Sentences with phrase «point of the essay in»

The writer should introduce the main point of the essay in the introduction part and don't waste your time by writing unimportant points in your essay.

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Readers have pointed out that Johannes Hirn made Tsarnaev the subject of a photo essay, «Will Box for Passport,» taken before the boxer competed at National Golden Gloves competition in Salt Lake City.
George Weigel's essay offers valid points about the importance of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), but he makes two errors.
Neither can they become disposable accessories — a point Coughlin makes clear in one of the book's essays, «What Truths We Hold,» which also appeared as a First Things web column.
For not taking up this point in my Simon lecture and this essay, I can only plead the limits of time and space; should my essay find itself growing into a small book some day, that crucial point (and others) will be addressed.
Finally, if the point of this author's essay is to conclude that we shouldn't waste our time on whether Judas is in heaven or hell, why bring it up in the first place with a headline that begs the question?
The key point here, at least for our purposes in this essay, is that the structured society or field of activity is «alive» because of the interrelated individual agencies of all its constituent occasions.
As Hans Frei points out in a series of essays in Crossroads, a person's identity is revealed in what he does, how he enacts his intentions.
In an essay titled, «The Unity For Which We Hope,» Avery Dulles set forth a ten - point program of intermediate goals and strategies.
George just posted a very interesting (personal) appraisal o the evolution of young evangelicals, and rather than try to appreciate his view point, some are downright nasty — just because he mentions God and Jesus and Christianity in his essay.
Berry's essays on economics, technology, bioregionalism, education and planetary socialism, many of which are incorporated in The Dream of the Earth, provide significant insights on this point.
Gall's example thus serves to demonstrate one of the main points of contention in my essay and suffices as my answer to Harmon.
Perhaps the most important theological point in this essay is that neoclassical theism, according to its own principles of method, must — given the reality of oppression — join black theology in affirming a certain priority for the conception of God as God of the oppressed.
In a 2009 essay in the Chronicle of Higher Education on the fiftieth anniversary of Strunk and White's Elements of Style, Edinburgh professor Geoffrey Pullum isn't content to point out errors in that celebrated booIn a 2009 essay in the Chronicle of Higher Education on the fiftieth anniversary of Strunk and White's Elements of Style, Edinburgh professor Geoffrey Pullum isn't content to point out errors in that celebrated booin the Chronicle of Higher Education on the fiftieth anniversary of Strunk and White's Elements of Style, Edinburgh professor Geoffrey Pullum isn't content to point out errors in that celebrated booin that celebrated book.
My second point is that I do not see how one who adheres to the doctrine of regional inclusion can avoid affirming that one prehension has two subjects and this implication of the doctrine constitutes a reduction ad absurdum.8 That if established, it would be a reductio is clear from passages such as the following: «A feeling is in all respects determinate, with a determinate subject, determinate initial data...»; no feeling can be abstracted either from its data, or its subject» (Process and Reality, An Essay in Cosmology 338 and 355).
Process and Reality, An Essay in Cosmology 345 - 346 and 435 imply clearly that (b) is the alternative Whitehead had in mind, for in each passage he presents a situation where a given occasion, X, inherits from another occasion, Y, in its past, which in turn inherits from Z, which is in its past — the point of each passage is to say that X inherits doubly from Z, both immediately and as mediated by Y. Z is not in the immediate past of X, and yet X is exhibited as prehending Z directly.
In a recent press conference Secretary General Hammarskjold announced his intention of translating into Swedish some of the essays from the «Politics, Community, and Peace» section of Pointing the Way.
If it so happens that ten or twenty or fifty years from now all nuclear weapons have been abolished, a few of the persons who grow up in that post-nuclear era may read this essay at some point in their lives and glean from it a feeling for what it was like to live under the threat of global nuclear war.
Aside from what Gunter has suggested in his essay, I should point out that Deleuze, in his study Bergsonism (13 - 35) devoted a chapter to outlining some of the key principles of «Intuition as Method.»
In response to his critics, Kuhn has added a Postscript in the second edition of his book, and has written several essays, in which he clarifies his earlier views and at some points significantly modifies theIn response to his critics, Kuhn has added a Postscript in the second edition of his book, and has written several essays, in which he clarifies his earlier views and at some points significantly modifies thein the second edition of his book, and has written several essays, in which he clarifies his earlier views and at some points significantly modifies thein which he clarifies his earlier views and at some points significantly modifies them.
Bruce McCormack started from the same point in his brilliant essay on the role of....
Bruce McCormack started from the same point in his brilliant essay on the role of justification in Protestant theology, an essay which is mandatory reading for those wishing to understand what's at stake over the doctrine of justification.
J. Bottum's essay on the meaning of violence comes tantalizingly close to making a clear point, but in my view never quite succeeds.
In the final essay, «American Dionysus,» Patterson points out that the current image of African - American men, when decoded and examined, illuminates the entire landscape of modern American popular culture.
It is at this point that the thesis to be developed in the remainder of this essay is most sharply at issue with Hartshorne's work.
The NATO essay points again to the fact that, whether the issue under discussion is welfare policy or foreign policy, what we consistently find in the work of Irving Kristol is a consideration of public life and governing from the standpoint of the individual soul» and, by the same token, a consideration of the need to foster the right kinds of virtues in individual souls in order for the most desirable regimes to be successful.
