Sentences with phrase «polar bear population at»

If you prefer to go with reality, here's the good news from Susan Crockford, who puts the global polar bear population at a very healthy 26,000.

Not exact matches

After a report about four drowned polar bears seen far out at sea, they were put on the USA threatened list — even though there has been no demonstrated diminution in population.
Laidre's team looked at what is known about marine mammal populations that play a key role in Arctic ecosystems and human communities, focusing on polar bears, beluga whales, narwhals, bowhead whales, walrus, and six different seal species.
Across all 19 polar bear populations, the researchers found that the total number of ice - covered days declined at the rate of seven to 19 days per decade between 1979 and 2014.
«It is possible that Svalbard may have provided one such important refuge during warming periods, in which small polar bear populations survived and from which founder populations expanded during cooler periods,» argues biologist Charlotte Lundqvist of the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, who is a co-author of the new study.
But a low diversity at the MHC could «plausibly increase the chance of a disease - driven [polar bear] population decline».
«When we look forward several decades, climate models predict such profound loss of Arctic sea ice that there's little doubt this will negatively affect polar bears throughout much of their range, because of their critical dependence on sea ice,» said Kristin Laidre, a researcher at the University of Washington's Polar Science Center in Seattle and co-author of a study on projections of the global polar bear population.
Linda Gormezano, a biologist at the American Museum of Natural History, has been studying the polar bear population along the western shore of Hudson Bay.
He was a recent speaker (from 37.20) at the 2011 Heartland Institute conference, and can be counted on to produce a contrarian take on any particular issue that anyone might care about — ranging from climate, to mercury in fish and polar bear population dynamics.
Regardless of whether hybridization rates may increase, at least for polar bears any effect they might have on population welfare pale by comparison to the loss of habitat and subsequent loss of foraging ability.
[Soon] was a recent speaker (from 37.20) at the 2011 Heartland Institute conference, and can be counted on to produce a contrarian take on any particular issue that anyone might care about — ranging from climate, to mercury in fish and polar bear population dynamics.
Since the available hard data showed that polar bear populations have been soaring, not dropping, and since the hard data also show there has been no measurable global warming for at least 18 years, the PBSG had to come up with a scenario that would contradict this rosy trend.
Have a look at the details below and see if you come to the same decision I have: that it's not possible to compare WHB «core» area polar bear population estimates over time.
At present, the global population of polar bears is estimated to be 22,000 to 31,000.
Viewers outside the UK can now watch polar bear scientist Steve Amstrup live (Episode 2, filmed 2 November 2016), state that there are «20,000 - 25,000» polar bears in the world, almost a full year after the IUCN Red List put the worldwide polar bear population size at 22,000 - 31,000.
The only ones they provide are month - end averages (e.g. Feb / 1979), so I've provided an end - Feb and end - March for a few years (I threw in the map for Feb. 2007, the last year of the latest polar bear population survey in Davis Strait, at the very end):
If you google «Populations and sources of recruitment in polar bears» you will find the original AP article at a number of news outlets.
John Sauven: If you look at the recent IUCN polar bear specialist group they said that of the 19 populations of polar bears, 8 are declining, 3 are stable, and one is increasing.
«The polar bear population is now probably at its highest in modern times!»
Most female polar bears in the Beaufort Sea breed for the first time at 5 years of age, compared to 4 years of age in most other populations, and cubs normally remain with their mothers for 2.5 years prior to weaning.
With virtually all CAGW projections diverging further from reality, CAGW's survival depends on propagandizing lies and half - truths: the «97 %» meme, severe weather, sea levels, global warming trends, ocean acidification, polar bear and penguin populations, polar ice caps, etc., are all supposedly worsening at «unprecedented» rates.
Researchers looked at a population of about 950 polar bears who live along the northern coast of Ontario, stretching from James Bay to the provincial border with Manitoba.
The presence of this warm water in the North Atlantic helps explain why Scotland has a relatively mild climate when compared to places at similar latitudes in North America such as Churchill, Manitoba — a Canadian town famous for its seasonal polar bear population.
The fact that «There are thousands of healthy polar bears prowling the Arctic at this moment» does not diminish the threat to the polar bear population due to global warming now, or in the future.
If nothing is done to reverse possible scenarios outlined in the report, scientists warn that the global polar bear population — estimated at about 8,500 — could start to see significant trouble.
But, there will always be a job managing the exploding polar bear population, or stacking fuel rods at Fukushima to fall back on....
Everything from the hockeystick chart, to ice cover, to polar bear population, to himalayan ice melt, to mount Kilamanjaro, and so many more examples besides, the alarmists have clutched at straws, misrepresented and cherry picked data and been comprehensively wrong on all of them.
As regards to the polar bear population, it seems to be stable at present.
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