Sentences with phrase «polemics by»

First came party election broadcasts (PEBs) by radio, then 20 - minute polemics by TV, followed by blockbuster - style short films produced and directed by some of the Hollywood greats in the 1980s through to today.
Jewish Polemics by Arthur Hertzberg Columbia University Press, 259 pages, $ 27.95 Jewish Polemics is a collection of essays written over the past ten years or so by the well - known American rabbi, professor, and communal leader Arthur Hertzberg.
This is one of those books that makes me go deep into my own beliefs about love, along with Against Love: A Polemic by Laura Kipnis, All About Love: New Visions by bell hooks and Rewriting the Rules: An Integrative Guide to Love, Sex and Relationships by Meg - John Barker.
I am in the middle of reading Against Love: A Polemic by Laura Kipnis, and while I laugh in recognition of her observations about the state of monogamy, marriage and — gasp!

Not exact matches

If you read the book on which the film is based, you can see that the facts damn Irish clericalism well enough without the added polemics displayed in a made - up speech by a basically fictional bitterly anti-erotic nun.
Bennett's own The Radical Imperative of 1975 would, by comparison, make the earlier book appear to be an anti-Communist polemic.
My concern remains that we exorcise this ghost of anti-Catholicism from the debate by recognizing that historically the claim that «the Protestant tradition as a whole was cessationist» is bound up with anti-Catholic polemics.
On the reading I propose, the Reformation schism was brought about instead by contingent human choices in a confused historical context defined less by clear and principled theological argument (though that of course was present) than by a peculiar and distinctively sixteenth - century combination of overheated and ever - escalating polemics, cold - blooded Realpolitik, and fervid apocalyptic dreaming.
Embodying Forgiveness: A Theological Analysis By L. Gregory Jones Eerdmans, 312 pages, $ 28 Jones teaches at Loyola College in Maryland, and here offers a bracing polemic against and constructive alternative to «the therapeutic society,» as Philip Rieff famously called it.
But this polemic against the misuse of wealth is balanced by praise of the just rich man.
Guilt by association has been a frequently invoked form of polemics — and an effective one, since the ecology movement has been a bizarre congeries of political reactionaries, romantic conservationists, political cop - outs, solitary poets, anarchic life - stylers, as well as genuine political radicals, serious - minded reformers, and level - headed natural scientists.
That this fear of being subsumed by Christianity lingers among Jews today is not surprising given that until recently «dialogue» with Christians, the wielders of cultural and political power, usually involved more polemic and proselytizing than understanding and cooperation.
Best known for his classic defense of liberty and polemic against statism, The Road to Serfdom, Friedrich Hayek was deservedly honored by the Nobel Prize as one of the most influential economic and social thinkers of the twentieth century.
The saying, therefore, belongs to the positive sayings about the Baptist and as such would have to be rejected, on Bultmann's grounds, as having a Sitz zm Leben in anti-Jewish polemic in the early Church, (As indeed it is by E. Jüngel, the only recent contributor to the discussion to deny the authenticity of the saying, who argues that Matthew has set John on the side of Jesus «aus antijüdischer Polemik» [Paulus und Jesus (Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr [Paul Siebeck], 1964), p. 191].
Appropriately, Eslick writes: «It is likely the polemic against substance was originally motivated by Whitehead's reaction against mechanistic materialism, in which substances are inert, vacuous pieces of matter or stuff» (SCCW 504).
These are pseudo-virtues, which you try to shame us into accepting, by directing a polemic against the Church, whose moral force is due simply to its use of certain radical chic cliches that we were all taught to grovel before back in the 1960s.
They know about the anti-Jewish polemics of certain church fathers; about the forced baptisms, especially of children; about the church council decree that sanctioned the removal of such children from their parents; about a papal edict encouraging raids on Jewish synagogues by the faithful; about the expulsion of all Jews from a country like Spain; about Luther's hate language directed against Jews when they did not convert according to his timetable; about the prohibition against Jews living in Calvin's Geneva; and about all the cruelties Christians have felt justified in perpetrating against the people they called «Christ - killers.»
Often he gives us a polemic against everlasting life for mortals, and the polemic sounds very much like Luther's argument for salvation by faith alone.
I was reminded by one student's paper of the Porchers» ambivalent relationship to Marx, which to some extent flows from their tendency, sometimes, to confuse Marx's polemics with actual fair - and - balanced description.
Judaism: Between Yesterday and Tomorrow by Hans Küng, translated by John Bowden Crossroad, 753 pages, $ 39.50 Readers of Catholic maverick Hans Küng's works have come to expect of him encyclopedic volumes displaying both prodigious scholarship and sharp polemic.
Those taken aback by such rhetoric must ask whether neo-orthodox Protestants, for example, write with the same polemics and hostility against liberals, Catholics, conservatives or secularists.
General principles can not, in my opinion, be laid down at this stage of the (still young) Jewish - Christian dialogue; but when polemic is undertaken in such dialogues, it must always be done in careful and clear awareness of the unpleasant uses to which such polemics have often been put by Christians in the past.
Writing the introduction to a collection of polemics titled Scientists Confront Creationism, Richard Lewontin attempted to explain why creationism is doomed by its very nature.
But these historical connections render decisions by Christians and Jews as to how best to interact with one another — and so also decisions as to the proper uses of polemic — extremely delicate.
