Sentences with phrase «polarised world»

In the polarised world of climate change, this cocktail has proved an irresistible temptation to organisations which campaign against President Bush's administration in support of enhanced action to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
This brings me helpfully to John Carpenter's timeless action horror cult classic They Live, a film that even after nearly 30 years still feels relevant in our crazy polarised world.
Speaking at the Oxford Union, she said: «I think it's a very polarised world, and people that base their values on polls are mistaken, and people that base their predictions on polls it would seem are also mistaken.
Cognitive neuroscientists have studied this distinction with brain imaging techniques and the findings — unsurprisingly — tell us a lot about our increasingly polarised world today and the ways our brains process the distinction between us and «others».
«The immorality of the United States and Great Britain's decision to invade Iraq in 2003, premised on the lie that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, has destabilised and polarised the world to a greater extent than any other conflict in history,» wrote Tutu.
Damon's the man on a mission to bring two polarised worlds together after finding he's terminally ill and his only hope is the man - made luxurious space station high in the outer atmosphere.

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Thus, in both the former Christendom and the Islamic world, religious thought has becoming polarised.
Reactions since the loss to Russia of the bid to host the 2018 World Cup have been completely polarised.
The concept (and rhetoric) of a profound dichotomy between nature and nurture was superimposed over the more flexible and synergistic «traditional» understanding of the matter, markedly polarising and distorting the entire, many - sided debate about the role and weight of heredity and experience in both the natural world and the human situation.
The world's pre-eminent atheist speculates about why he polarises people, what prompts him to take on religion and whether humans are built to be irrational
The result «polarised the archaeological world», says Andrew Lawson, a freelance archaeologist based in Salisbury, UK.
Since that event, the world has polarised at quite a fast speed.»
The film will also be aired in private viewings and some cinemas around the world in polarised 3D, which requires special screens.
For too long the gaming world has been polarised into triple - A and indie releases with very little ground in - between, but now it really feels like the middle - tier of gaming — the glue that holds our year together — is seeing a resurgence with some of the most interesting, quirky and curious releases of 2018.
By that I mean their art world antics are both polarising and thought - provoking.
But it is also a move that polarises opinion between those who view the stationers as the epitome of the high street (and therefore the place to be) and those who will see the retailer as a bit too down - market for the rarified world of legal services.
The world of top smartphones has polarised in the past few years into two distinct factions: Apple or Android.
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