Sentences with phrase «policy level discussions»

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Other countries have argued that discussions and decisions on this issue should be tackled at a global level and with the help of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, a group that advises its 35 members on tax policy.
Given these positive surprises, and because monetary policy must be forward - looking to achieve our inflation target, Governing Council's discussions focused on three main issues: first, the extent to which recent strength is signalling stronger economic momentum in Canada and globally; second, how heightened levels of uncertainty, particularly about US tax and trade policies, should be incorporated in our outlook; and third, how much excess capacity the economy currently has, and the growth rate of potential output going forward.
A separate discussion paper published by central bank staffers in October 2017 concluded that even under an alternative scenario in which the potential level of growth was ultimately 1 per cent higher than forecast by 2020, the effects on inflation would be «small» and «therefore does not affect the stance of monetary policy
In light of this, it is not enough for government bodies and policies to be more accepting of Chinese capital and immigration; a discussion needs to be had at the public level between local communities and newly - immigrated Chinese - Canadians as well in order to facilitate the acceptance and integration of new - comers into our diverse Canadian culture.
The quantitative approach used here, which provides a data - driven picture of the provincial - level impacts of trade agreements, can help illuminate the proactive policy steps that need to be taken to reassure regions and sectors as Canada proceeds in trade discussions with other partners, including in the Asia Pacific.
In addition, attendees joined small group discussions about effective and successful policies and practices at the school, district, and state level pertaining to three groups of activities that catalyze efforts to meet and exceed Smart Snacks requirements:
He chose to give up private practice to work for breastfeeding policy, has been able to bring «breastfeeding» issues to forefront of discussions both at national level and international level.
We've seen this sort of criticism of policy and political decisions coming from pundits and bloggers for years, but now a large enough group of online political professionals is writing in public that the degree and level of discussion of online strategy is astonishing this far in advance of anything resembling an election.
Stewart - Cousins's trip will include discussions on mostly state - level issues, including a series of briefings, policy discussions and work sessions on issues that overlap with the Obama administration's broader agenda — including hot - button issues in New York, such as raising the minimum wage and paid family leave, as well as gun control.
«It would certainly be viewed favorably by immigrants» rights advocates and be seen by other policy makers as another level of discussion about the whole business of the role of immigrants in the United States.»
While policy - level discussions about the regulations of genome - edited organisms are slowly taking place around the world, according to Dr. Ishii, his study will serve as a basis for the conversation with regulatory agencies in the world as well as the Japanese Ministry of the Environment.
Instead, the goal is to create forum for «high - level discussions» of more general policy issues.
Held primarily in Oslo, the week includes lectures by the laureates on their groundbreaking discoveries, a special banquet held in honor of the laureates, science symposia on the three prize fields, and the Kavli Prize Science Forum, a biennial international forum meeting to facilitate high - level, global discussion of major topics on science and science policy.
The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, in partnership with The Kavli Foundation and the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, has announced the establishment of the Kavli Prize Science Forum — a new biennial international forum meeting to facilitate high - level, global discussion of major topics on science and science policy.
Attended by His Majesty King Harald V of Norway, the week also included the Kavli Prize Science Forum, a new biennial international forum meeting to facilitate high - level, global discussion of major topics on science and science policy, and the Kavli Prize Symposia.
In view of the increasing activity and attention to the role of science in foreign policy at the highest political levels, we believe the time is right to catalyze greater thought and discussion about issues at the interface of science and diplomacy.
About Blog The purpose of The Global Commission on Drug Policy is to bring to the international level an informed, science - based discussion about human and effective ways to reduce the harm caused by drugs to people and societies.
Based on the literature reviews, observations in the schools and meetings with the departments at the Ministry of Education, the team presented several key policy considerations to the Ministry: (1) utilize a website, the National Play Day, and the Jamaican Teaching Council as platforms from which educators can develop and share best game - based learning practices; (2) promote a culture of collaboration through the Quality Education Circles (local discussion groups for educators), and by allocating time for teachers to develop and share game - based learning strategies; (3) provide resource support for schools in the form of workshops and training; and (4) create a monitoring and evaluation plan to be conducted at the school level.
Certain ideas and themes came to the fore; the national discussion about education shifted, and policies at the local, state, and federal levels...
There are some really interesting discussions to be had, once we have the data, at a policy level.
Education policy makers at all levels of government will rely on this book to inform policy discussions about NCLB and state accountability systems.
The main topics covered were: 1) the respondent «s perceptions of the major state - level policy initiatives of importance over the last few years (allowing the respondent to determine the starting year / policy); 2) specific policy initiatives in two arenas: accountability and promoting school leadership; 3) a discussion of the policy initiators and actors, and their stakes and stands on major policy initiatives; and 4) their comments about the way in which groups and individuals work together or separately to exercise influence over educational policy.
When the wave of education reform starts at the national level, the national policy discussion often takes place at the macro level.
The discussion opened with a brief synopsis by Mr. Petrilli discussing the recent movement of policy making power and implementation from the federal to state level, as called for by the Every Student Succeeds Act.
