Sentences with phrase «polemics about»

He complains that Channel 4 has «broadcast a series of polemics about the environment... over the last 20 years».
Albert Shanker, in his numerous polemics about standards and international comparisons, avoids any consideration of it.
They had read polemics about church property restitution, they had met Hari Krishnas in saffron robes, they could find Rushdie's Satanic Verses sitting beside Discussions with Cardinal Ratzinger in bookstores.
For whatever personal convictions that drives him to do so (not every CEO writes polemics about free - market capitalism in their spare time time) Mackey has elected himself the firebrand leader to inspire the next generation of leaders that must reverse the public perception of business.
I am happy we are having this conversation without getting too polemic about this.
The humanity that director Ken Loach and screenwriter Paul Laverty bring to the story prevents it from being another polemic about how the British mistreated Ireland.
The polemic about this Samba School being financed by the dictator who governs this extremely poor country has been a source of political education in global citizenship.
Merlin Carpenter has begun a polemic about why the readymade really has nothing to do with fetishistic consumer value.
It is better than all of the second - floor installations of the permanent collection that have taken place since MoMA's reopening three years ago, because it defines a polemic about a single medium and then cogently explores it.
Given the local food movement's focus on food miles, Carole Anne's spirited polemic about corporations dropping long - term family farm suppliers when they find a closer supplier should provide some interesting food for thought too.
Joseph, That was an interesting historical note, and an interesting polemic about over-funded cosmology research, with which I mostly agree.

