Sentences with phrase «polarization on»

«It is a mistake to think «scientific consensus,» of its own force, will dispel cultural polarization on issues that admit scientific investigation,» said Kahan.
in influencing polarization on climate change?
I'm trying to put the blogosphere to work to reduce the polarization on this topic.
One of the few studies that does ask citizens, a paper by Kahan et al released this month, produced an interesting finding: that when people read scientific material about geoengineering, it reduces political polarization on climate change.
Yet, we find that consensus - messaging does not increase political polarization on the issue (perhaps partly due to the neutral scientific character of the message) and shifts the opinions of both Democrats and Republicans in directions consistent with the conclusions of climate science.
People have been focusing on what is in fact the Report headline, namely, that there's deep political polarization on all matters climate.
To bounce off a comment I wrote downstairs... it seems to me that those who are most «adept» at avoiding polarization on scientific issues are those who are most thorough in employing basic tools of accurate «perspective taking,» which in turn largely reflects an explicit intent to employ tools that mitigate the influences of motivated reasoning and cultural cognition and identity - protective cognition.
But among these potential supporters, intense negativity and extreme polarization on issues like climate reinforce feelings of cynicism and inefficacy while likely adding to the propensity to tune out the debate.
It's a common refrain: If people only knew more about the science, there wouldn't be so much polarization on the issue of climate change.
«Political Polarization on Support for Government Spending on Environmental Protection in the USA, 1974 - 2012.»
This all reinforces the importance of considering the power of cultural cognition when pondering American polarization on climate, stem cells and a host of other issues underpinned by science — and the longstanding tendency of candidates seeking the Republican presidential nomination to take unscientific positions.
It's reporting polarization on the axis from «regulation needed» to «individual personal responsibility» — a split that's quite typical.
Timed to coincide with the 2012 American election season, these works, diverse in medium and topic, are presented at a time when political and social divisions in the United States are readily apparent, and polarization on many major issues is at a historic high.
You see, if the angle of polarization on the tablet screen line up perpendicular to the polarization angle of the sunglass, you end up blocking out all the light from the screen and it appears black.
If polarization on science is to be reduced, we need to harness the psychological power of consensus for which it was designed: the public good.
Kahan and other social scientists previously have shown that information based on scientific evidence can actually intensify — rather than moderate — political polarization on contentious topics such as gun control, climate change, fracking, or the safety of certain vaccines.
«For example, there's no political polarization on climate change with greater understanding of the greenhouse mechanism that drives global warming,» he wrote in an email.

