Sentences with phrase «police using chemicals»

A standoff between police in riot gear and protesters hurling rocks and other objects took place after the inaugural ceremony, with police using chemicals and smoke before closing in to make arrests.

Not exact matches

Police and medical officials, though, said that exhaustion from overwork was probably to blame, while a United Nations labor agency pointed to the possibility that chemicals used to treat fabrics could be responsible.
Police said they tried to use negotiations tactics and chemical weapons to get the suspect to leave the building.
SCIENTIST This is unlikely as the process is strictly policed and chemicals are only used initially to open the well.
The US EPA and similar organizations around the world police the use of chemicals in the food supply.
... Ian Thomas Baldwin, who holds a PhD from Cornell, and now serves as researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena... [had] been accused of «title abuse» by the German police under a little - known Nazi - era law that specifies that only people who hold PhDs or medical degrees from German universities are permitted to be called «Dr.» [But] persons with a PhD from an accredited US institution can now use Dr. in Germany without jeopardy.
In DUI cases the chemical test, usually a blood test, is critical, because in cases of drugged driving the driver does not always exhibit common signs of impairment associated with alcohol intoxication, and the police can not collect proof of drug use through a breath test.
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