Sentences with phrase «policy risk»

Individuals, those are age 8 years or above at the time of policy the risk period begins right from the date of issuance of Policy.
Investors pricing in both a «policy risk premium» and a «complexity risk premium» are adding to volatility in markets.
But fatigue, in the form of rising policy risks and extended valuations, will drive greater volatility, including a higher likelihood of a short - term market correction this year.
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Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings CEO Frank Del Rio, speaks to CNBC's Susan Li about the strong demand in the industry, and his outlook amid potential policy risks.
Trade policy risks also add to the inflationary pressure in commodities.
Actually there are other kinds of foreign policy risks they may be managing, and that they are given strategic powers to deal with — economic risk, threats to our national economy which in practise may mean something more akin to industrial espionage, as certainly seems to be the case in the USA.
The UK's Special Representative for Climate Change, Sir David King, warns us that with current climate policies we risk simultaneous collapses of basic crop production in the major breadbaskets of the Northern Hemisphere.
On the question of policy risks amid a weekend that saw Capitol Hill promote a tax plan with many surprising and potentially damaging proposals, Severino was clear: «I think there's pretty good evidence that tax cuts don't pay for themselves.»
Others thought my suggestion that the House Finance Committee pay closer attention to monetary policy risked the central bank's independence.
Hunt: There's no question that we have real policy risk.
Again, stocks are not outright cheap, especially with liquidity and credit conditions likely having peaked for now and policy risks higher along several fronts (Fed, regulation, trade).
At the same time, a looming tightening of U.S. fiscal policy risks tossing the economy back into recession.
A number of crosscurrents catalyzed the spike in volatility amid an accumulation of US policy risks, including a sustained commitment to monetary tightening by the Federal Reserve (Fed), an aggressive trade posture by the US, and regulatory concerns around large technology companies.
But if one sticks to that which has grafted onto our constitutional arrangements by successive acts of executive policy we risk ending up with something that was never intended to be a constitution at all.
He also warned that the government's policies risked fuelling another boom and bust.
Instead, as Diane Abbott MP argues, pursuing UKIP policies risks both political and electoral disaster.
«It is our view that current British government policy risks putting civilians at increased risk both in the UK and abroad,» it says.
Writing in the Sun on Sunday today, Mr Dugher warned that Mr Corbyn's policies risked leaving Labour out of power «for donkey's years».
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«Despite the shift in U.S. policy at the federal level, projects in the U.S. will face varying degrees of carbon policy risk at the state level,» the authors of the report say.
But beyond physical risks, consider policy risks like cap and trade or a climate tax, and energy or fuel efficiency regulations, market risks such as shifting customer preferences and behaviors, and technology risks like misplaced investments or transition costs in energy sourcing or generation.
So beyond the next few years, GTM Research sees community solar's policy risk countered by geographic diversification, as new triple - digit - megawatt programs emerge, most notably in Illinois and Oregon.
But the Liberal government's first grudging step toward a rational drug policy risks falling flat.
Insofar as section 15 (2) of the policy permits disclosures that might be permitted under American ethics rules but are not permitted under Canadian ethics rules, the proposed policy risks conflict with the existing law governing lawyers in our country and could create a messy situation for lawyers trying to determine how to conduct themselves in accordance with the law.
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They do it all» to protect drug companies from potential policy risks, said Sheila Krumholz, executive director of the Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks political financing.
When planning for the future, it's worth considering the following possible public policy risks that could affect your clients» ability to save for retirement and the money they have available to spend in retirement: Will income tax rates rise with current government deficit spending?
The defence committee's report on Russia, triggered by concerns from some commentators that its increasingly confrontational foreign policy risks a new cold war, makes clear London should maintain its robust approach to Moscow.
In other words, climate policy risks may be brought down to modest levels compared with other risks if policy is set over a sufficiently long timescale into the future.
Kostin said that these correlations are «mean - reverting» and are likely to fall given the idiosyncratic impact of policy risks, adding that equities within the consumer discretionary and health care sectors offer the best stock - picking opportunities.
But continuing the policy risks inflation
Critics claim the policy risks drivers» safety, as it potentially impedes emergency services» access to the motorway.
«The government was warned its policies risked increasing homelessness and rough sleeping but these warnings fell on deaf ears.
«This policy risks depleting the stock of social housing further and therefore increasing the housing benefit bill in the longer term,» the report warned.
The businesses argue that the policy risks a major setback due to the low levels of education from the implementers.
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There's also policy risk — especially in the UK, where politicians love to suggest price caps and some even threaten renationalisation.
Tax and policy risk, the odds that governmental and economic forces will have an impact on your retirement planning.
Smith said that «the proposal to create a carbon cartel advanced by the Climate Action Partnership is one of those policy risks, a serious one I believe.»
Mariam, Yohannes and Galaty, John and Coffin, Garth (1993): The Contribution of Non-Physical Resources and Strategic Household Decision - making to Environmental and Policy Risks.
Actuarial Actuarial tables are used in evaluating the policy risks for any number of types of policies, but they are most often used in the life insurance business.
As noted a moment ago, a registered representative is required to make the sale of this type because of its investment and policy risks.
This is generally when your insurance company will reevaluate your policy risk so you may see your rate increase, decrease, or stay the same.
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