Not exact matches

But Zuckerberg himself has said being too «focused on the positive» for the first 10 years of Facebook's existence blinded the company to much of the abuse it was enabling as well as to emergent effects of social media like hyper - polarization.
Schultz then went a bit contemplative on the raptly - attentive crowd, sharing with the audience his belief that individual citizens, not just politicians and political parties, need to increase civility and improve the discourse level in the country, not only every four years but ever day, in the face of what Schultz sees as increased partisanship, polarization and cynicism.
While we have more work to do on information diversity and misinformation, I am even more focused on the impact of sensationalism and polarization, and the idea of building common understanding.
«If Mr. Trump is unable to reverse the trend towards increasing social polarization, U.S. democracy will be at greater risk of further deterioration,» the EIU said in its report, referring to the extreme divides between Republicans and Democrats on issues such as immigration and environmental regulation.
The trust deficit is the wellspring that irrigates the seeds of political risk and social polarization reversing the course on globalization and multilateralism.
The growing polarization of the parties, a diminished willingness to compromise on spending and an epidemic of brinkmanship have made it more difficult for Congress to address even the most routine budgeting questions.
But their agenda is to make the economic polarization between creditors and debtors irreversible, ushering in a Dark Age of austerity and deepening debt peonage in which wages, profits and property rents are earmarked to pay interest — on loans that can't be paid in a shrinking economy.
«Given all the controversies regarding [President Trump's] election to begin with, the polarization that I think we have politically in the country and how that's manifested on Facebook, I really don't think this is going away anytime soon.»
I can not believe the ignorance and bias on this with Statistics Canada - I mean come on people lets get with the times - you are operating a Statistical agency like we are living in the 1950's - this is indeed the 21st century - income polarization is a massive issue, and to report on income like the manner that this article did is just out right garbage!!
The November election outcome also demonstrated considerable public uncertainty amongst working class households as a result of on - going job polarization.
New York Fed researchers highlighted that job polarization is an on - going trend in the labor market.
«Political polarization and the widespread use of social media are the chief reasons that it's increasingly difficult for brands to remain neutral on societal and political issues,» says Gene Grabowski, a partner at crisis communications firm KGlobal.
If, as priest - sociologist Andrew Greeley argues, such polarization has little affect on the average Catholic, it does profoundly afflict ministerial, theological and cultural elites within the church.
Moreover, the period precipitated the deep polarization of the middle classes on social and moral issues that has defined subsequent religious and political debate.
As Blackish wraps up its third season, with a likely fourth one on the way, you can't help but wonder if the creators had any idea how pertinent the show could be for all Americans as we seek a path out of stark polarization, or at the very least, into a good laugh with someone we hadn't expected to share one with.
The recent Israeli elections are a good example of polarization into these two groups — secular Jews and orthodox retrenchers — the latter wanting to prohibit driving on the main streets of Jerusalem on the Sabbath, the latter wanting to conduct their business any day they please.
In Indonesia both understandings have their adherents, and the inter-group conversation on the differences of emphasis is in progress, without creating sharp polarization as in other places.
Polarization took over, and by the time the Democratic Party (with the almost unanimous support of mainline liberal churchpeople) had reformed itself enough to take the presidential nomination from traditional liberals and bestow it on a more radical candidate, the crusade's tactics had doomed the movement to minority status.
On a day like today (our National Day of Prayer) I would have appreciated a piece that speaks more to what unites us as Americans rather than what divides us because the latter merely fuels the polarization that is eating us alive right now.
On the assumption that American society is destined to extreme economic polarization, certain brave souls have written brave books arguing that those who thrive are genetically superior to those who struggle.
Adler held that compulsive goal - striving (on the part of both women and men) is directly related to the polarization of the sexes.
Currently, there is a polarization trend going on in the chocolate market — on the one hand consumers want good value for little money and on the other hand, there is a trend towards best quality and innovation.
Third, acknowledging that some of the blame for the biased and one - sided media reporting on head injuries rests with some members of the scientific community who issue one - sided press releases and feed cherry - picked results about their findings to selected members of the media, the authors look to a day when the «harsh division and polarization» in the research community (an almost inevitable byproduct, unfortunately, of the intense competition for grant money in Concussion, Inc.), gives way to greater collaboration among researchers and a more «cordial discourse» between scientists via letters and responses to journal editors and back - and - forth debates at large academic conferences.
There is little doubt that major party and procedural developments — for example, the rise of partisan polarization in the House and Senate will significantly determine whether the two parties, the two chambers, and Congress and the White House can achieve consensus on common objectives.
What is more, the government should assiduously work on these issues listed above that led to the polarization of our political space as against coming up with such a bill which I view as obnoxious in taste and draconian in outlook.
The utter polarization of American political life has gone on now for a good ten years, ever since the Bush - Gore election.
In his first public speech since leaving office, former President Obama decried the influence of money in politics and the polarization he blamed on social media and the explosive growth of cable TV.
The WSJ notes that this year's budget deal was harder to come by than usual because legislative factions on the right and left dug in their heels, revealing a «growing polarization» in Albany that «poses a hurdle for a governor who has long positioned himself as a moderate mediator who prizes governmental order such as on - time budgets.»
Three men on the right have played an outsized role in promoting polarization and dysfunction.
I have a law degree and a long government background in the past (but I am planning on full retirement because I'm fed up with the nonsense), John Galt is my hero and I would love to see instant runoff voting and strong independent parties to get away from the polarization and attacks that the 2 - party system has saddled us with.
Having that in mind, they were probably developed carefully based on the specificities of the socium and the current mentality such that to resonate most with the masses, to remove polarizations, homogenise, purify (in the case of Nazism) 1, morally rejuvenate, unite the nations and direct them towards a common «higher» goal.
The model has novel implications both for when people choose to obtain or avoid information, and it sheds light on phenomena, such as political polarization and emotionally charged beliefs relating to topics like the cause of autism and the reality of climate change.
The three - way detection enabled researchers to home in on the location of the black holes on the sky with 10 times greater precision than before, and to probe the polarization of gravitational waves in new ways.
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