Sentences with phrase «polar bear family»

The animals they chose to follow in Earth were perfect; the polar bear family, the elephant family, and my favorite the humpback whale family.
We care more for programmes about polar bear families than for films about people living in rural Ethopia.

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INDEPENDENT & FOREIGN FILMS Earth (G) Disney nature flick, narrated by James Earl Jones and Patrick Stewart, chronicles the efforts of several families of wild animals, including polar bears, ducks and cranes, not only to elude predators but to adjust to atmospheric warming trends.
save it and take the family to a zoo to see real - life polar bears instead.
A moderately sized three - row family crossover, let alone one from Germany, is about as common here as a polar bear.
He's looking for a family interested in playing and going for walks, which won't be a challenge for him in this weather with his polar - bear - like coat!
So to address the first concern, four families worked with the World Wildlife Fund to create polar - bear resistant food storage containers that can be stored above ground, rather than underground where traditional ice cellars - some more than 100 years old and upwards of 12 feet deep - are beginning to melt and fill with water.
According to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), polar bears are one of eight species in the Ursidae family.
Elizabeth - Anne Gumbel QC and Henry Witcomb represent the family in the inquest into the death of Horatio Chapple who was attacked by a polar bear.
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