The National Teacher of the Year program, run by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), identifies exceptional teachers nationwide, celebrates their effective work in and outside of the classroom, amplifies their voices and empowers them to take part in policy discussions at the state and national levels.
The National Teacher of the Year program, run by CCSSO, identifies exceptional teachers in the country, recognizes their effective work in the classroom, engages them in a year of professional learning, amplifies their voices, and empowers them to participate in policy discussions at the state and national levels.
The agenda, which was unveiled at ASCD's 2009 Annual Conference, is designed to help the Association, its members, and other educators influence policy discussions and decisions regarding federal education legislation as well as reforms at the state and local levels.
He led a discussion about the reform priorities and policies at the state level and the political and social context for the reforms.
The National Teacher of the Year program, run by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and presented by Voya Financial, Inc., identifies exceptional teachers in the country, recognizes their effective work in the classroom, engages them in a year of professional learning, amplifies their voices, and empowers them to participate in policy discussions at the state and national levels.
This is the final session in a series of seminars led by teachers working at the department to help educators participate in policy discussions at all levels.
This book is a great springboard for education policy discussions at the district, state, and national levels about the decisions that will impact students of today.»
A panel discussion focuses on ways in which library practitioners can advocate for family engagement opportunities on a policy level.
This forum will feature an hour Panel Discussion and Question & Answer session examining student - centered learning at the levels of practice (traditional K - 12 and Alternative Education) and policy.
We should honor them not only by thanking them, but also by including them at every level of policy discussion from the principal's office to the school board, to the halls of legislatures to the Oval Office, from the publishing houses to the governors» mansions.
Instead of parents «firing» a school or having to shop around for their children's education among wildly divergent charter «products,» PAA supports the kind of empowerment which involves parents authentically at the ground level and in district -, state -, and nationwide policy discussions about how to improve schools.
Rather than requiring parents to «trigger» a restrictive, damaging set of reforms or shop around among wildly divergent charter schools, PAA supports the kind of empowerment which involves parents authentically at the ground level and in district -, state -, and nationwide policy discussions about how to improve schools.
In part, the perception of increasing funder participation in policy discussions is due to the very public personas of founders of major foundations like Bill Gates and Eli Broad.7 And the advocacy efforts of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Broad Foundation have increased dramatically with a shift from local funding efforts to more direct support for national - level policy advocacy on issues such as the Common Core State Standards.8
Because of these two factors, in the absence of a dramatic change in the balance of federal, state, and local revenues for education, any policy discussion around improving funding equity must focus on the state and local levels.
Schneider's approach to climate policy, comes up during a discussion of the enduring uncertainty surrounding the most consequential aspects of global warming, particularly the near - term rate at which sea levels will rise as ice sheets melt and seawater warms.
It addressed, through presentations, subsequent question and answer sessions and a general discussion, the following issues: clarification of the nature and level of the targets communicated by developed country Parties; assumptions and conditions associated with the targets; commonalities and differences of approach in measuring the progress towards the targets; comparability of emission reduction efforts by developed country Parties, and options and ways to increase the level of ambition of the pledges; relevant policies and measures to support the targets, and experience with low - emission development strategies; and possible ways forward.
Abstract Recent estimates of the global carbon budget, or allowable cumulative CO2 emissions consistent with a given level of climate warming, have the potential to inform climate mitigation policy discussions aimed at maintaining global temperatures below 2 ° C.
The whistleblowing packager of the emails and files, based on their nuanced use of search terms, was sophisticated enough and sufficiently knowledgeable of the issues and backstory to know that policy - level climate talks are a runaway train where new facts can have no impact on the discussion.
However, much of the emphasis seems to be on transport (admittedly one of the largest culprits) and housing policy (with also a good chapter on micro-gen options and uptake patterns), and OPT won't be happy that there is no discussion of population levels as an issue.
Discussion focused on the consequences on electricity markets of international and national - level climate and energy policies, including COP21 and the Paris Agreement.
But when you get to the policy level, the discussion is all about cap and trade for industry and utilities and solar technologies and wind technologies — it's all supply side.
Although I have not always been a fan of Maude Barlow, she was a very good speaker and the talk was uniquely depressing and inspiring: depressing because of the real threats to fresh water supplies and the lack of discussion at federal, provincial and municipal levels of water policies that would support sustainable water management practices; inspiring because of the slow progress being made and small successes achieved in Canada and around the world.
There has been some discussion at policy levels in Ontario about imposing punitive cost consequences on family SRLs to discourage them from coming to court without a lawyer.
Mines Action Canada believes that Article 36 weapons reviews should be a topic of discussion at the international level to strengthen both policy and practice around the world.
Although Article 36 weapons reviews should be a topic of discussion at the international level to strengthen both policy and practice around the world, better weapons reviews will not solve the problems associated with autonomous weapons systems and should not distract the GGE from the core of its work.
While participants are keen to exchange information and views at the policy level, particularly in the free range discussions that take place in the second part of the Forum agenda, there is no mechanism that enables these views to be integrated into policy development or into policy implementation.
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