Sentences with phrase «poisoned the well here»

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Here are some good sites that have a balanced view point... keep in mind, when raw milk sours, it is still safe to drink, when pasteurized milk sours, it will put you in the hospital with food poisoning.
It's not the best, sadly, but as with Final Fantasy 6, you have to pick your poison here.
It is especially good to look for a natural solution here as some harsher products may cause pesticide poisoning in your pet, you can read more about what to avoid and look out for in these products, in the Humane Society of the United State's guide, here.
(4) «but Al Gore» fails to mention dissensus messaging (defined here as «the opposite of consensus messaging, however you define it») as an active ingredient in well poisoning;
@Dan: I think my point is essentially the same as konrad's from a different angle, but since you didn't reply directly, I'll state my last post again here: «The problem could also be poisoning of the well, which doesn't require motivated reasoning.
But here's the problem: when the concentration of aerosols is reduced — and they have to be; many of them are poisons pure and simple — the total «greenhouse forcing» will rise rapidly unless the non-CO2 gases, as well as soot, are also reduced, and just as quickly.
I don't like this at all.John replies: Because Peter Hearnden's full and only occupation here is to «Poison the Well»
Mosher has long ago decided his position on AGW which is more alarmist than lukewarm and has been for the last few years using drive - by comments to poison the well of every discussion here that he feels threatens his belief.
UPDATE III: If you're interested in the details of how the trees were poisoned and what is being done to save them, here's a great interview with Stephen Enloe, who is an agronomy professor at Auburn and knows these trees well.
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