Sentences with phrase «points made by»

p.s. — I just had a chance to read through the comments & especially thought about the points made by PaintyCait.
A similar tactic suggested by the 17th century French mathematician, Blaise Pascal, acknowledges valid points made by the other person and then considers how they may fit into one's own broader plan.
This thread is getting too unweildy to read all the comments and there have been many good points made by contributors like Andy Newman, Preston and Barry Deutsh and much highlighting of the obvious deficiencies in Brad's thinking and process, but has anybody made the comparison between «the recruitment industry according to Brad» and the banking sector?
The keys points made by the Winklevi in terms of Bitcoin's maturation had to do with clearer regulation, better protections for consumers and the increased availability of professional - grade exchanges.
One of the key points made by Sztorc during his presentation is that miners will always look to mine bitcoin in the most efficient manner possible.
However, five points made by Gove are worth noting.
The Financial Post also mentions other key points made by our lawyers, reporting that our article «referred to gender diversity as a key area for corporations to address given recent «changes introduced by ISS» and plans for 2019 unveiled by Glass Lewis.»
I also acknowledge the points made by counsel for ICBC and counsel for the claimant as to the need to under the new Rules to have regard to proportionality.
You should respond to each of the points made by the claims adjuster in a written letter that includes a counteroffer.
As a service to those who were unable to attend, I wanted to summarize and build on some of the great points made by my esteemed presenters.
To explore those issues, Professor Lawrence constituted a panel of four academics — Hester Lessard (U Vic), Bruce Ryder (Osgoode), Margot Young (UBC), and Robert Leckey (McGill)-- each of whom responded, in turn, to questions put by Lawrence and to points made by the prior commentator.
It is arguable that the reasoning of the Court of Justice, relying on the non-blanket nature of the ban does implicitly take into account the points made by the ECHR in Hirst.
The justices who joined Kennedy's opinion in full were Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Clarence Thomas, who said in a concurrence that he also agreed with points made by Gorsuch and Alito.
Mayes echoes some points made by Lyons about the Eurocentricity of environmentalism, and asks an important question about the green movement...
Second, one of the main points made by the Leonard Smith paper, is that you have to make some tradeoffs depending on what you are trying to accomplish with the model.
If you chuck the stolen bits as indicating that Wegman didn't know enough to write those parts of his report up himself, you are left with his rather trivial affirmations of the rather trivial points made by McI and MciT.
«refute the thoughtful points made by SecularAnamist».....»
If you had any intellectual honesty you could, for example, provide constructive arguments to refute the thoughtful points made by SecularAnamist (3 Mar 2014 @ 12:08 PM, ~ # 5 above).
Of all the points made by S&N, perhaps the most telling is in a follow - up post on the Breakthrough Institute blog: «Nearly every profession, from public health to business to law, has research studies, conferences, and peer - review journals dedicated to evaluating what's working and what's not.
5 years almost you've been waiting and yet Klein comes on here to berate me for not responding to some points made by Raff six weeks ago.
Highlighting many of the same points made by Bill Clinton at the National Clean Energy Summit in Las Vegas, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg spoke about his vision for building green power in New York and for the country in general.
In a normal world, on any other subject, the points made by Ben and Robin would be the subject of widespread media discussion among journaists, politicians and academics, and the dissenting view of a Freeman Dyson would be front page news.
Yesterday Hickman put up an extract from an audio interview of Sir John Sulston in which the inteviewer John Vidal puts to Sir John some points made by Matt Ridley.
Either you are one of the most sophisticated trolls I have ever encountered on Disqus, or I owe you thanks for so eloquently deconstructing the points made by your fellow climate change science deniers.
Would I be overcynical to observe that your «continued» post serves as a very poor fig leaf to cover your avoidance of the cogent and damning points made by commentators on your Part 1 about half an hour ago?
I have used your standard answers to pin down the points made by Peter Hitchens a columnist for UK's The Mail on Sunday in the 5th Nov edition (page31) and identified at least 21 unsubstantiated and unscientific statements designed to promote the «GW concept is nonsense» view!
I think it makes some of the same points made by Santer et al..
(2) But never, as far as I can determine, has Plimer responded to the devastating points made by his critics.
This follows on from similar points made by Steve Goddard, and another article by Harold Ambler which tries to show how DMI is based on more data measurements than GISS, again providing a setting to raise questions about the reliability of GISS gridded values in the Arctic.
(Note the following includes points made by Richard Tol and Brandon Shollenberger).
Richard Rosen, a senior fellow at the Tellus Institute in Boston, which charts scenarios for human development in this century, took issue with some of the points made by Bill Gates in the Technology Review interview explored here earlier this week.
[Response: Well the discussion in the TAR is actually very clear about what can be evaluated (current climate conditions and variability, past changes etc.) and the use of GCM projections of possible future climates, and all of the apparently dramatic points made by Crichton are acknowledged and discussed there.
Further discussion about sensitivity in a response to several interesting points made by Tom Rees...
Art Radar takes a look at the key points made by Kingsley Ng in conversation with critic Valerie C. Doran at Art Basel Hong Kong 2017.
While we're a little hesitant to crown a single brokerage as the best brokerage for TFSAs, there are some interesting points made by the posts in the thread.
That was one of the points made by Jens Moestrup Rasmussen, chief portfolio manager at Sparinvest, when he spoke at the Nordic Investment Managers Forum.
One of the points made by Rachel Deahl at Publishers... Read More
Very interesting points made by Reilly.
-LSB-...] disagree with some of the points made by Gavin in the Lulu posting, and he is right to quote Joel Friedlander (even though Joel's comments are taken slightly out of context re fiction / nonfiction -LSB-...]
Personally, I can see the points made by Walshe, who is herself a librarian, but I'm not sure she appreciates all that this new tool can be.
I second the points made by Ramez Naam about the trad pub income streams that aren't reflected here.
Then, you should discuss the content and provide your own critical analysis of the points made by the author.
Critical essay or book review is what the name assumes - you need to write a critical review of a book, to analyze the ideas, to discuss points made by author, to provide your own evaluation of publication.
One of the most interesting points made by Weltz, the agent, was that there is a very high opportunity in publishers» backlists.
Comments — Tom Semple's rebuttal to a couple of points made by James McQuivey in the interview last week, GuitarLover 1999 on the Joe Konrath interview, and Al MacDiarmid on the wonders of Calibre.
I have read this review several times now and i am having great difficulty locating any points made by the reviewer which are valid criticisms.
In addition to all the points made by @NickC - unless you have a huge expanse of rust, a handheld wire brush might be better than anything else.
Let's look at the suggestions / main points made by the experts (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics) discussed in their most webinar (That webinar can be accessed through
Pollack's stance echoes points made by Trump, who has emphasized hardening schools while also expressing openness to some gun control.
Following discussion, it was agreed that the Employers» Side would consider the points made by the Staff Side and that the Staff Side organisations would consult their members before pay negotiations resumed in January.
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