Sentences with phrase «policy position statements»

At a press conference on the steps of City Hall on August 15, Citizens Union released a policy position statement containing 18 recommendations for increasing public oversight of police conduct.

Not exact matches

But the AIA's public policies and position statements include commandments on civil rights and diversity that do not appear to be in alignment with the GOP's victorious president - elect.
«Larry Kudlow was offered, and accepted, the position of Assistant to the President for Economic Policy and Director of the National Economic Council,» Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House Press Secretary, said in a statement Wednesday.
For statements of overall policy positions and specifc policies adopted by the Party membership go to and click on the policy areas of greatest interest to you.
While no specific policies against crypto, digital, or virtual currencies were offered in the statement, the position taken by Fan and the PBoC is indicative of the currently strict policy of the Chinese government on decentralized forms of payment.
The fact that Romney didn't change his position is further reinforced by his last sentence («And --- and the --- and the president's statement of my policy is completely and totally wrong.»).
(The 5 - 4 decision affirmed Hastings's policy that all student groups open all leadership positions to all students, regardless of whether the students agree with the group's statement of faith.)
Chip argues forcefully that the bishops, in their policy statements, are too sanguine about the burdens of immigration on unskilled workers and government coffers, while Scaperlanda forcefully defends the bishops» position.
A growing Catholic sense of security and a desire to erase some of the barriers that separated Catholics from other Americans spurred the NCWC to issue policy statements and position papers directed to the nation as a whole.
Personally, I care not what you choose to do but in the case of Mr. Rubio and others in a position to make Science policy, his statements concern me greatly.
The NATA's position statement encourages proper lightning safety policies for coaches, athletic trainers, parents, administrators and others involved in athletic or recreational activities through implementation of an 8 - point plan:
Other: The State Board of Education adopted a position statement supporting local wellness policy adoption that lists pre-established rule and regulations regarding school health and wellness.
Guidance Materials: The State Board of Education adopted a position statement supporting local wellness policy adoption that refers to pre-established rule and regulations regarding school health and wellness.
Other: The State Board of Public Education adopted a position statement encouraging districts to adopt and implement local wellness policies.
The webinar will also address the legal implications of the position statements and how these statements can be used to drive policy, change and education.
The nation's leading child welfare, psychological and children's health organizations also have issued policy or position statements declaring that a parent's sexual orientation is irrelevant to his or her ability to raise a child.».
He has also contributed in editing of Journals, policy documents, position statements, training modules, conference reports etc. on breastfeeding, infant and young child feeding, newborn health, child survival, etc..
The recommendations described in this policy statement include supine positioning, use of a firm sleep surface, breastfeeding, room - sharing without bed - sharing, routine immunizations, consideration of using a pacifier, and avoidance of soft bedding, overheating, and exposure to tobacco smoke, alcohol, and illicit drugs.
«While my policy as leader is not to sign the many pledges that are presented to me, I want you to know my position on the three issues that you have raised with the members of the State Legislature: I support the concepts of applying generally accepted accounting principles to our state budget, requiring disclosure of lawmakers» non-government income and appointing an independent commission to redraw legislative district lines,» Sampson said in a statement released by NY Uprising.
Those debates have not been programmatic statements of policy positions, and certainly not recommendations for areas of policy as deeply complex and controversial as immigration.
annual conference would for the first time have the opportunity to debate and vote on alternative positions within policy statements
This is a joint statement by a number of members of Labour's national policy forum in 2014 The assertion keeps being made by journalists, MPs and Labour Party members that Labour's policy making process has in recent years cemented a pro-Trident position.
However, outside of that limited period, there is plenty of evidence of the ERG taking positions at odds with government policy: it has repeatedly made statements which conflict with the government's position, both since the EU referendum, and before it.
«It is difficult to see how a policy of allowing only religious speakers to contribute, with unquestioned statements and positions, some of which stray very closely to the line of political opinions, does not contravene the BBC's guidelines for impartiality.»
According to a statement from UC Berkeley at the time, their «investigation concluded with a finding that Professor Marcy violated campus sexual harassment policy,» but Marcy was not removed from his position.
We invite advocates of the responsible use of such tools to read the ASPB position statement, sign our petition, and make your voice heard to encourage the use of the best - available scientific information in setting GMO policy and evaluating individual agricultural products,» says Dinneny.
