Sentences with phrase «policy discussions»

Policy discussions refer to conversations or talks that focus on discussing and forming rules or plans of action for certain issues or topics. It involves gathering different opinions and perspectives to make informed decisions on how to address problems or make improvements in a fair and efficient way. Full definition
Putting energy access at the center of policy discussions would be a smart first step.
It may be time for public policy discussion about the utility of an authority at all.
The report and its findings are helping to shape statewide policy discussions on teacher recruitment and retention.
As is often the case in education policy discussions, we have relied on anecdotes instead.
That would eventually become important for policy discussions, like whether to replace coal in power plants with natural gas.
What is the value of bringing teachers into policy discussions?
For the first time in years, the prime minister was no longer on the front foot in the climate policy discussion.
Our latest policy discussion paper again encourages members to reflect on more issues of particular relevance to younger voters — this time, the environment.
When the wave of education reform starts at the national level, the national policy discussion often takes place at the macro level.
For those few who have been involved in energy policy discussions for decades, the resurgence of such arguments is incredible, since similar claims made 50 years ago proved to be totally inaccurate.
It was, they said, impossible to get a serious policy discussion going in the press.
Education policy discussions often assume that public school teachers are poorly paid.
As a result, they participate in public policy discussions related to poverty all the time.
A similar tension is currently evident in some of the international policy discussions.
But, something left out of many policy discussions is the necessity of aligning the evaluation of principals with that of teachers.
In this way we could provide baked - in government fact checking and real time analytics on policy discussions as they happen.
This is our opportunity to contribute, to influence policy discussion in our communities and all the way to Number 10 - to help to define a Conservative vision for our country.
We'd love to hear from you — and your idea could inspire a future policy discussion on this website!
She says she'd rather engage in good public policy discussions rather than attack someone who doesn't agree with her political positions.
[1] It is difficult to enter into any school policy discussion that does not touch on the issue of teacher quality.
They are meant to facilitate policy discussions and to assist policymakers in their decisions.
To explain, this is a fairly structured affair, with the mechanics of the business policy discussion determined months in advance.
We need a digital revolution in our party that makes it easier for members to initiate policy discussions and share ideas.
As a member you may be invited to attend local and regional policy discussions throughout the year.
PAC members actively reach out to engage families in district policy discussions and to represent parent concerns to district leaders.
Many teacher - voice groups are working under the assumption that involvement in policy discussions also affords teachers leadership opportunities not yet seen in our current education system.
These certainly are valid issues that help form the basis for a worthwhile policy discussion.
It should be mentioned that the media have in principle a major role in policy discussion processes.
While its recently revised standard does not specifically address the decision to extract, it does encourage more substantial policy discussions at all stages of the value chain.
But if that is a reason not to discuss the latest science and its implications, we might as well just fold the site up or turn it over to purely policy discussions.
The first challenge, asked groups to develop ways to use social media tools to engage with policy discussions before they become enacted into law.
The role of principals in fostering student learning is an important facet of education policy discussions.
While that study was by no means definitive, those numbers have already fed into policy discussions and investment decisions on biofuels.
Conventional wisdom about American energy scarcity has dominated public policy discussions for over four decades.
The findings can inform local and state policy discussions on improving education outcomes for Spanish - speaking students and suggest areas for future research.
It provides a platform for policy discussion, and for the voices of those men and women on the front lines of climate change to be heard.
I agree that it's more likely to have the flavor of a public policy discussion rather than a drafting discussion.
Specifically, engaging in policy discussion is put at the top of the hierarchy of legitimate engagement, while cheering at a gig is relegated to the bottom.
«While there is no perfect performance funding model, our study can help inform policy discussions about the ways in which Texas» model for community colleges could be improved,» McKinney said.
Education policy makers at all levels of government will rely on this book to inform policy discussions about NCLB and state accountability systems.
Labour says Matt Hancock should recuse himself from policy discussions about Evening Standard after his former boss was appointed editor
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