Sentences with phrase «points of information which»

Driving is a task that involves multiple points of information which is continuously processed from road signs / signals, speedometer displays, interaction from other vehicles, and requiring us to make corrections to our driving pattern.

Not exact matches

Whether via phishing (tricking someone into providing their financial account information — often via an attachment in an email or a fake website that purports to sell or give away tickets), an ATM skimmer (which reads and records the card's information, including password) or point - of - sale malware (like that used in the 2013 Target breach), it's not hard for cybercriminals to trick the unsuspecting.
The Future List put out by The Information and Social Capital, took 6,000 data points on 552 senior investment professionals across 71 firms to use diversity to plot which investors are best positioned to take advantage of future trends.
QNX, which made more than 60 % of the core software inside the world's car infotainment systems in 2011, has partnered with The Weather Network to send location - based weather data to drivers, and the intelligent dashboard system in many of Nissan's 2013 models, for instance, will feed drivers real - time local fuel prices, flight - status information, and points of interest supplied by Google.
As executive vice-president and chief information officer for Indigo, Serbinis was the point person on Shortcovers, which he now describes as a «pilot» project designed to take the company's theories off whiteboards and out of conference rooms and test them in the marketplace.
States received points based on categories like online search functions, the ability to download data and the inclusion of information from quasi-public agencies, which are technically state entities but tend to operate independently.
Adding to this new information is some research conducted by Womenable way back in 2007, Mapping the Missing Middle: Determining the Desire and Dimensions of Second - Stage Women Business Owners, which not only raised the point that not enough policy and programmatic attention was being paid to established women - owned firms that had not yet cracked the million - dollar revenue barrier, but sized this population at between 16 % (if defined to include firms with employees or between $ 100,000 and $ 1 million in revenues) and fully 91 % (if having employees and revenues over $ 100,000 was not a criterion) of the entire women - owned business population.
Third and finally, the traditional story misses the real function of private banks, which is to solve an information problem in the purest Hayekian senses. That is, banks are or should be specialists in risk assessment and risk taking. They should know their client, understand the local market and have their pulse on the broad economy. Arguably, if properly structured, they can and should do this better than other entities such as governments. In other words, the proper role of banks should be underwriting — lend money, hold the debt, and bear the risk. Which is a long - winded way of getting to the main point of this which is to solve an information problem in the purest Hayekian senses. That is, banks are or should be specialists in risk assessment and risk taking. They should know their client, understand the local market and have their pulse on the broad economy. Arguably, if properly structured, they can and should do this better than other entities such as governments. In other words, the proper role of banks should be underwriting — lend money, hold the debt, and bear the risk. Which is a long - winded way of getting to the main point of this Which is a long - winded way of getting to the main point of this post.
And, while GDPR advocates have pointed to the lobbying Google and Facebook have done against the law as evidence that it will be effective, that is to completely miss the point: of course neither company wants to incur the costs entailed in such significant regulation, which will absolutely restrict the amount of information they can collect.
Yes, most of your points account information is available on your PNC Rewards Center in PNC Online Banking which displays a summary of your points, participating and eligible card points balances and all new, active and earned PNC Purchase Payback offers.
This comparison points to the deeper imbalances that brought on the US recession in the first place — namely, the equity market correction, balance - sheet stress in the US corporate sector, low profitability, and an investment overhang, particularly in Information Technology (IT) and communications, all of which weighed on the ability of US businesses to invest.
You're assuming that at some point in the history of the world NEW genetic information was added to a living thing (which doesn't happen) and then it happened over and over together with the power of natural selection until we arrived at modern man.
It goes without saying that the Psalms must be understood according to the canons of poetry, in which the point is often not to convey information or to argue grammatically and logically, but rather to express feelings of longing or anguish, adoration or revulsion through imagery, the juxtaposition of images and ideas, crescendos and climaxes of intensity.
But the pieces of information which alone could give us certainty on these points are lacking, and in their absence no guess as to what is probably meant can be thought of as anything like a certainty.
So John (alone among the gospels) reports, noting that a disciple of Jesus who was acquainted with the High Priest had found his way into the house — which we may possibly take as a hint that he had good information at this point.19
If one wishes a more detailed study of the question, one can read Schiflebeeckx's Jesus, in which it takes him 437 pages to come to this point: «All in all, we are led to conclude that the New Testament, not In spite of the diverse kerygmatic projects but because of them, gives substantial information about Jesus of Nazareth?»
The information environment of the television curriculum reveals one additional bias which is worth pointing out, namely, that it is largely authoritarian.
Different genres of movies portray information differently, and so just as you would not expect accurate history and science to come from a love story, even documentaries, which often do portray accurate history and science, reveal history and science from a particular perspective, carefully selecting material to make a certain point, or tell a certain story.
The point of this web site is quite specific — to discuss environmental and ecological sustainability in the coffee industry and highlight companies that have strong records in this regard which provide the background and information so like - minded consumers can make a choice based on those preferences.
If at any point in time Golubka Kitchen decides to make use of any personally identifiable information on file, in a manner vastly different from that which was stated when this information was initially collected, the user or users shall be promptly notified by email.
much like when a country can't divulge highly classified information publicly for obvious economic and military reasons, a professional soccer organization must keep certain things in - house so they don't devalue a player, expose a weakness, provide info that could give an opposing club leverage in future negotiations and / or give them vital intel regarding a future match, but when dishonesty becomes the norm the relationship between cub and fan will surely deteriorate... in our particular case, our club has done an absolutely atrocious job when it comes to cultivating a healthy and honest relationship with the media or their fans, which has contributed greatly to our lack of success in the transfer market... along with poor decisions involving weekly wages, we can't ever seem to get true market value for most of our outgoing players and other teams seem to squeeze every last cent out of us when we are looking to buy; why wouldn't they, when you go to the table with such a openly desperate and dysfunctional team like ours, you have all the leverage; made even worse by the fact that who wouldn't want to see our incredibly arrogant and thrifty manager squirm during the process... the real issue at this club is respect, a word that appears to be entirely lost on those within our hierarchy... this is the starting point from which all great relationships between club and supporters form... this doesn't mean that a team can't make mistakes along the way, that's just human nature, it's about how they chose to deal with these situations that will determine if this relationship flourishes or devolves..