Additionally, IRDiRC also published articles on its Policies and Guidelines, A Global Approach to Rare Diseases Research and Orphan Products Development, International Cooperation to Enable the Diagnosis of All Rare Genetic Diseases, and the position statement of the Patient - Centered Outcome Measures Task Force, while contributed to some others, as on the importance of international collaboration for rare diseases research.
To the extent the speech laid out policy positions, or at least bright lines, it did so through a series of «I believe» statements and a device that differentiated between an active federal government and deference to states (i.e., making things «optional»).
In his new position — which he is scheduled to assume Sept. 1 — Mr. Withrow will oversee the council's effort to implement the recommendations of a policy statement...
The key bulwarks against this kind of mission creep are, first, a definitive, public statement from the President - elect on the administration's position on Uncle Sam's role in schools; and, second, absent that, education officials» deep familiarity with today's policy issues and ability to apply conservative principles to them.
These values reflect the beliefs embodied in the many previous positions of the Association, including our Mission Statement, Strategic Objectives, Statement of Ethics for School Administrators, Policy Statements and a number of specific position papers.
Reviewed 2013 Strategic Plan goals (Develop a committee structure that parallels AACTE and mobilized committees based on annually identified MACTE priorities; Developed and implemented an advocacy plan for educator preparation at the state level in matters of legislative policy, and regulatory matters related to initial and advanced educator preparation and licensure; Developed and disseminated position statements on issues of importance to educator preparation and licensure; Developed a statewide initiative showcasing excellence in educator preparation), established working committees and set priorities for 2014 - 15.
Each year, the Texas ASCD's Influence Committee monitors legislative and policy making meetings and develops a set of position statements designed to focus attention on critical issues for educators across the state.
The National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education responds to current early childhood issues through the creation of policy statements, position papers, and planning tools which are often cited in contemporary publications.
The National Association of Independent Schools, the largest association for nonreligiously affiliated private schools, does not take an official position on many policies, leaving statements on more controversial issues to its autonomous member schools.
I did (accurately) point out that, as reflected in its position statement «ASA is «concerned about the potential negative effects of such policies
Position Statements Position statements and resolutions representing the official policStatements Position statements and resolutions representing the official policstatements and resolutions representing the official policy of NASP.
NAECTE position statements are approved by the Governing Board to state the Association's position on practices and policies related to early childhood teacher education.
In a brief statement, Random House officials said that for now the company was «maintaining its current policy regarding digital library sales,» but added it is «actively reviewing» that position.
Among the «next steps» Holman proposed: «Continued work on USFWS position statement on feral and free - ranging cats, and zero tolerance on all federal lands, especially parks and refuges,» and «State policies that advocate trap and remove for all state lands.»
Learn more about our policy and research work, as well as our position statements on key animal welfare issues.
These policy and position statements have been approved by the Senior Leadership Team and when appropriate the Board of Directors.
NAIA draws a distinction between animal welfare and animal rights and presents these policy statements to make our position clear: we exist and operate to acknowledge the human - animal bond and to support the humane and responsible care and treatment of animals in the settings where they are kept, raised and responsibly used.
In February 2018, Michigan Pet Fund Alliance board of directors approved a position statement opposing any proposed legislation, law, policy or protocol that would discriminate against a dog or cat based upon its appearance, perceived breed or history.
The AVMA was encouraged by the Delta Society and the Council on Public Health and Regulatory Veterinary Medicine to make a policy statement concerning the public health risk of feeding pets raw food diets adapted from the Delta Society's own position on the matter that forbids members to feed raw food to their dogs.
In our position statement on the responsibilities of shelters (Responsibilities of Animal Shelters), we make clear that shelter policies should treat potential adopters respectfully and should never discriminate against them based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or identification or financial circumstances.
Considering these issues and shared interests, we outline here a set of goals and policy statements, for both public and private animal shelters, which represent positions that the ASPCA affirmatively supports.
Many of the issues we address are complex and changeable; therefore we anticipate modifications to existing policy and position statements.
Responding to the Belgian commission's latest statement, UK gaming lawyer Jas Purewal noted the country still had «no considered policy position, no stated strategy» and that «gambling authorities move slowly on the whole».
«In light of my position and due to the confusion surrounding your role with the state, I am directing you to offer any future statements on this or other public policy matters only on behalf of yourself or the University of Delaware, and not as state climatologist» (Jeff Montgomery, Wilmington [Del.] News Journal, Feb. 22).
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