Sentences with phrase «point of injury»

The purpose of this two - year initiative is to create a comprehensive strategy to address trauma care from point of injury through definitive care in high threat emergencies.
Observation is usually the first point of any injury assessment.
Generally with piriformis syndrome there will not be any lower back pain and there is usually a less well defined point of injury.
Look at our injury list so far that you have caused from burning players out / overplaying them to the point of injury.
He ran it off, but it's past the point of another injury meaning a crisis at the back.
You've tried talking to him, but the aggressive behavior hasn't stopped — he still roughhouses with his siblings at home to the point of injury, brawls with kids on the bus and gets into fistfights at school.
The symptoms manifest themselves as immediate swelling at the point of injury, deformity, and reluctance to use that body part.
It has always been assumed that the programming takes place once the cells arrive at the point of injury or infection but this has not been well investigated.
As flexible and stretchable as living tissue, it nonetheless includes electronic elements that stimulate the spinal cord at the point of injury.
Excessive vibrations — excessive to the point of injury — have been prominent in the news recently, but researchers have developed an algorithm that could help machines avoid getting trapped in resonant motion.
Immediate reporting of concussion symptoms allows for proper management at the point of injury and gives athletes the best opportunity to return to their sport more quickly.»
The calf muscle will often be tender to touch at the point of injury and swelling and bruising may appear within hours or days.
I see it in my yoga classes: students visibly in the throes of negative self image, demonstrating very little conscious relationship to where and how their bodies exist in space; others grinding through asana, attached to an idea of achievement that negates their present moment capacity, sometimes to the point of injury.
Lifters often fall into the trap of chasing new personal records (PR's) on lifts to the point of injury.
As a community, CrossFit encourages people to push through pain, even to the point of injury, vomiting or both.
The animal will be normal from the point of the spinal injury upward and paralyzed from the point of the injury downward.
In this situation, it is possible your dog had an abnormality since birth that is just now showing signs of clinical symptoms or it may be that you have been training him for agility and his bones are exhausted to the point of injury.
The K - 9 Tactical Field Kit is designed to enable handlers to provide lifesaving treatment to injured canines at the point of injury or when veterinary care is not immediately available.
Dogs often push themselves to the point of injury or exhaustion just to keep going with you.
The difference between the two is that Ripcord also includes rescue from the point of injury or illness in remote areas.
Partial — In the case of partial spinal cord injuries, individuals may have some feeling and function below the point of injury.
Complete — Injury to the spinal cord which results in total paralysis, wherein the patient has no feeling or is unable to voluntarily move any body part below the point of injury and on both sides of their body.
When the spinal cord is damaged, the injured person may be left with complete or partial loss of sensation and / or movement in the area of the body below the point of the injury.
Someone with aspinal cord injury may lose some or all movement and function below the point of injury.
With an incomplete injury, the victim may retain some feeling beneath the point of the injury.
The line represents the sequence of events that occur from the point of fault to the point of injury.
If a person suffers a complete spinal cord injury, brain signals aren't transmitted below the point of injury.
With an incomplete spinal cord injury, the victim may have limited sensory and motor function below the point of injury; also, one side of the body may move differently from the other side and sensation may be different from one side to the other.
If a victim suffers a complete spinal cord injury, he or she will have no movement, function, or sensation below the point of the injury.
The Health Care Specialist is primarily responsible for providing emergency medical treatment, limited primary care and health protection and evacuation from a point of injury or illness.
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