Sentences with phrase «polemics here»

We do try to steer clear of polemics here on Slaw, which is likely a good thing.
Wilcox has not written a religious or political polemic here but rather a scrupulously even - handed report, basing his conclusions on his statistical analysis of three large - scale national surveys of U.S. adults» social attitudes conducted from the late 1980s through the»90s.
And, don't think I am being polemic here.

Not exact matches

Bottum opines that we should prepare ourselves for the next chapter in the culture wars, in which the left here will get into step with its European compatriots, espousing a militant skepticism toward science while maintaining their polemic against the religious right, but this time for its uncritical embrace of scientific progress.
Embodying Forgiveness: A Theological Analysis By L. Gregory Jones Eerdmans, 312 pages, $ 28 Jones teaches at Loyola College in Maryland, and here offers a bracing polemic against and constructive alternative to «the therapeutic society,» as Philip Rieff famously called it.
The ET is here somewhat misleading, as, unfortunately, is the case only too often, in that it omits the reference to anti-Jewish polemic [p. 164]-RRB-.
Whitehead's polemic against materialistic mechanism is too well known to require much elaboration here.
«Polemics,» as I use it here, does not denote or connote simple hostility, or opposition for its own sake — even though the term has come to mean something like this in ordinary English usage.
Why is Bill taking the polemic's road here??
There's a great opportunity here to launch into a polemic against government mandating employer - based health care.
Out here, without class society polemics, the Bigfoot Benz that willfully violates every norm finds admiration.
That every artist whose work is featured in «After 1968» was born in or after the titular year — a crucial one in the struggle it proposes to examine — suggests a project tempered by critical distance; no knee - jerk polemics or hazy nostalgia here.
Here the polemic begins «we need censorship» and concludes with the words, heavily underlined in Stark's painting, «to stomp out the grotesque subliminal mind control and hate speech of modern culture, media, news, politics, and art....
The figures showing a strong correlation between low cloudiness and GCRs was also the high - point of a television climate - denier polemic shown last night on Channel 4 here in the UK, entitled The Great Global Warming Swindle.
Here's Grist's Dave Roberts launching as harsh a polemic at a 2 - minute movie trailer as you're likely ever to read:
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