Sentences with phrase «policy speech»

Consider a series of policy speeches / public forums during trips abroad to make our case directly to the developing world.
, has delivered what might be seen as the first education policy speech of the 2004 presidential campaign.
And as he prepares for the first big policy speech of his second term, voters want to see him focus on education and jobs.
Johnson used a major foreign policy speech in London to praise friends and allies who surprised Moscow with their strong support for the UK.
President Obama said the new EPA rules were in line with his mandate to address the climate change problem by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, noted in his State of the Union speech — and in a major policy speech in June.
Romney is to make the proposal on Monday in what his campaign team has billed as a major foreign policy speech in Lexington, Virginia.
Most recently, Barack Obama delivered an economic policy speech at Cooper Union's Great Hall on April 22, 2010.
Ahead of a major foreign policy speech at Chatham House thinktank in London on 24 April, the tension in the team over how to respond to the SNP issue came to a head.
As she has on other issues — most notably in a major foreign policy speech last week — Clinton will highlight Trump's own words as evidence.
It was reported previously that Sessions met in secret with Russia's ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak, at that hotel when President Donald Trump gave a foreign - policy speech during the campaign.
And after Rick Perry's first policy speech as Energy Secretary we now know which energy stocks will keep on going in today's new reality - fracking, mining and exporting fossil fuels overseas.
Mayor Bill de Blasio unveiled his administration's long - awaited plan to improve 94 of the city's lowest - performing schools in a major policy speech on Monday that laid out a series of benchmarks the schools must meet in the next three years or face closure.
«75 % of our rules and regulations are bad for us,» Trump declared during his energy policy speech in May, but he has also espoused the importance of» beautiful, clean air.»
In a tax policy speech Wednesday in Missouri, Trump singled out Kelly's work to decrease the number of illegal border crossings when he was secretary of homeland security.
For instance, in a major policy speech before the Constituent Assembly in Karachi on August 11, 1947, just three days before Pakistan's inception, he stated, «You are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place or worship in this state of Pakistan.
Obama lacks substance, apparently, despite the dry policy speeches he's happy to give, and the Obamagirl video fits into the world - view of that part of the political commentariat that doesn't want to take him seriously.
The planned Oct. 1 address at a morning breakfast of the Association for a Better New York, now being drafted with the help of several economic experts, including investment banker and CNBC analyst Larry Kudlow, is being compared by Astorino's strategists to the turning - point policy speech delivered by then - freshman state Sen. George Pataki to the Citizens Budget Commission just weeks before he defeated Gov. Mario Cuomo in 1994.
«If Anthony wants to be mayor, I guess I would suggest getting rid of his phone and closing down his tweeting account,» Mr. Liu said after an unrelated policy speech in Manhattan.
Incoming Nassau County Executive Laura Curran gave what amounted to her first post-election policy speech at a crowded smart - growth summit luncheon Friday.
September 2016 — Theresa May uses her first domestic policy speech as Prime Minister to announce proposals to drop the 50 % cap.
In his first major policy speech since being elected, De Blasio, who takes office Jan. 1, largely avoided new policy proposals, instead sticking to his campaign promises of delivering universal pre-kindergarten and free after - school programs to middle schoolers.
Secretary Duncan will give two more major policy speeches leading up to the request for proposals.
But the idea foundered, and it wasn't mentioned in a major Obama climate policy speech from last summer.
On Saturday, two days before Clinton's big economic policy speech, the 1.6 million - member American Federation of Teachers announced the first big union endorsement in the 2016 cycle when it came out for the Democratic front - runner.
Trump's celebratory remarks following his wins on Super Tuesday earlier this month provide the perfect template for a beginning Trump education policy speech.
In a major policy speech on Monday, Mr Twigg has taken a significant step towards setting out the opposition's schools policy.
Behind police barricades were thousands of observers, some carrying signs criticizing President Barack Obama's policy speech last month on the Israeli - Palestinian conflict.
Republican front - runner Donald Trump delivered a foreign policy speech in which he vowed to put American security «above all else» if elected and warned allies they would be left to defend themselves if they don't «pay their fair share.»
Sir Menzies» address was the first in a series of policy speeches in which he will outline his vision for the party.
NEW YORK CITY — Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton said Eric Garner was «choked to death» by police during her first major policy speech at Columbia University where she called for a dramatic shift in the way the nation's criminal justice system treats black men.
(CNN)- Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum will deliver a foreign policy speech in South Carolina next week, his latest effort at burnishing his profile ahead of a potential White House bid in 2012.
Clinton referenced Garner in her first major policy speech which focused on criminal justice reform.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump waves after delivering an economic policy speech to the Detroit Economic Club, Monday, Aug. 8, 2016, in Detroit.
This was when then candidate Trump was delivering a major foreign policy speech.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump delivers an economic policy speech to the Detroit Economic Club, Monday, Aug. 8, 2016, in Detroit.
Then, Fortune's Ben Geier pokes holes in Donald Trump's economic policy speech and advises the presidential hopeful to hire a fact - checker.
It emerged again Wednesday in Washington during what was billed as a major foreign policy speech.
Some North Korea watchers here say that an important point out of Kim «s policy speech was that the priority in Pyongyang would shift from nuclear deterrent to economic development.
Over the weekend, we heard some encouraging comments out of North Korea when a leader of Kim Jong - un said in a policy speech that North Korea no longer needed to test long - range missiles or atomic bombs and would close its nuclear site.
In her July and October 2017 policy speeches, Fed Governor Brainard noted long - maturity Treasuries and long - term European sovereign bonds are «close substitutes,» and foreign central bank policies have held down term premia globally:
A Rubio aide was caught saying that low - skill American workers can't cut it in the job market, and Rubio's latest high - profile foreign policy speech has been panned for its vacuousness.
It was not a policy speech.
Ed Miliband will make his first and probably last foreign policy speech of the election today, laying out, among other matters, the failure of post-war planning in Libya, the subsequent collapse of the country and the ensuing tragedy of the migrant boats coming to the EU.
He seems to run his OWN social channels, for instance tweeting at Hillary directly during her foreign - policy speech last week (missives that she anticipated in her remarks).
Newly confirmed as US Secretary of State, John Kerry delivered his first policy speech last week, making the case for a renewed and proactive American diplomacy.
The caucus event comes on the same day that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton gave a major policy speech at Columbia University, where she called for an overhaul of the criminal justice system, and an end to what she says is «mass incarceration.»
(CNN)- Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley championed a series of progressive causes during a policy speech in Washington Thursday, touting his state's economic record as evidence that encouraging liberal social issues can lead to prosperity.
Dialogue with the Taliban is not the same as appeasement, David Miliband is set to argue in a major foreign policy speech in the United States.
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