3.4 The Club is not responsible for any changes to, or discontinuance of, any opportunity to earn points which is provided by a third party or if a third party communicates inaccurate information about Chelsea Rewards earned.
Early Years DAD Card: a credit card - sized folding card which opens out, concertina - fashion, and contains bite - sized nuggets of information to provide dads with confidence - building facts, figures and advice — reassuring them about their significance and skills, encouraging them to think positively about their fatherhood and pointing them towards the Dad Info website,
If at any point in time Birmingham Fun And Family Magazine decides to make use of any personally identifiable information on file, in a manner vastly different from that which was stated when this information was initially collected, the user or users shall be promptly notified by email.
But it would be highly irresponsible of me, as a provider of information regarding school food reform to my readership, to not point out that Chef Ann's remarkable efforts (which you've chronicled so well, btw) require funding.
This includes Rh sensitization, recognizing and providing homeopathic treatment of hypothyroidism, delivery of twins, remedies for diabetes... Category III — Subjects terms, skills and theories for which you have a point of reference but need to research for complete information.
@BobElston I agree that it takes more information to really get to the bottom of it, but this is one of the better starting points to that search of which I am aware.
When pressed for specifics, a spokesperson for Stringer pointed to wasted funds on technology initiatives, failure to detect collusion to drive up prices by food suppliers, late release of 70 % pre-kindergarten contract information prior to the 2014 school year, and overpaying on custodial supplies, which Stringer has pointed out over the last three - plus years since he took office as Comptroller and de Blasio became Mayor.
The hon. Gentleman has written to the Information Centre and made a number of points, all of which will be answered in due course.»
Replacement of objective information by messages designed to scare the public (e.g., «Breaking point», «We want UK back» brings the idea that «England no longer is ours», which many people living in England could, understandably, feel frightening).
The Alliance met Wednesday near a rock at the center of the 1.8 - acre park, which is the highest point in Manhattan, and handed out information to passersby in the hopes of gathering volunteers to help the Parks Department beautify and improve the space.
This additional information will help in the next steps of the research, which involve more detailed study of the PD - 1 at different points in its pathway and with different viral or tumor loads.
About 10 years ago, my colleagues and I ran an experiment in which we learned 72 percent of college students trusted links that appeared to originate from friends — even to the point of entering personal login information on phishing sites.
These methods are able to extract the most relevant information from a variety of sources, as opposed to their more standard counterparts, which typically assume every data point is of interest, spurious or otherwise.
My job was to turn a huge stack of information into a report of the most salient points, which the company then sold to executives.
Information about interactions between the immune system and the virus, which influence the set point level are therefore of crucial importance.
«Once this information accumulates, you have a better image of where the source might be, which is to say, your estimated source location probability distribution is much more peaked at some point,» says Shraiman.
Researchers have hitherto assumed that information supplied by the sense of sight was transmitted almost in its entirety from its entry point to higher brain areas, across which visual sensation is generated.
The National Academy of Sciences supported the key point of your hockey stick calculation, which showed higher temperatures in the 20th century than in the previous thousand years, but others criticized you for not releasing the information behind it.
Most computers manipulate information in the form of bits, 1s and 0s, which are stored as high and low voltages or as north - or south - pointing magnetic fields in your PC.
For example, if a black hole is modelled according to string theory — in which the universe is made of tiny, vibrating strings rather than point - like particles — there are pretty convincing arguments that say information can get out, according to Joseph Polchinski from the University of California in Santa Barbara, US.
Some of the discontinuities (which can be of either sign) in weather records can be detected using jump point analyses (for instance in the new version of the NOAA product), others can be adjusted using known information (such as biases introduced because changes in the time of observations or moving a station).
It is important to regard the LGM studies as just one set of points in the cloud yielded by other climate sensitivity estimates, but the LGM has been a frequent target because it was a period for which there is a lot of data from varied sources, climate was significantly different from today, and we have considerable information about the important drivers — like CO2, CH4, ice sheet extent, vegetation changes etc..
There is an open problem in astronomy and cosmology in computing the anisotropic (direction - dependent) and isotropic (direction - averaged) 3 - point correlation (3CPF) function which provides information on the structure of the universe.
He points to a study in which radiologists who learned about a patient's family history of breast cancer spotted more tumors than if they didn't have this information.
This information is of course helpful, however as good as it is, from my point of view it should focus much more on eliminating the real cause of lupus and almost every other chronic disease — which is internal toxicity.
I wonder if you could comment on this and point me to any information which might support a dietary approach to management of this disease.
Below is a link with general information about the grass - fed trend and diseases in ancient civilizations, as well as an excerpt from a Plant Positive video which is generally more philosophical but does contain a couple points on health implications of grass - fed meat.
Many of my friends swear by whey protein isolate and I've researched it to some extent, but I do not have the time to cypher through which studies are non-bias versus those that are industry funded (i.e., study design, which as Dr. Greger points out is critical to obtaining accurate and precise information on nutrition).
For more information on this point, I recommend taking a look at, Doctors McDougall's website, and which are three of my favorite resources for unbiased health research, mainly because they are written by honest, excellent doctors in the plant - based space, and because they publish studies and promote information that is never paid by certain industries (unlike studies you often see on television or the evening news are).
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