Sentences with phrase «polemics on»

I will chart Michelangelo's relationships with a new generation of intellectuals who participated in polemics on topics such as poetic imitation and the development of the Italian language.
I will resist the urge to enter into a polemic on whether AMERICAN CONSERVATIVES are really conservatives.
The Silencing: How the Left Is Killing Free Speech (Regnery) is the Fox News commentator's new book, a journalistic polemic on the many Americans on the cultural and political Left who have forsaken some of their most cherished values, including free speech.
Folk who like books that wear their polemic on their sleeve (or rather, dust jacket) will love this book.
This is not the time to launch into a polemic on rationalism — you are not there to make converts.
What ensues is a wildly humorous nightmare — a fantastically bizarre polemic on modern day morality.
Normally, every third blog entry of mine is a ranting polemic on how to make a living as an indie author.
If you're looking for a gung ho story of military heroism, or a polemic on the Iraqi War, Blood Brothers is not for you - this is not a political book (at least not overtly) and while there are heroes aplenty in its pages, Blood Brothers focuses on what happens to the soldiers who return from the front a fraction of their former selves, and how they, and their families, learn to live with horrific and life altering injuries long after the media, and most likely the military, has lost interest in them.
When Tom Wolfe called his polemic on modern art The Painted Word, he was thinking not of artists» books, but of post-1945 abstract expressionism and its enshrinement of theory and text.
It was getting dark by the time we reached Zuccotti Park, and we heard we'd just missed Michael Moore delivering a polemic on inequality.
A Spry Polemic on How to be Seriously Good at Court» (3rd edition, Sweet & Maxwell, 2015), written by a British barrister, Iain Morley Q.C..

