Sentences with phrase «polemic for»

Anyone that writes «'' God has answered prayer»... Argghhhh... there is no such super power that does such things... Argggghhhh» is to have a discussion that is a polemic for atheism.
Still, the polemic for teaching «Great Books» remains very valuable in pushing the teaching of «real books,» as opposed to technical books, textbooks, or trendy books.
Today you should also go check out the free articles from our November issue: David Bentley Hart's review of Clive James» Divine Comedy, Brian Doyle's remembering of his first ordination, and Reinhard Hütter's polemic for liberal education.
Particularly in chambers applications, where no judge has time to absorb all the parties» digital polemics for an interim order, some further rules of court or evidence should be established to arrest the page count of affidavits on chambers applications.

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For whatever personal convictions that drives him to do so (not every CEO writes polemics about free - market capitalism in their spare time time) Mackey has elected himself the firebrand leader to inspire the next generation of leaders that must reverse the public perception of business.
But the mass commodification and monopolization of media has made it simpler and simpler for facts to be suppressed and denied and for polemic and propaganda to be forced into the mouths of people we trust.
Although winsomely expressed, Consulting the Faithful is a polemic against intellectuals (theologians in particular) who exhibit a practiced disdain for the «tackiness» of popular religion.
Bottum opines that we should prepare ourselves for the next chapter in the culture wars, in which the left here will get into step with its European compatriots, espousing a militant skepticism toward science while maintaining their polemic against the religious right, but this time for its uncritical embrace of scientific progress.
These are among the items promoted for Holy Week: two polemics against white racism, an attack on the tobacco industry, three murder mysteries, one story about a serial murderer, a comedy about soap operas, a story on the sexual abuse of children, and a drama about vampire families in San Francisco.
His book is not an anti-abortion polemic full of distressing facts, but a plea for us to consider the circumstances surrounding the number of abortions taking place.
Best known for his classic defense of liberty and polemic against statism, The Road to Serfdom, Friedrich Hayek was deservedly honored by the Nobel Prize as one of the most influential economic and social thinkers of the twentieth century.
His consistent polemic against Methodism, for example, ignored the hunger among the working classes for a version of the gospel that would speak to them.
The claims and predictions in this polemic are jaw - dropping in their utter disregard for history, biology, physics, and rational thought in general.
Further, the Qur» anic insistence on the transcendence of God and «polemics» against Christian idea of the coming together of God and creature in a sort of ontological relations was simply beyond the known categories of thought during Muhammad's time, for the Greek thought had not yet impregnated Islam.
I am not pleading for a return to the old - time polemics with its adversary mentality and its barely concealed insults.
Often he gives us a polemic against everlasting life for mortals, and the polemic sounds very much like Luther's argument for salvation by faith alone.
For all the brilliance of Bloom's polemic, it completely misses the point in several critical respects.
His penchant for polemic against both secularist and saint made his theology dialectical rather than systematic.
He is well remembered for the vigorous polemic with which he could destroy a position contrary to his own, but in his later years he often deplored the combativeness of his earlier years.
23 With a predilection for exaggeration, he isolated liberalism's confidence in moral progress and directed his polemics against this feature.
Those taken aback by such rhetoric must ask whether neo-orthodox Protestants, for example, write with the same polemics and hostility against liberals, Catholics, conservatives or secularists.
«Writing the Left Behind novel series for him and traveling with him all over the country to promote it, I saw the softer side of a man known for strong opinions and polemic views,» stated Jenkins.
The lamentable polarisation and confusion which has developed as a consequence of these conflicting interpretations of our present situation is only too familiar to anyone involved in the life of the Church and has led all too often into destructive polemic rather than real dialogue about the best way forward for Catholic Christianity in the third millennium.
The Passion narratives were long abused as part of a polemic against «the Jews,» who were blamed, collectively and of course wrongly, for the death of Christ.
That is, if one's interlocutor is being threatened with violence, torture, or death at the same time as he is being confronted with a polemical argument, and if the outcome of the latter determines whether he is killed, tortured, forcibly converted, or whatever (this was, of course, the case for many Jews in medieval Europe), then it is exceedingly doubtful that the polemic is morally proper.
«And then for Muslims, if they do link up and join mainstream Muslims, they are able to give Islam a link to the world and also help them work out these polemics that are tearing the world apart.»
«Polemics,» as I use it here, does not denote or connote simple hostility, or opposition for its own sake — even though the term has come to mean something like this in ordinary English usage.
This is an important qualification for a number of reasons, most obviously that if one of the justifications for engagement in interreligious polemics is that it is heuristically valuable (as are its analogues in other dimensions of the intellectual life), then obviously revision, alteration, and abandonment of passionately held religious views must be a possibility.
Pelikan doesn't quite agree — he cites the Apostles» Creed, for instance, as having emerged from baptismal confessions without a primary focus on any particular heresy — but he does readily concede that polemics against heresies are an important reason for the emergence of confessional statements.
