Sentences with phrase «policy decision making behind»

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While he conceded that there should be debate before decisions were made, he felt that once the administration had embarked on a policy, everyone should close ranks behind him.
The very big plus side was being right in the centre of decision - making on the future of UK biomedical science, and, on the international scene, the policy - making behind the EU's Framework Programmes.
Yet in her own backyard, Rhee is making policy decisions that are explicitly designed to make adults look good, even as many children are left behind.
On top of his own policies, Trump will also have to deal with education - related decisions made under President Barack Obama, including the implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act — the new federal law set to replace No Child Left Behind at the beginning of next school year.
«Constant new policy initiatives, the divisive threat of performance - related pay and the lack of evidence behind decision - making are leaving teachers and schools on unsteady, uncertain ground, which also adds to workloads.»
Florida Fine Cars stands behind every vehicle we sell and we offer a 5 - day, no questions asked exchange policy to help take the risk out of your decision making.
I earned my PhD in Environmental Studies and Chemistry from the University of Victoria where I was lucky enough to take a graduate course partially taught by Dr. Andrew Weaver (a man I respect and admire take that as you will) and spent many hours drinking coffee with his and other graduate students from the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences and took the opportunity to get educated about the science behind, limitations of, and theories supporting the models being used to make these critical policy decisions.
And perhaps (notwithstanding the IPCC's firmly closed deliberations doors, and obviously unbeknownst to the movers and shakers behind this report) this is why — according to Olav Kjørven, Assistant Secretary General and Director of the Bureau for Development Policy at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)-- «the era of making decisions about global issues behind closed doors with little citizen involvement was coming to an end.»
While contemporary scientists, policy makers and the public are generally aware that this formulation profoundly oversimplifies the situation, it remains the core message behind the efforts of many of those concerned with improving environmental decision - making, both locally and globally.
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