Sentences with phrase «poison control number»

List of Phone Numbers - your regular vet, the emergency vet, animal control, and animal poison control numbers.
Also keep the local poison control number on hand in case a child ingests a toxic substance and immediately take a child to the hospital if he / she has swallowed a battery or magnet!
Have on hand the local poison control number, or the number for the national poison control center: (800) 222-1222 in the United States.
Post the national poison control number — 1-800-222-1222 — near the phone.
Important telephone numbers such as your vet's address and phone, contact information to the closest 24 hour emergency center and the ASPCA Poison Control number.
If your dog has ingested coffee or coffee beans, call the ASPA poison control number at 888-426-4435 right away, or call your vet immediately.
If you have any concern over something your pet has ingested please call your veterinarian or the Pet Poison Control number: 1-800-213-6600.
Medical records, including poison control numbers and veterinarian's name, phone number, and hours (include emergency number)
If your pet has ingested something that is potentially poisonous, call the 24/7 Animal Poison Control number --(888) 426-4435
Write down the poison control number and keep it in a handy location, as well as programming it into your cell phone.
Have the Poison Control number handy: (800) 222-1222.
When used correctly, these methods are highly effective (and you won't have to keep the poison control number on hand!).
Topics: Cat Health, Cat Safety, pet safety tips, pet safety, toxicity, toxicity in cats, medication, poison control center phone number, poison control number, medications, drugs, medicine, pet poison control free, poison control hotline, poison control center number, pet poison control, prescription drugs, Poison control, Poison control for cats, Blog
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