A similar case can be made in situations where interreligious polemic is accompanied by large - scale political or economic imperialism, as may have been the case in India when Christian missionaries began polemically to engage Brahman intellectuals.
To generalize this point, we should say that a properly constituted interreligious polemic should deploy as methods of argument and proof only tools that are recognized as authoritative and demonstrative by both sides.
The real existence of the person — the being with individuality — was defended by St. Augustine in his polemic against the serious theologies of the Greeks and Romans — natural theology and civil theology.
For in a very real sense, the hatred for art that now assumes the guise of so «called avant «garde art is rooted in that same iconoclastic polemic that animates every syllable of Plato and Nietzsche, not to mention a host of other art critics (in the literal sense of that word) from Origen, St. Augustine, and Blaise Pascal to those Russian commissars of art who ruled on matters of taste by diktat and ukase.
First, the fact that they are only «attempts», and some of them not very helpful to the preacher, is a clear reminder that the use of Scripture by the Church in her evangelism, polemics, and instruction is a most difficult problem.
There are, in other words, moments of both «realism» and idealism» in experience, from which follows what we may call a «moderate» or «approximating» correspondence theory of truth, such as that proposed by Charles Hartshorne in reply to Richard Rorty's polemic against the «Mirror of Nature.»
But it does find contributions in that earlier period that have been obscured by the modern polemic against it.
These standard, and by now wearisomely clichéd, polemics recall nearly every hoary rhetorical trope of the Puritans.
Error is then not only outside the Truth, but polemic in its attitude toward it; which is expressed by saying that the learner has himself forfeited the condition, and is engaged in forfeiting it.
The prevalent rejection of an objectively authoritative Scripture is countered by irresponsible polemic; instead of finding a communist under every bed it charts an enemy list within every evangelical enterprise.
As a student at the University of California at Berkeley in the early 1980s, Brock was repelled by the dominant atmosphere of political correctness; the «fiery polemics» of Commentary magazine suited him better.
Since this period is marked by vicious polemics against the faith it is significant that the reaction of the Magisterium was not defensive, but encouraged the development of genuine scientific expertise while rejecting the preconceived opinions inimical to the faith.
Perhaps we should read this turn to more abstracted religious language as a fulfillment or completion of the modern and sociological turn in anti-Protestant polemic initiated by Balmes.
At times the conversation will be debate and polemic, but even conflict is creative for a theology that has been cured of defensiveness by the faith that infuses it.
The true testing ground for the implicate - order strategy, it seems to me, may indeed be biology rather than physics, where abstract methods are so powerful as to perhaps make it dispensable: just as the old style building - block materialist was refuted not by philosophical polemic, but by the one authority in which he trusted, i.e., by physics itself, so the nothing - but reductionist in contemporary biology will modify his views should it be possible some day to provide him with a mathematical language that fills the currently existing gap between our formal knowledge of gene structure and combinations, and our intuitive apprehension of growth and shape.
This is another instance in which the core convictions of Jews and Christians have been distorted by centuries of polemic.
In his polemic against Jewish neoconservatives in general and Irving Kristol in particular, for instance, Hertzberg cites the Talmudic principle, «When in doubt, and the leaders confuse you by divided counsel, go into the street and see what the people are doing.»
Jewish Polemics is a collection of essays written over the past ten years or so by the well - known American rabbi, professor, and communal leader Arthur Hertzberg.
Some of the hockey was splendid and surprising — the Los Angeles Kings rallied from a 3 - 1 series deficit before falling in Game 7 to the defending Stanley Cup champion Colorado Avalanche, and eighth - seeded Montreal dumped No. 1 seed Boston in six games — but exciting matches were overshadowed by general managers assailing the officiating in polemics that ranged from the artful (by the Vancouver Canucks» Brian Burke) to the profane (by the New York Islanders» Mike Milbury).
It's a vivid and persuasive social polemic, rooted in real children's lives, that brings the schools of urban America leaping off the page — and should be forced reading for Michael Gove and his merry band of free - schoolers, who, having filched the idea of charter and KIPP schools from the US, now need to look West again to see how fiddling with school structures can never, by itself, help pupils do better.
This month Ben Duckworth and Phil Hendren look at two right - wing polemics, both by writers for the same newspaper
The ideal Pettit claims characterises the republican tradition is that of freedom as non-domination, an understanding eclipsed by Bentham's Hobbes - inspired polemics against the rebellious North American colonists.
This month Ben Duckworth and Phil Hendren look at two right - wing polemics, both by writers for the...
Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr. devoted his latest «What You Should Know» polemic to the mini dust - up over Gov. Andrew Cuomo's first Court of Appeals nominee, CUNY Law Prof. Jenny Rivera, which the Bronx Democrat sees as an effort by the governor to further divide the already divided state Senate.
The example set by Philip Gould was finally copied by the Tories when Lord Ashcroft funded the work that underpinned his polemic pamphlet «Smell the coffee.»
Britain's Europe is a thought - provoking polemic which challenges what can loosely be described as «our Island Story» version of British history advocated, amongst others by Michael Gove.
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