Sentences with phrase «points in the space of»

Embed from Getty Images The Gunners will welcome back a host of players over the next week, a huge advantage to ensuring we pick up nine points in the space of nine days...
For each new cluster, the researchers evaluate its physical properties using physics simulations, which assign it a particular point in the space of properties.
That it could have got to this point in the space of a few decades... who'd have thought?

Not exact matches

The point is that the single most important job any CEO of a growing company can perform is identifying the constraints that are keeping the organization from sprinting forward in the right direction and then allocating as much of their time as needed to remove them, thus freeing up space for the organization to perform more effectively.
In fact, Radesky points out, such spaces are important for the mental health of adults as well as kids.
But even if your brain feels overstuffed to the point of bursting, it is possible to create some extra space in your brain for your loved ones.
The digital company's decision to enter the brick - and - mortar space is a «pretty big deal,» and «suggests stores are in fact important and not just some defensive point of view that traditional brick - and - mortar players have taken,» he added.
They believe the answer lies in suspending a very long — and very strong — elevator cable from the surface of the Earth to a point thousands of miles in space.
Suzy Welch, who contributed to the project, pointed out that every single one of the top 10 companies on the Top Attractors list is in the tech space (and 45 % of the total companies on the U.S. list), despite the fact that tech companies make up less than 10 % of the American GDP.
No bonus points for guessing that the final condition was an infuriating productivity suck — «I wanted to hit you,» one participant apparently told the experimenter — but more surprising may be the size of the bump in output created by working in the personalized space:
Today, there are a fair number of gene - silencing drugs in late - stage development and dozens of companies working in the space — and it feels like we could be close to a tipping point.
The trend points to non-linear design in favor of striking yet cozy meeting spaces.
At that point, it will partly collapse, blow its outer shells of plasmatic gas into space, turn into a white dwarf, and begin to form a planetary nebula in its surroundings.
Since some might wonder, I'll point out that I'm not technically a professional journalist myself — I'm a professor who dabbles at blogging — but I take my independence seriously, and I assure you that the first time anyone in management at Rogers Media (owner of Canadian Business) tries to tell me what to write in this space, that will be the very last day I write for them.
Before that Pixar was in leased space, multiple buildings because the site didn't have one which fit them all, and no, that is not a good description of Pixar's allotment of space in the Point Richmond leased space.
Fueled operates the Fueled Collective in NYC, a shared office space that became the conceptual jumping - off point for Fueled Collective, an exciting new franchise of coworking spaces.
In June, Mr. Schneider returned to the United States to host a symposium with a roomful of bankers and venture capitalists, a vivid demonstration that private space investment has reached a tipping point of credibility.
In addition, Morningstar's Burns points to «a lot of growth in the alternative space, like margin arbitrage and managed futures making it into the ETF wrapper — and with pretty good success for people looking for diversificatioIn addition, Morningstar's Burns points to «a lot of growth in the alternative space, like margin arbitrage and managed futures making it into the ETF wrapper — and with pretty good success for people looking for diversificatioin the alternative space, like margin arbitrage and managed futures making it into the ETF wrapper — and with pretty good success for people looking for diversification.
The level of interest from these firms serves as a point of validation of the value and potential of the technology and talent that is being developed in the space.
The incident highlights another issue, that verge's approach to privacy has long been a point of contention in the cryptocurrency space.
This scenario furthers the point of how this space is a growing ecosystem comprised of companies, startups, and individuals that are all contributing everything in order to grow the technology.
And she pointed out that while NASA spoke of investing in fifty - fifty partnerships with commercial space companies, it was actually spending nine times what the commercial space companies were spending — that the partnerships were actually ninety - ten.
So when we think about Charlie's vantage point and understanding of this stuff it's quite profound because he's worked in this space at the very highest levels from numerous ends of the spectrum from actually designing the code and working on the code of blockchain to you know doing the engineering side over at that coin base which is one of the exchanges.
In the years to come, the entrepreneurial space industry will benefit immeasurably from the influx of disruptive ideas and unique points of view that will accompany this changing demographic.
He continued to make the point that due to «a certain level of opportunism» in the cryptocurrency space, businesses would need more thorough scrutiny.
The recession, in forcing many companies to re-evaluate their business premises, brought the benefits of serviced office space to the attention of major organisations and, as officebroker's CEO Chris Meredith pointed out — «these organisations have identified that these benefits still remain now the country is coming out of recession.»
While we are undoubtedly experiencing an inflection point within the entrepreneurial space movement, the only way to be sure that this momentum continues in the long term is to inspire an interest in, and enthusiasm for, space exploration in a diverse spectrum of young people.
It's not just the big - name corporations that are making a point to engage the next generation of scientists and innovators — Space Angels - funded Because Learning, previously known as Ardusat, has their own ideas for how to engage students in STEM fields.