Not exact matches

Wilcox has not written a religious or political polemic here but rather a scrupulously even - handed report, basing his conclusions on his statistical analysis of three large - scale national surveys of U.S. adults» social attitudes conducted from the late 1980s through the»90s.
So, what is my point?To read Paul's polemic, his rhetoric and generally his theology as an end in itself, rather than his attempt to bring others to an experience of the living God is to me, missing the point.It seems that much of the divisiveness between believers on this blog and a few others I visit is just that: I often read... Paul says this... hey, but Jesus says that... no, he wasn't saying that, he was saying this and so on and so on.Am I the only one bored with this «your Mother and my Mother were hanging out clothes» approach.I think we need a little more adverb, as in maybe....
If you read the book on which the film is based, you can see that the facts damn Irish clericalism well enough without the added polemics displayed in a made - up speech by a basically fictional bitterly anti-erotic nun.
$ 23 In a now familiar genre that combines heavy doses of self - pity with unbridled polemic against an allegedly homophobic society and church, Mel White, an evangelical Protestant who now works with a gay church in Dallas, capitalizes on his brush with fame as ghostwriter to the likes of Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson.
On the reading I propose, the Reformation schism was brought about instead by contingent human choices in a confused historical context defined less by clear and principled theological argument (though that of course was present) than by a peculiar and distinctively sixteenth - century combination of overheated and ever - escalating polemics, cold - blooded Realpolitik, and fervid apocalyptic dreaming.
These are among the items promoted for Holy Week: two polemics against white racism, an attack on the tobacco industry, three murder mysteries, one story about a serial murderer, a comedy about soap operas, a story on the sexual abuse of children, and a drama about vampire families in San Francisco.
To a young academic such as I was, facing the corrosive impact of critical theory on higher education, Newman's ecclesiastical polemic against the «suicidal excesses» of unfettered human thought retained a powerful relevance.
The saying, therefore, belongs to the positive sayings about the Baptist and as such would have to be rejected, on Bultmann's grounds, as having a Sitz zm Leben in anti-Jewish polemic in the early Church, (As indeed it is by E. Jüngel, the only recent contributor to the discussion to deny the authenticity of the saying, who argues that Matthew has set John on the side of Jesus «aus antijüdischer Polemik» [Paulus und Jesus (Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr [Paul Siebeck], 1964), p. 191].
Further, the Qur» anic insistence on the transcendence of God and «polemics» against Christian idea of the coming together of God and creature in a sort of ontological relations was simply beyond the known categories of thought during Muhammad's time, for the Greek thought had not yet impregnated Islam.
They know about the anti-Jewish polemics of certain church fathers; about the forced baptisms, especially of children; about the church council decree that sanctioned the removal of such children from their parents; about a papal edict encouraging raids on Jewish synagogues by the faithful; about the expulsion of all Jews from a country like Spain; about Luther's hate language directed against Jews when they did not convert according to his timetable; about the prohibition against Jews living in Calvin's Geneva; and about all the cruelties Christians have felt justified in perpetrating against the people they called «Christ - killers.»
The result: A new historical perspective on the meaning of Paul's polemic against the Judaizers which occupies so much of his recorded correspondence.»
This book is part polemic, part history, part commentary on the trials and triumphs, with particular emphasis on the last five years (1993 - 1998).
«4 His apologetic was a twofold polemic, on the one hand against the secular and pagan world and on the other hand against the household of faith, the church.
We know that John of Damascus the great doctor of the Greek Church, was a Vizier (Minister) under the Umayyads, and that he and his pupil Theodorus Abucara wrote polemic treatises on Islam summarizing discussions between Christians and Muslims.
Secondly, my understanding of interreligious polemics is not predicated, as some traditional understandings have been, on an assumption of unrevisability and indefeasibility.
Pelikan doesn't quite agree — he cites the Apostles» Creed, for instance, as having emerged from baptismal confessions without a primary focus on any particular heresy — but he does readily concede that polemics against heresies are an important reason for the emergence of confessional statements.
For in a very real sense, the hatred for art that now assumes the guise of so «called avant «garde art is rooted in that same iconoclastic polemic that animates every syllable of Plato and Nietzsche, not to mention a host of other art critics (in the literal sense of that word) from Origen, St. Augustine, and Blaise Pascal to those Russian commissars of art who ruled on matters of taste by diktat and ukase.
It struck me most forcefully when I saw one well - known polemic pastor bear false witness against some friends of mine, be confronted on it, admit he was wrong, and then not publicly address, retract, or apologize for what he said.
Lipstadt's polemic against relativism and deconstruction is on an entirely different level - not about the specific truth of this or that situation but about whether there are ascertainable facts or truths at all.
Lukacs» assault on Arendt fits into NOR's running editorial polemic against anti-Communists, cold warriors, neoconservatives, and a shady group known as «the New York intellectuals.»
American missionary Jay Smith, who has worked among Muslims in the UK for over 30 years (head to Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park on a Sunday afternoon and you'll probably find him) says many of the Muslim societies in UK universities send their keenest off to spend a week, usually in a local mosque, learning how to engage in polemic with Christians.
For polemic purposes, the two theories are thus exactly on a par.
Take the attack, in his polemic against John Paul II, The Pope in Winter, on that pontiff's beatification of Pius IX.
I've long had the sense that Msgr. Ellis's article was retrospectively misinterpreted as a relentless polemic against Catholic colleges and universities mired in the tar - pits of Neo-Scholasticism and intellectually anorexic as a result; on the contrary, it's possible to read Ellis as calling for Catholic institutions of higher learning to play to their putative strengths — the liberal arts, including most especially philosophy and theology — rather than aping the emerging American multiversity, of which the University of California at Berkeley was then considered the paradigm.
Which is why it is important that the discussion that Steve Chalke has initiated about the Bible should continue and not just resort into the kind of polemic one sadly sees all too often on message boards and comments columns.
As well as polemics Luther was writing his pastoral theology, his Fourteen Consolations for the very ill Elector, and a text on The Blessed Sacrament of the Holy and True Body of Christ, compared in its nature as a fellowship event with the degenerate «religious» fellowship of the craft brotherhoods.
Obviously, Paul was a force to be reckoned with, but as David suggested, his use of polemics, not to mention the recently (40 yrs) discovered art of ancient rhetoric help us to place his words in the category of particular and avoid the generalities of «one size fits all» This is important stuff to consider when trying to make sense of an apostle that wished castration on some, while preaching a gospel of love to all the world.
On the other hand, Luther was quite unable to understand the authenticity of the quiet though often acid scholar dedicated to a policy of neutrality, of attempting as far as possible to stand outside polarising polemic — Erasmus came eventually to wonder whether it might have been better not to have written In Praise of Folly, because it had led to just such polarisation.
Then, entirely on his own initiative, Wilt launched into a detailed and lengthy polemic, the essence of which was that his countrymen placed too much emphasis on winning and that, specifically, just reaching the NBA finals seemed to him to be the major achievement.
Natural parenting and attachment parenting practices, too, place undue pressures on mothers, and might be deliberately architected with the sexist aim of controlling women's bodies and keeping them tied to the home, says Amy Tuteur in her provocative polemic, Push Back: Guilt in the Age of Natural Parenting.
Take Amy Brown's latest piece on The Conversation, Baby bottle propping isn't just dangerous — it's a sign of a broken society, a polemic against products that prop bottles: How on earth have we got to the point where bottle propping is the solution?
Take Amy Brown's latest piece on The Conversation, Baby bottle propping isn't just dangerous — it's a sign of a broken society, a polemic against products that prop bottles:
Entitled is a polemic with emphasis on the sub title «a critical history of the British Aristocracy».
This is curiously softball polemic, mysteriously directed to «those on the centre left» who unfortunately remain nameless.
In a new take on an old polemic, Ridley acts as mediator between biological and cultural determinists, arguing that genes and the environment play equally important roles in shaping human destiny.
I can't think of any supposedly factual programme on British TV that was less accurate than Durkin's polemic.
Jockeying for the top spot during my survey were a Europhobic diatribe from the New York Post, an almost mirror - image anti-American polemic from Britain's Guardian, and a opinion piece on gay marriage and heterosexual divorce from the National Review.
You do seem not quite up to date with current thinking on abrupt climate changes (now I'm referring to your polemic question «Were all of these triggered by Lake Agassiz dam bursts?»
«The Post» works on many levels, from polemic and thinly veiled cautionary tale to fun period piece and rip - roaring newspaper yarn.
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