimately regulate themselves.

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@fimilleur from time to time mankind experiences the presence of God, there have been and continue to be events that testify to the presence of Him.The multiple gods you continually point to have an unique difference from the God who first revealed His presence to ancient men i.e. the Hebrews.The particular gods you mention roman etc. are all man made and in many instances men themselves i.e. hercules, but even the ancient greeks realized the limitations of their understanding and included an «unknown» God in their worship structure.many cultures did likewise, having a glimpse of God but not the fullness of understanding that was given to the Jews.Whether or not «we» believe, does not alter the fact that God exists as an unique being, whether or not «we» acknowledge Him «we» will stand before Him.You do not choose to understand, but we are actually standing in His presence right now as He is much bigger than the doctrines and knowledge man ascribes to Him those things you find so questionable are the misconceptions and misrepresentations of God made by men throughout history.
In response to those who would discredit Christianity by pointing to the sins and failures of Christendom, we have pointed out that no people or nation has ever embodied Christianity in its fullness and purity.
Rather, when the fullness of time is reached, there is a qualitative transformation, as in the case of the acorn becoming an oak, or water brought to boiling point becoming vapor, or instinct becoming reflection, or molecular increase becoming cellular.
Therefore Jesus Christ brings about the unity of Scripture, because he is the end - point and fullness of Scripture.
Our obligation is to image heaven by working to build a home here that not only points to, but in some mysterious way is already part of, the greater home to be realized in the fullness of time.
The eschatological elements of the salvation history theme have implied that the fullness of life lies only in the future; consequently, American churches have often responded to human suffering in the present by pointing the sufferer to God's future.
In most of the points that are to be regarded as historical (Denzinger 2123), it is not difficult to see that, as regards creation, the special creation of man, the equality of the sexes, 6 the unity of the human race (from the experience of the unity of the history of redemption), man's original condition (which in Genesis has not the fullness of content which can be recognized only since Christ).
In Baltimore on October 8, 1995, Pope John Paul touched on this point in his homily: «Sometimes, witnessing to Christ will mean drawing out of a culture the full meaning of its noblest intentions, a fullness that is revealed in Christ.
So we move directly from a consideration of the death of God overall to inquiries into the demise of a God of strictly male qualities, whose obituaries point the way forward to a more encompassing grasp of the fullness of Who God Is.
But it is in the Spirit where true fullness lies, in «the shy member of the Trinity,» as Dale Bruner says, the member who is always pointing beyond himself.
If it is true that Jesus Christ is the culmination, the crowning point of God's plan for the universe, then it follows that the universe is incomplete without Him; «God had set forth in Christ a plan to recapitulate all things in Christ, a plan for the fullness of time,» proposed Saint Paul to the Ephesians (1:9 - 10).
The future of the novum ultimum is the point at which the creation encounters God in God's powerful fullness.
The church is a sign of the kingdom of God, and in that sense participates in it, but it points beyond itself to the eschatological kingdom in all its fullness.
Pluscarden's Abbot makes the same point as St. Francis de Sales that, though the vocational paths may be different (and unique to each individual), the goal is ever the same: nothing short of knowing «the love of Christ which is beyond all knowledge» and being filled «with the utter fullness of God» (Ephesians 3:19).
«The author approaches the David story as an imaginative writer, giving play to that dialectical fullness of conception that leads the greatest writers (Shakespeare, Stendhal, Balzac, Tolstoy, Proust, to name a few apposite instances) to transcend the limitations of their own ideological points of departure,» Alter states.
And we are being pointed to the work of the Holy Spirit, who as the gift of the last days, shows up our world in its finitude, creates fellowship between the abidingly different, and precisely thus enables us to experience new life, life in its fullness
He then becomes in the fullness of His Person, in His Divinity and His humanity, our point of contact with God.
Interestingly, a high - protein diet can actually increase levels of your fullness hormones to the point that you feel satisfied with less food.
Solstice means «standing of the sun» and it represents a threshold of energizing fullness.We can connect with the sun's energizing fullness at this great turning point.
At this point, a feeling of fullness and the need to eliminate faecal matter follows.
At this point, a feeling of fullness and the need to eliminate faecal matter make that built in toilet seem ingenious!
Respect Your Fullness Athletes usually get to the point of overeating by having excessively large meals due to inadequate energy intake throughout the day or strenuous endurance exercise.
The focus on points pulls one away from internal signals of hunger and fullness.
Eating more protein helps you feel more full and for longer, as it slows down digestion (see next point) and it affects your hormones that control the feelings of hunger / appetite and fullness (in a good way).
However, health experts point out in this Scientific American piece, «Hunger and fullness are major determinants of how much humans eat, just as thirst determines how much humans drink.
The only niggly point may be the length which should be above or on the knee otherwise you lose the benefit you gain by having the fullness of skirt.
For Piper, «the point is fullness, completeness: the abstract qualities of all good painting together with the symbolism (at least) of life itself.»
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