Sentences with phrase «policy input»

The website will produce insurance companies offering the specific policy inputted in the search field.
Third, the Taylor Rule — and more broadly, any prescriptive rule for the systematic quantitative adjustment of the policy rate to changes in intermediate policy inputs such as real GDP or inflation — is incomplete because it does not fully account for factors that are crucial to how monetary policy impulses are transmitted to the real economy.
Output gap: We have discussed at length the most appropriate measure of the Japanese output gap (for policymaking purposes) and posit that this measure is likely the most appropriate to consider as a monetary policy input.
The Unite general secretary said he hoped to support Miliband's reforms because they offered the possibility of «enhanced policy input» for unions.
The main policy input on the Lib Dem side was coming from Nick Clegg's adviser, Richard Reeves.
She said that the meeting was to offer all stakeholders — the Executive, Judiciary and Legislature — the opportunity to individually and corporately make policy inputs toward curbing the incidences of such violence.
Business and Industry Day demonstrates private sector commitment to the implementation of the Paris Agreement, showcasing private sector leadership and action and providing constructive policy input from business to the UNFCCC process.
Manchester, UK About Blog BiPhoria is the UK's longest - running bisexual community project, building social / support space, doing research, giving policy input and arranging speakers on bi issues for events.
Research carried out by the OECD on competition policy — for example, on the economic evaluation of regulatory approaches (important for competition advocacy), digital platforms, and public tenders — has been injected as «policy inputs» to discrete ICN initiatives.
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