Sentences with phrase «policy flexibility within»

But there is a great deal of policy flexibility within that economic conservatism to address the concerns of people who are at (or below) the earnings median.

Not exact matches

In a letter to Dr Patricia Rice, the chair of the STRB, Greening said the body should consider how pay awards for teachers should «utilise the flexibility within the government's pay policy».
«It's particularly nonsensical when the recommendation won't cost the government a penny - the review body make clear this flexibility is affordable within existing pay restraint policies
Alabama can still leave districts flexibility in determining layoff policies, but it should do so within a framework that ensures that classroom performance is considered.
Idaho can still leave districts flexibility in determining layoff policies, but it should do so within a framework that ensures that classroom performance is considered.
Within this guidance, ESEA Flexibility still contained room for states to innovate and make choices suited to state context and policy preferences.
Within this context, we also sought to provide flexibility for SBEs to establish their own policies for premium payment deadlines.
Variable universal life is offered directly from a registered representative, and offers both flexibility and the potential to accelerate growth of cash within the policy by a portion of the premiums going towards the stock market.
However, with a universal life insurance policy, you have the flexibility to adjust the death benefit (within the plan limits) up or down - without having to buy a separate policy.
Universal life insurance provides flexibility in your premium payments, flexibility in the use of any cash value within the policy, and ultimately, flexibility in the death benefit.
A universal life insurance policy provides more flexibility than whole life in that both its death benefit and its premium may be changed (within certain guidelines) to meet the policy holder's changing needs over time.
It can also provide flexibility concerning when the policy holder pays the premium (within certain guidelines).
Universal life insurance offers policy holders a great deal of flexibility in that they can choose — within certain parameters — when they make their premium payment, as well as how much of that payment is allocated to the death benefit and how much of it is allocated to the cash value component.
Here, policy holders have the flexibility of changing the timing and placement of where the premium dollars go (within certain guidelines) to accommodate their changing needs in life.
The flexibility comes in that the policyholder is allowed to change — within certain guidelines — the death benefit, as well as the timing and the amount of the policy's premium payment.
Universal life offers both permanent protection and flexibility in that the policyholder can — within certain guidelines — alter the premium due date, and can also decide how much of his or her premium dollars go toward the death benefit or the policy's cash value.
These policies offer more flexibility than whole life insurance because the policy holder may allocate — within certain guidelines — how much of the premium goes towards the death benefit and how much goes toward the cash value.
Term conversion rider — A rider that gives you the flexibility to convert your term life insurance policy into a permanent policy within a certain amount of time without undergoing another medical exam.
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