As private enterprise continues to push the boundaries of space exploration, investors should remember that while interest in entrepreneurial space has been ramping up, commercial space technologies are reaching an inflection point.
«My only point of caution is that price discovery may suffer for the cannabis companies as the banks get more comfortable in the space and bank debt lending and equity financing potentially get linked,» Cusson said.
Friedman responded that «It is a non-regulated space today, so it is not something that we have decided to go into becoming a cryptocurrency exchange but we are providing technology now to other cryptocurrency exchanges,» pointing to Nasdaq's surveillance technology that will be used by Gemini to oversee its cryptocurrency trading pairs in Ethereum and bitcoin to alert the exchange of suspicious trade behavior, potentially preventing market manipulation.
Most cryptocurrencies are still up a considerable amount since the start of last year which some will point to as evidence that they have a lot further to fall and others as evidence of the belief that still exists in the space.
And there are other big financial groups that are highly interested,» Phillips added, pointing out that many of these investors are still figuring out the regulatory framework and different sectors and opportunities in the cannabis space.
In fact, our school system, as I already pointed out, rents space to a huge number of very diverse private concerns, including homeowner associations, clubs, and so on.
Can you point out where in the Bill of Rights it states that the government must furnish, at reasonable cost, space for said free expression?
Those that get to have the privilege of being in the sacred space of someone who is getting ready to cross over are simply a container, one who should be listening... not imposing any of their own beliefs or will at that point!
An atom is a point in space (unless you consider the shape of the electron shells).
For not taking up this point in my Simon lecture and this essay, I can only plead the limits of time and space; should my essay find itself growing into a small book some day, that crucial point (and others) will be addressed.
Perhaps the White Rose, in the limited space available in their leaflets, could do no more than raise the basic point that the Nazi policy of extermination of the Jews was of a different kind altogether from the earlier anti-Semitism, which for all its enormities would never have suggested that the solution to the so - called «Jewish problem in Europe» should be mass murder.
He made the entirely reasonable point that microbial life on Earth, or some of its complex building blocks, may have drifted in from outer space.
The point is that nothing in the Marriage Pledge prevents us from sharing the public space of civil society.
But all varieties of horror flick are easily identifiable at this point, whether they're spooky, low - budget films (numerous); viscera - stained slasher movies (more numerous); quick - cut zombie flicks (even more numerous); macabre sci - fi, floating - in - space efforts (somewhat less numerous than they should be); sexualized vampiric tales (I trip over one of these whenever I get the newspaper); films of the more critically favored retro - mashup variety (Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez's Death Proof plus Planet Terror feature Grindhouse); or foreign entries of the psychological horror variety (the works of Dario Argento, of course; Alexandre Aja's films, which have their defenders; and Juan Antonio Bayona's El Orfanato, which only someone who truly dislikes cinema can dismiss).
Whiteheadians seem able to imagine such ecstatically spanned unities - across - time on the so - called «microscopic» scale of the «specious present,» but give up on the idea as the scope of the temporal disclosure space is widened to the scale of human lifetime and of generations.7 But worse than this from the point of view of Heidegger's temporal problematic, by submitting the ecstatic unities of their «specious presents» to the before / after ordering and metric properties of linear time, at least in terms of their mutually external relations and arrangements, they give back ontologically every advantage they gained from the use of an cc - static - temporal disclosure horizon in the first place, even though it was only the single horizon of presence.
Commenting on Whitehead's doctrine of structured societies at the cellular level, John Cobb remarks: «Whitehead at that point was forced to explain the order in the cell in terms of its molecular structure, to which spontaneity was denied, and to explain the life of the cell in terms of the events in its empty space, which he depicted as radically unordered.
It is easy to see why that seems like the right tool: Free exercise jurisprudence has frequently involved the crafting of prudential exemptions and accommodations — precisely the carving out of spaces — that could allow religious believers to act on their convictions even in the face of contrary public sentiments or (up to a point) public laws.
Since at one particular point in itself, the stuff of the universe has an inner face, we are forced to conclude that in its very structure — that is, in every region of space and time — it has this double aspect, just as, for instance, in its very structure it is granular.
I greatly welcome this turn in the discussion, for this latter question was also the theme of my own sermon, and it was only because the former arose in «Meeting Point» and was seized upon by many of my correspondents that I have had to devote a disproportionate amount of space to the historical problem.
In the interest of space and time, I'll focus instead on some of the points that Carter clarified.
It is scarcely questionable, however, that this symbol originally pointed to the final consummation of a dynamic process of the transcendent's becoming immanent: of a distant, a majestic, and a sovereign Lord breaking into time and space in such a way as to transfigure and renew all things whatsoever, thereby abolishing the old cosmos of the original creation, and likewise bringing to an end all that law and religion which had thus far been established in history.
It is, as George Herbert Mead has said, a way of «taking time seriously «17 to the point that no definable space in the mechanistic sense can be designated, or fixed, except as a supposition for purposes which require one to arrest the process, which is to assume that time does not matter or that it does not exist.
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