In separate essays, Charles Hartshorne77 and Lewis Ford78 point out the serious misunderstandings of Whitehead at work in this critique, and Ford and others explain the Whiteheadian solution to the problem of evil as follows: 79 God does not wholly determine the course of the temporal procesIn separate essays, Charles Hartshorne77 and Lewis Ford78 point out the serious misunderstandings of Whitehead at work in this critique, and Ford and others explain the Whiteheadian solution to the problem of evil as follows: 79 God does not wholly determine the course of the temporal procesin this critique, and Ford and others explain the Whiteheadian solution to the problem of evil as follows: 79 God does not wholly determine the course of the temporal process.
The only major point of contention I would bring against Gioia's essay is its suggestion that, during the postwar Catholic boom in American letters, Catholic writers forged a visible community.
The ugliness and hypocrisy of the new northeastern capitalism was brilliantly pointed out in Hawthorne's own time by the Southern writer George Fitzhugh, as C. Vann Woodward has shown in his essay «A Southern War Against Capitalism» (1960).
Nicholas Frankovich's thesis about St. John is supported by scholars of distinction, but in that part of the essay, my point turns on the perception of the text, justified or otherwise, over the centuries.
James W. Ceaser I was deeply impressed with Peter Lawler's fine essay, NASA Needs A Philosopher, above all with his last point — number 7 — about the possible character of relations with other «civilizations» we might encounter in the universe.
My central point now is that it is only in light of this theory of Whitehead's own intellectual project that one could do what Lewis has now proposed doing: show its completion or fulfillment in his own theory of God as the subjectivity of the future, a profoundly difficult and complex notion discussed at greater length in other essays by George Allan and Robert C. Neville in this Special Focus.
But she seems not to have recalled that portion of my essay in which I point out that an argument along the lines I've made has already succeeded in federal courts.
[10] This is a comment made by Henry Chadwick in the Introduction to his collection of essays Heresy and Orthodoxy in the Early Church (Hampshire: Variorum, 1991), p. ix, on the writings of Père Yves Congar, which, he says, have «richly illustrated» this point.
The culminating point was reached by LIFE magazine, which documented in photo essay form the life and times of the Western world during the forties and fifties.
In a recent essay Phyllis Trible suggested that Childs's end point in his survey of the Biblical Theology Movement (a date she pinpoints as 1963) was not fortuitouIn a recent essay Phyllis Trible suggested that Childs's end point in his survey of the Biblical Theology Movement (a date she pinpoints as 1963) was not fortuitouin his survey of the Biblical Theology Movement (a date she pinpoints as 1963) was not fortuitous.
4 During the completion of this essay it came to my attention that Paul F. Schmidt has made a similar point in his Perception and Cosmology in Whitehead's Philosophy (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1967).
The source for both Hartshorne and Weiss's opinions on this point is Charles Peirce, whose essay, «The Doctrine of Necessity Examined,» presents a more dialectical argument than that of either of his students for why people might mistakenly believe in determinism (7: pars.
The stated end point of Childs's survey of that movement was associated with the work of Langdon Gilkey (not Betty Friedan) and specifically with essays written by Gilkey in 1965 - 66.
To illustrate the former, Locke points out in book II, chapter viii of the Essay that the power in any body which seems to cause change in another is commonly considered as «the cause.»
From this point on in his essay Wang dealt with practical implications of his exposition of manifesting the clear character, loving the people, and abiding in the highest good.
In order to do this it will be necessary to refer at length to some of Wang's antecedents in the neo-Confucian tradition, and I hope the main points of this essay hold for a general association of neo-Confucianism with process thoughIn order to do this it will be necessary to refer at length to some of Wang's antecedents in the neo-Confucian tradition, and I hope the main points of this essay hold for a general association of neo-Confucianism with process thoughin the neo-Confucian tradition, and I hope the main points of this essay hold for a general association of neo-Confucianism with process thought.
In other essays Bellah elaborates these points, both descriptively and normatively, by suggesting that modern culture develops an attitude of «symbolic realism» toward religion that recognizes the humanly constructed nature of religious symbolism and affirms the importance of such symbolism as a source of ultimate meaning and personal integration.
She concluded, «It is hard to escape the suspicion that the real point of this essay is to brand any Jews (and non-Jews, for that matter) who still believe in the possibility of a negotiated settlement in the Middle East as perpetuators of a ghetto appeasement mentality.»
In the water its reflection rises perfectly to meet it» («A Country of Edges» in Recollected Essays, 1965 - 1980 [North Point Press, 1981], p. 229In the water its reflection rises perfectly to meet it» («A Country of Edges» in Recollected Essays, 1965 - 1980 [North Point Press, 1981], p. 229in Recollected Essays, 1965 - 1980 [North Point Press, 1981], p. 229).
Bleich pays no heed at all to the advocates of a modern conception of the halakhah; their point of view never once surfaces in his essays.
The essay originally appeared in a compilation of essays titled, Faith and Political Philosophy: The Correspondence Between Leo Strauss and Eric Voegelin: 1934 to 1964, and is a delightful and interesting conversation between the two philosophers dealing with the one point that «separated» them.
At one point in this bloated, interminable essay, meandering hither and yon, Bottum allows as how the authors of the Manhattan Declaration were chiefly thinkers and not writers.
In one essay he pointed out how often the Gospels speak of unexpected «bestowals of grace,» as in such phrases as «and suddenly... and on the way he met... now it happened that there stood before him a man.&raquIn one essay he pointed out how often the Gospels speak of unexpected «bestowals of grace,» as in such phrases as «and suddenly... and on the way he met... now it happened that there stood before him a man.&raquin such phrases as «and suddenly... and on the way he met... now it happened that there stood before him a man.»
When Newman came to write his Essay on the Development of Doctrine, he makes the point that «the absolute need of a spiritual authority is at present the strongest argument in favour of its supply.»
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