Sentences with word «polemical»

The Named and the Unnamed is in polemical commemoration of the women who have gone missing in the downtown east side of Vancouver.
Kino Lorber's Blu - ray beautifully illustrates the beguiling contradictions of the funniest and most polemical film of Jean - Luc Godard's career.
In the case of less polemical works, it is even clearer that the political gestalt of the exhibition is polite.
Although the statement was not polemical in tone, it had a caustic quality and clearly suggested that under the circumstances Küng should not remain on the Catholic faculty.
While we don't have a culture of right - wing shock jocks in Britain, right - wing polemical books do sell well.
Smith says that this reticence isn't limited to the Olympics, and says there is a lack of equipping for polemical engagement with Muslims.
Spalatin tried, towards the end of 1519, to get Luther to write a long series of postils, commentaries on the gospels and epistles for the Sundays, a ruse to get him away from polemical writing.
The only confessionally polemical essay in Christian Dogmatics is Michael Horton's chapter on the Church, in which Reformed ecclesiology is portrayed as a via media between Catholicism and the Radical Reformation.
Inspired by the presence of Francis Picabia's painting of the same name — Catch As Catch Can, 1913 — the exhibition engages a prying apart and emptying out of stylistic investments, critical prompts, and polemical stances in order that these tactics be revitalized with a restless comic gravitas.
The evangelicals who stayed on in the northern church generally did so because they were not as polemical as the Machen group; they were also not nearly as inclined as the Machenites to engage in sustained theological discussion.
I can't personally get enough intellectual perspective on what an abstract painting is in order to think of it only in those terms... you have to be engaged with a more polemical discussion about what painting is in order to really make abstract paintings now.
«PAINT THE REVOLUTION: MEXICAN MODERNISM, 1910 - 1950» This fascinating historical survey is filled with polemical art of the highest, and sometimes subtlest, order.
A less polemical exhibition could have had room for sculpture like hers and Ferrara's cubes.
Jesus in an Age of Controversy By Douglas Groothuis Harvest House, 374 pages, $ 9.99 An evangelistic and somewhat polemical response to the «Jesus Seminar» and other high jinks in biblical studies.
then we are into polemical adversity and getting on high horses with what is akin to high school playground behaviour.
Gabriel was at his most polemical in those years.
Beneath her lament for the lost role of criticism and polemical take on contemporary literary culture (such as it is), Ozick offers something quieter.
Catharine MacKinnon, to return to one of the examples mentioned earlier, is extremely unlikely to become a conservative Baptist as a result of apologetical engagement with Billy Graham; and I am rather unlikely to decide that I have no mental life and that disembodied existence is not a possibility for me as a result of polemical engagement with Patricia Churchland.
Valley of the Shadow has a sharp polemical edge and is reminiscent of the apologetics of ages past.
Under the pressures of the religious struggles of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the fractured church turned to the arts a embellishers of the words that had severed the Word into sectarian and polemical forms.
I want to claim the tradition for our side, if that's not too polemical a way of speaking.
Reading The Day After Tomorrow as a 9/11 film, in fact, adds another level of polemical discussion in that the film's Vice President Becker (Dick Cheney ringer Kenneth Welsh) emerges as the «I don't believe you» villain endemic to disaster movies and, in this way, at least partly responsible for the number of casualties suffered on behalf of his myopia.
Now the synthetic polemical point: There is one slogan - like phrase that is precisely a maximally compressed version of the one God's particular story.
Despite having honed an intelligent yet boisterous painting process for the last 40 - plus years, Los Angeles - based art guru Thomas Lawson is just as likely to be known as a) the dean of the prestigious School of Art at the California Institute for the Arts and (b) the talented but polemical art writer who penned the potent 1985 comeuppance of Neo-Expressionism titled «Last Exit: Painting.»
Other highlights include: a talk by Tate curator and artist Cedar Lewisohn on the cutting edge of street art — «abstract graffiti» — , currently being explored in cities such as London, Prague, Philadelphia and São Paulo; and John Rogers» documentary on the rise of polemical artist Bob & Roberta Smith.
They also establish an operating assumption that can liberate Lutherans and other Protestants from rationalizing the divisions of the Church by polemical appeal to the real or imagined flaws of Rome.
[3][4] This technique has been used throughout history in polemical debate, particularly in arguments about highly charged, emotional issues.»
And even though Paul and other New Testament writers, as well as the Early Church Fathers, used polemical language, it was used to address and challenge ideas AMONG them, not «out there» in the world.
Here was a man, larger than life, who left behind a prodigious amount of great polemical writing and a reputation to match.
«But why do you have to be so polemical
The precautionary principle in this context is as well a purely political / polemical tool, dressed up as science.
As a healthful supplement I should like to recommend an earlier, polemical view of the major problem that confronts us in education: Albert Lynd's Quackery in the Public Schools, a neglected 1953 book whose title is not yet out of date.
But Marx clearly meant those seemingly empirical observations to be polemical exaggerations designed to provoke revolutionary hatred.
Nonetheless, the prayer's theology unquestionably reflects the reconciliatory ecclesiology which the great Church Father elaborated during his early fifth century polemical exchanges with the schismatic Donatist community of North Africa.
Among numerous polemical texts of the following three months, one that went through ten swift printings was Luther's German language pamphlet, Why the Books of the Pope and His Disciples were Burned.
But one polemical position has kept recurring over the past 18 years: a fierce antagonism towards environmentalism.
From polemical pieces to extensive theoretical essays to studies of Ed Ruscha, Bruce Nauman, Richard Artschwager and John Baldessari, the texts collected here respond to the ongoing collision of aesthetics and exchange value.
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