For in a very real sense, the hatred for art that now assumes the guise of so «called avant «garde art is rooted in that same iconoclastic polemic that animates every syllable of Plato and Nietzsche, not to mention a host of other art critics (in the literal sense of that word) from Origen, St. Augustine, and Blaise Pascal to those Russian commissars of art who ruled on matters of taste by diktat and ukaFor in a very real sense, the hatred for art that now assumes the guise of so «called avant «garde art is rooted in that same iconoclastic polemic that animates every syllable of Plato and Nietzsche, not to mention a host of other art critics (in the literal sense of that word) from Origen, St. Augustine, and Blaise Pascal to those Russian commissars of art who ruled on matters of taste by diktat and ukafor art that now assumes the guise of so «called avant «garde art is rooted in that same iconoclastic polemic that animates every syllable of Plato and Nietzsche, not to mention a host of other art critics (in the literal sense of that word) from Origen, St. Augustine, and Blaise Pascal to those Russian commissars of art who ruled on matters of taste by diktat and ukase.
It struck me most forcefully when I saw one well - known polemic pastor bear false witness against some friends of mine, be confronted on it, admit he was wrong, and then not publicly address, retract, or apologize for what he said.
For example, the Old Testament and the Pentateuch, while addressing proper behavior, etc. essentially are polemics claiming the superiority of the Hebrew and then Jewish nation and justifying its taking of lands from other peoples.
Such occasions are rare, and in the usual ministry, ample other opportunities are provided for instruction and polemics so that the pulpit does not have to be so used.
the grace in your response is a great model for how my own should be, but often just end up being so much less and a lot more polemic.
The second chapter includes a substantial discussion of Christology that argues vigorously for the author's interpretation of what Christology, including the resurrection, has meant in the past and what it might mean today, with a fair share of polemics against alternative theological views.
American missionary Jay Smith, who has worked among Muslims in the UK for over 30 years (head to Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park on a Sunday afternoon and you'll probably find him) says many of the Muslim societies in UK universities send their keenest off to spend a week, usually in a local mosque, learning how to engage in polemic with Christians.
For polemic purposes, the two theories are thus exactly on a par.
I've long had the sense that Msgr. Ellis's article was retrospectively misinterpreted as a relentless polemic against Catholic colleges and universities mired in the tar - pits of Neo-Scholasticism and intellectually anorexic as a result; on the contrary, it's possible to read Ellis as calling for Catholic institutions of higher learning to play to their putative strengths — the liberal arts, including most especially philosophy and theology — rather than aping the emerging American multiversity, of which the University of California at Berkeley was then considered the paradigm.
As well as polemics Luther was writing his pastoral theology, his Fourteen Consolations for the very ill Elector, and a text on The Blessed Sacrament of the Holy and True Body of Christ, compared in its nature as a fellowship event with the degenerate «religious» fellowship of the craft brotherhoods.
Third, quite apart from the polemic of Ineffabilis Deus, I must admit that, of the two infallibly promulgated Marian dogmas, the Immaculate Conception and the Bodily Assumption, the former is more problematic theologically, though I find no biblical or historical warrant for either.
Steve... thx for the contextual reminder, but it doesn't take away from my point of Paul's use of rhetoric in his defense of his gospel or his polemic.
At times the conversation will be debate and polemic, but even conflict is creative for a theology that has been cured of defensiveness by the faith that infuses it.
The true testing ground for the implicate - order strategy, it seems to me, may indeed be biology rather than physics, where abstract methods are so powerful as to perhaps make it dispensable: just as the old style building - block materialist was refuted not by philosophical polemic, but by the one authority in which he trusted, i.e., by physics itself, so the nothing - but reductionist in contemporary biology will modify his views should it be possible some day to provide him with a mathematical language that fills the currently existing gap between our formal knowledge of gene structure and combinations, and our intuitive apprehension of growth and shape.
The greater visibility for Protestants as a whole in Brazil also means that denominations can no longer live in such isolation: the public image of evangélicos affects all sectors and the desire for power leads to alliances which overlook denominational polemics.
In his polemic against Jewish neoconservatives in general and Irving Kristol in particular, for instance, Hertzberg cites the Talmudic principle, «When in doubt, and the leaders confuse you by divided counsel, go into the street and see what the people are doing.»
Such an effort would reveal more of the Torah's truth, something that would be better for Jews and for the world than skilled polemics.
The book is more a polemic than a balanced investigation of a hotly contested area; but for anyone considering these natural parenting practices, it is an eye - opening and worthy read.
This has created a polarisation in how society views women (the «Madonna vs whore» polemic), where mothers are vilified for daring to bare their breasts to feed their children.
It's a vivid and persuasive social polemic, rooted in real children's lives, that brings the schools of urban America leaping off the page — and should be forced reading for Michael Gove and his merry band of free - schoolers, who, having filched the idea of charter and KIPP schools from the US, now need to look West again to see how fiddling with school structures can never, by itself, help pupils do better.
This month Ben Duckworth and Phil Hendren look at two right - wing polemics, both by writers for the same newspaper
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