Not exact matches

It is obvious to us that what happened during that regime was about as far away from teh teachings of Christ as is possible — and yet somehow the Bibilical rhetoric worked, just as Bolshevik polemics riled up the people of Communist Russia.
On the reading I propose, the Reformation schism was brought about instead by contingent human choices in a confused historical context defined less by clear and principled theological argument (though that of course was present) than by a peculiar and distinctively sixteenth - century combination of overheated and ever - escalating polemics, cold - blooded Realpolitik, and fervid apocalyptic dreaming.
These are among the items promoted for Holy Week: two polemics against white racism, an attack on the tobacco industry, three murder mysteries, one story about a serial murderer, a comedy about soap operas, a story on the sexual abuse of children, and a drama about vampire families in San Francisco.
The saying, therefore, belongs to the positive sayings about the Baptist and as such would have to be rejected, on Bultmann's grounds, as having a Sitz zm Leben in anti-Jewish polemic in the early Church, (As indeed it is by E. Jüngel, the only recent contributor to the discussion to deny the authenticity of the saying, who argues that Matthew has set John on the side of Jesus «aus antijüdischer Polemik» [Paulus und Jesus (Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr [Paul Siebeck], 1964), p. 191].
They know about the anti-Jewish polemics of certain church fathers; about the forced baptisms, especially of children; about the church council decree that sanctioned the removal of such children from their parents; about a papal edict encouraging raids on Jewish synagogues by the faithful; about the expulsion of all Jews from a country like Spain; about Luther's hate language directed against Jews when they did not convert according to his timetable; about the prohibition against Jews living in Calvin's Geneva; and about all the cruelties Christians have felt justified in perpetrating against the people they called «Christ - killers.»
The lamentable polarisation and confusion which has developed as a consequence of these conflicting interpretations of our present situation is only too familiar to anyone involved in the life of the Church and has led all too often into destructive polemic rather than real dialogue about the best way forward for Catholic Christianity in the third millennium.
I recently attended a event where a Mormon and a Baptist engaged in this kind of civil and respectful dialogue about their respective faiths and similar to your feelings I came away with the stronger conviction that we need more real dialogue and less the perpetuations of stereotypes and religious polemic.
«Okie» — like most of Haggard's work — is less about polemic than lament.
While statements about rootless cosmopolitans may have arisen out of specific polemics against the Jews, as R.R. Reno suggests, the Confucian tradition consistently inveighed against merchants who sought to maximize their individual profit while contributing a net negative to society, knowing that this could ultimately undermine the state.
Lipstadt's polemic against relativism and deconstruction is on an entirely different level - not about the specific truth of this or that situation but about whether there are ascertainable facts or truths at all.
From Bultmann categories in theology, which polemic needed only to be enlarged to include biblical - kerygmatic as well as objective - interventionist theological language about God to become very radical indeed.
Which is why it is important that the discussion that Steve Chalke has initiated about the Bible should continue and not just resort into the kind of polemic one sadly sees all too often on message boards and comments columns.
We haven't talked much about the red card decision but that was an equally interesting polemic.
This is one of those books that makes me go deep into my own beliefs about love, along with Against Love: A Polemic by Laura Kipnis, All About Love: New Visions by bell hooks and Rewriting the Rules: An Integrative Guide to Love, Sex and Relationships by Meg - John Baabout love, along with Against Love: A Polemic by Laura Kipnis, All About Love: New Visions by bell hooks and Rewriting the Rules: An Integrative Guide to Love, Sex and Relationships by Meg - John BaAbout Love: New Visions by bell hooks and Rewriting the Rules: An Integrative Guide to Love, Sex and Relationships by Meg - John Barker.
I am in the middle of reading Against Love: A Polemic by Laura Kipnis, and while I laugh in recognition of her observations about the state of monogamy, marriage and — gasp!
The event includes former Gov. George Pataki, former UN Ambassador John Bolton, fellow Romney advisor Dan Senor, radio host and Long friend Laura Ingraham and commentator Dinesh D'Souza, who stars in this election - year polemic documentary about Barack Obama.
All I've found is polemics and news stories about the polemics.
In light of such narratives and records, a lesser - known fact about the geopolitics of resources has escaped public polemics.
«There's been a lot of discussion back and forth, and perhaps a good deal of polemic, about REDD,» Steve Schwartzman, director of tropical forest policy at the Environmental Defense Fund, said.
Their polemic is intended to help teachers, school leaders, governors and policy makers think deeply about...
It gave me permission to stay true to my own creative process, documenting the beauty and sometimes polemic truths about my own country, Jamaica.
A major literary figure tells «a searching tale of loss, recovery, and deja vu that is part memoir and what - if speculation, part polemic and exposé» (The Washington Post) about two generations of one family — civil rights martyr Emmett Till and his father, Louis.
I'm a long time reader of Realclimate and have endorsed you, but I think this is a too polemic way to go about this.
Unfortunately, I think that this article suggests what we are in for in the 21st century, and suggests further that «polemics» about the urgency of dealing with global warming may be appropriate at this point:
Prior to this exchange, none of your posts on this thread discussed anything about the science — they were all either polemics or back - slapping with tonto — who has incidentally at least attempted to discuss the science on this thread.
Thanks HAS, I have been thinking about separating out the scientific vs political null hypothesis, i hadn't thought of framing this in terms of a polemic
As the world wobbles The issue of increased damage from extreme weather driven disasters as a result of climate change is attracts the same polemic that the gallery previously observed about climate change and global warming.
What is fascinating to me about «communicators» whether it is on climate science or nutrition is that they become so invested in the polemic that they do not notice when the audience (the general public) has left the room for good, negating the possibility of communication.
polemic, but no one has made any «claim» — simply that the current lack of warming raises serious questions about the magnitude of AGW (not about the concept per se).
You obviously believe Durkin's polemic should be censured and that it did not deserve to be broadcast, but others hold similar passionate views about Gore and his «documentary».
The book is neither a lawyer - bashing polemic nor a gratuitous assault on the legal profession but a collection of predictions and observations about a generally honorable profession that is, I argue, on the brink of fundamental transformation.
High sounding lawyerly self - descriptors such as this is are only possible for as long as discussions about access to justice are careful polemics devoid of the messy particulars in case after case after case.
Although there few things I agree with Sen. Warren about and this is a typically self serving political polemic with her cast as the heroine of the people's, I do agree that programs in question merit funding, which I'm certain they'll receive in due course if they haven't by now.
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