Sentences with phrase «police strike»

Coursing through some of the pivotal events of the time — including the Spanish Influenza pandemic — and culminating in the Boston Police Strike of 1919, The Given Day explores the crippling violence and irrepressible exuberance of a country at war with, and in the thrall of, itself.
James Callaghan threatened to resign as prime minister rather than give in to a possible police strike, official documents released today have shown.
One of the popular theories is that the attacks began in Isipingo, after a supermarket called Jeena's Warehouse decided to employ security guards to police striking employees.
There are shots of mounted police striking protesters in the face and Mulligan as Maud planting a bomb in a post box and fleeing before it explodes.
Story was about a family who had policemen in the family line and the Boston Police Strike took place during the book... murder too and some mysteries.
After recent police strikes, Brazil's traditional Carnival celebration was in jeopardy.
Japanese Police Strike Information - sharing Deal with Cypto - friendly Stores Japanese police have unveiled a wide - reaching information sharing network that they hope will help fight fraud at Tokyo stores that accept cryptocurrencies.
At the war's end, following the October Revolution, American authorities saw the threat of Communist revolution in the actions of organized labor, including such disparate cases as the Seattle General Strike and the Boston Police Strike and then in the bombing campaign directed by anarchist groups at political and business leaders.
I'm not saying all Tories were silent during the Ian Tomlinson death — but much of the commentary is reaction to the press account: which initially paid little attention to his death until the Guardian exposed that he died by a police strike.
During the Rekall procedure, Quaid — pointedly reading a ratty paperback of Ian Fleming's The Spy Who Loved Me — requests Bondian dreams; something goes wrong, a police strike - force breaks in, and Quaid discovers, in a scene stolen from The Bourne Identity, that he's already a super-spy.
Vocabulary words in the jumble include: Davis, Dawes, Grace, July, lawyer, Plymouth, police strike, radio, Republican, Senate, Silent Cal, Vermont, John, vice president, reelected, Immigration Act, Victoria, Northampton, councilman and thirtieth.
Vocabulary words in the jumble include: Amherst, governor, Grace, Harding, July, legislator, Massachusetts, Plymouth, police strike, Republican, Abigail, Ludlow, councilman, Cox, Roosevelt, Bryan, director, thirtieth, Rebecca and Prohibition.
If you think that a fictional account of the 1919 Boston Police strike wouldn't hold your interest, you'd be wrong.
The real characters of Massachusetts governor Calvin Coolidge, who used the police strike to launch his national political career, Babe Ruth and a young federal attorney named John E. Hoover, add to the realism of the novel.
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